"Take it as far as you can"I've been staring at this phrase for weeks, if not months, and since I get the impression we seem to have a number of Bashar fans on IQ these days, I thought I would ask you guy/gals what you think... This question is about Bashar's excitement-based time management approach as explained in: Here is my transcription of that video: . This posting has been edited by the moderators to remove material subject to a Copyright Claim by Bashar Communications. . . . I have been trying for a while now to develop a slick time/life management system that would be "excitement-driven" based on Bashar's principles. I've previously shared some thoughts in How can I become more disciplined and consistent in whatever I do? but I'm still trying to improve on the ideas there. The main stumbling block for me at the moment is...
What does the phrase "Take it as far as you can" really mean?
This is what I have been assuming it means - that would be an Abraham-based approach - but it has implications for how many times you have to reselect existing tasks from a list...you can spend a lot of time in thinking what the next task should be, especially with a long task list. But a few weeks ago, I had a thought that maybe Bashar actually means something else...I've been wondering instead if he actually means that since you chose that task while in an excited state, you now keep going and going with that task until you genuinely run out of things to do regarding it, even if you no longer feel like working on it. In other words, the initial "state of being" of excitement you were in when you chose it justifies continuing to work on it, no matter what, until you simply run out of viable things to do regarding it. That would certainly minimize task selection time but I'm not sure about the resistance aspect of it. So what do you think that Bashar's phrase "Take it as far as you can" really means? EDIT FOR CLARIFICATION Thanks for all the answers so far. I get what you are all saying about keeping going until the excitement runs out but at what point are you going to switch tasks? ...which I think is what my question is really driving at, even though I've probably expressed it badly. For example, let's say my greatest excitement is doing my taxes instead of going for a walk. At some point during doing my taxes, I'm pretty sure that my excitement level of doing them is going to dip below the excitement level of going for a walk. Unless I keep monitoring my excitement level and keep comparing it to the other tasks available, I'm not going to know when to make that switch. Now if I keep going until I definitely have no excitement left about doing my taxes before re-examining the task list then I may be going too far with it. Clearly commonsense, and the wish to avoid paralysis by analysis, dictates not to worry and just wait until the excitement runs out before resampling the existing task list. But I'm trying to systematize this idea and since continuous resampling of the task list is not a workable option, but waiting until the point of zero excitement may not be the shortest vibrational route either because there will exist more exciting tasks at some point, I guess I'm trying to figure out if there is any kind of switchover signal available. Probably the best I can think of at the moment is an intuitive urging to do something else more exciting instead. Another option might be to wait until your attention starts wandering regarding the task you are working on, and use that as a signal to let your wandering attention scan the task list for anything more exciting to do. Hope this clarifies what lies behind my question a bit more. Obviously, in asking the question and getting some answers, I've realized that the question I thought I was asking was not the question I actually asked :)
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I'll try to focus more on your edited version of the question and answer in the best way I can. I have been hearing this phrase from Bashar a lot recently and will try to share my thought process of it. Below is a quick diagram I did in paint to express what I think it means to "Take it as far as you can." Please excuse a few misspellings and the quick and simple coloring book concept I went with. To me it seemed a spiderweb would be the best way to express my idea. The web has many different blocks of webbing which go in all directions but are actually connected at the strongest point which is the middle. The Red Arrow - This is my concept of our zero point of awareness in the vortex, joy, happiness, excitement, etc. This is the point that holds all the things that we love to do in our lives. This is the point of who we are and the outer webbing is just an extension of other forms of excitement. The Green Arrow - Each triangular block of webbing is a different form of excitement. Since the vibration of pure excitement is similar in everything you love to do, Bashar is saying that we need to follow these blocks for as long as that exact zero point of joy is maintained until you hit the threshold of that joy frequency. The Orange Arrow - The orange arrow is the threshold of that high peak vibrating frequency. The end of the web is the same as the center of the web. Taking it as far as you can in my opinion means to take that exact same frequency, which is the same as the whole, and maintain it until you get to the threshold point of your current excitement. The Purple Arrow - This a the transfer example of taking it as far as you can. The idea is to maintain the frequency in the whole. Similar to the other various teachings of maintaining your vibration. Once you get to the point where you feel the joy, passion, and enthusiasm has dipped even a little bit, and you know there are other exciting things to do that maintains the high standard frequency, change to that next exciting thing. Let your joy flow to the next block and keep the consistency of your vibration. This doesn't mean that the previous block you were in isn't exciting or joyful, it just means that you can find something that doesn't dip out of your chronic threshold of feeling good. I believe when we follow our instincts and gut reaction of what is more exciting right now, we will always continue to fluctuate in the consistency of the web. Simple example - For instance, last night pre-season NFL football started for my favorite team. I have been a mega NFL fan since I was 12 years old. So even the thought of a game that doesn't really mean anything had me very excited. I like to follow all of the new players on the team and see how they perform no matter how boring it can get when backups are in most of the game. In about the third quarter I started to get very tired from not getting much sleep the night before. I was excited to be watching football but the feeling of taking even a short nap was more appealing in a particular moment. I didn't resist the urge to fall asleep even though a player I wanted to watch closely just got into the game. In that exact moment, my highest vibration of excitement was to rest my body after I took the excitement of the game as far as I could. Then I woke up about 30-40 minutes later and sleeping was no longer my highest joy in that moment. My highest joy went back to finishing the game and watching how the new players performed. Once the game was finished, my next exciting thing to do was read more of the book "Quest for the truth" by Bashar himself. I have also been reading through This book on PsiTek (by the way thanks for the recommendation Stingray) which I am enjoying very much as well, but in that moment, the Bashar book felt more in the frequency of the web above than the latter for me. So I realized that the Bashar book was my highest base frequency of excitement, and I ran with it over the other slightly less exciting option. I hope this makes sense for you Stingray and anyone else interested. I hope it helps a little. This is just my personal interpretation and isn't meant to be the end all do all final answer. As Bashar would most joyfully say.....SHARING! EDIT: Added more of my perspective. Bashar Take it as far as you can In the first video Bashar eventually mentions that we need to let it flow. We need to let our highest excitement flow through us. He also says, "act upon whatever you can act on next, and let the other take a rest." It's similar to what I am saying about not draining the first excitement until it pulls you down in vibration. Don't let it even take you there. Just let it take a rest and act on the numerous number of other things in the web at that moment. He also mentions that "you will always put on the brakes(by going out of the web) when you are attempting to force yourself in a direction that is not necessarily the path of least resistance." That last quote is similar to what I mentioned in the comments to Stingray. For me at least, a systematic approach is not ideal for this idea because it feels to me like forcing myself in another direction. I prefer to follow my gut, my instincts, and my intuition to take action in that moment and trusting that it really is my best possible highest excitement based on the feeling or vibration in that moment. But this is what works best for me. Everyone will probably use what works best for them. Bashar's quote about flow "Take a Que from what occurs naturally and follow that flow, and when you follow the flow of your energy, other things will start to flow back." I think this sums up my idea of the spiderweb diagram. When we follow our feelings of any excitement no matter if it is sweeping the floor or bungee jumping, we can then stay in the flow of the web continuously, other ideas that match the current excitement will start to flow back. Then there is no need to try to figure out what to do next. Take that current excitement as far as the threshold point, and then naturally allow the flow of the next excitement to come to you with no resistance. Bashar: Finding your Highest Excitement I watched this video last night after I posted this answer. For me it seemed to really have a lot of synchronicity to the explanation I gave in the first part of my answer about the web. The key is to understand (as Bashar mentions early in the video) that we can act on our excitement in every given moment on anything. Bashar says... "It's the excitement in the simple things, that tells you what simple things are actually connected to the bigger things that excite you." This is a good example of the purple arrows in my diagram. The simple things and the big things are all interconnected. Once you flow through the furthest you can with a simple thing, just allow yourself to easily flow in the other direction of the big thing or vice versa since its all the same web of joy anyway. 1
@Cory - Really interesting approach and quite different to what I've been doing up to now. If I understand you correctly, you are saying that as soon as you sense a dip in your excitement, that is the signal to task switch to ensure the excitement level stays high. So the most you would get is a slight dip in excitement...to the "threshold". So your excitement level graph would look something like this...
(10 Aug '12, 19:20)
@Cory - So whereas my current approach would allow the excitement level to drop significantly before considering task switching, your excitement level keeps high constantly with only tiny dips as shown above. So your interpretation of "Take it as far as you can" is "Take the excitement as far as you can" rather than "Take the task as far as you can". Would that be a fair summary?
(10 Aug '12, 19:24)
@Cory- Your answers are so good, I'd be nice if we could see you on IQ more often!
(10 Aug '12, 21:31)
@Stingray "Take the excitement as far as you can" rather than "Take the task as far as you can". Yes, I would say that is the point I'm trying to get across. I believe I feel this way because of how much Bashar repetitively mentions following your excitement, following your passion, following your joy. To me it is somewhat similar to process's of constantly staying in the now moment or focusing on your inner body. In my interpretation it is just another tool to vibrate at that high frequency..
(10 Aug '12, 23:16)
@Stingray or as we call it a lot here, "The Vortex." By continuing to fluctuate around the web in that consistent high frequency or vibration, we are never leveling off, or dipping down, allowing things to flow to us faster or more efficiently. Almost like comparing a well tuned and regularly maintained car engine, to one that is neglected from time to time and isn't in the best possible shape it potentially could be. Another example would to keep our car idling at the fixed proper and...
(10 Aug '12, 23:26)
@Stingray smooth RPM instead of having the idle fluctuate up and down a little more than it should. The car will still run with it fluctuating, but why not have it run at peak performance. Like I mentioned in my answer above, this is my current interpretation of how I understand the question you asked. The more I listen to Bashar, the better understanding I seem to have. A month from now it could be somewhat different.
(10 Aug '12, 23:35)
@Nikulas - That's very kind to say, Thank you. Sometimes I just like to take breaks from IQ and other online sites. I got inspired to come back and do some posting here recently which has been very exciting.
(10 Aug '12, 23:39)
@Cory - I'm actually pretty excited :) about the answer you've given here because it seems to make a lot of sense and now I'm wondering why I couldn't see it before :) How do you practically implement this peak-excitement switch-over? In the example you've given in the answer, it seems like as you feel your excitement level beginning to dip, the next exciting thing to do just pops into your mind. Have you any ideas for something more systematic applied to a To Do list that anyone could use?
(11 Aug '12, 02:46)
@Cory - I'm thinking in terms of, say, a typical professional/business person with a few hundred tasks on their list. My current approach is producing a pre-selection list of the main list by choosing any task that contains any excitement in that moment. Then I use that pre-selected list to focus upon and select the most exciting task at that moment, then the next etc. At some point, which I'm still trying to precisely define, that pre-selection list becomes stale and a new one is needed
(11 Aug '12, 02:52)
@Stingray I believe that I look at it in a less systematic way, and more of an intuitive way. I'm going to edit my answer with a few Bashar videos to explain further what I mean.
(11 Aug '12, 12:28)
Is there anyone here other than Cory or Stingray that actually understands that very unusual spider graph chart? I could just imagine trying to use that kind of graph at an important business meeting. These arrows represent productivity, these arrows represent gross national product, these arrows are the taxes, and these are the demand, then these over here are our stocks. lol Everyone would be so confused!
(11 Aug '12, 14:11)
Wade Casaldi
@Wade Casaldi - Hi Wade I'm here and I get it! It's kind of a visual representation of the web of energy in your vibration. If you touch one thread, it will reverbarate on them all, like a pebble dropped in a pond, but on a web all of the rings are connected to each other in spokes from the center, and you travel up and down those spokes in your activities...
(11 Aug '12, 16:20)
... Each spoke pointing out from the center (baseline feeling) is a different activity, and Cory shows that you can hop around the outermost threads (the most exciting bits, or excitement threshold) without having to go back down to the center baseline or zero point feeling every time. Those outer rings correlate to the crest of the waves on @Stingray's graph, on which I picture myself skipping along the top from one wave on to the next over every tiny dip in between each happy wave. :)...
(11 Aug '12, 16:22)
... That way, you stay up at a high vibration rather than yo-yo-ing up and down as you deplete the excitement (energy) available to you in each activity. Well, that's what I get from it all, anyway. :)
(11 Aug '12, 16:22)
@Wade Casaldi That graph is a way of explaining how I personally interpret the question that was asked. It was easier to do it that way, instead of just words. It's not meant to be used in a business meeting or for anyone's personal go to method. It's just my way of expressing my thoughts. That's why I mentioned over and over again that it just my own interpretation. I also appreciate your definition of it being very unusual because I don't like to live by the usual standards of living...
(11 Aug '12, 16:51)
@Wade Casaldi anymore. I prefer to do things in an not so normal or unusual way so thank you again for that reflection. We are all on very different frequency ranges and we will all never understand the same concepts and ideas. There are quite a few things on IQ that seem very unusual and confuse me as well so your not alone.
(11 Aug '12, 16:57)
@Grace Yes, it all boils down to maintaining, maintaining, maintaining, a consistent vibration. If our mind and body continue to stay in that same joy frequency, it is similar to staying in the now, the vortex, the joy of life. Bashar just has different methods compared to Abraham, and the other channeled beings. Just maintain that frequency and try not to let it dip you out of the vortex too much.
(11 Aug '12, 17:05)
@Grace Ahh thanks Grace! It is so much clearer now. I was looking at it like a pie chart or bar graph! LOL Now you can see why I was way confused trying to follow the arrows. One more thing you explained Stingray's graph which I found just as confusing. I see now skipping along the top, ride the wave. @Cory Now I see it more clear it is not just about the the arrows, the web itself has meaning, all interconnected. Thanks now I can understand it better. It is very close to my ADHD nothing done
(11 Aug '12, 17:39)
Wade Casaldi
@Wade Casaldi, my pleasure. You may want to wait to hear from @Stingray on whether I butchered his visual or not - but thats how I'm seeing it. :)
(11 Aug '12, 19:33)
@Cory, thank you. I liked your web. :) You reminded me of one of my favorite books of all time: The Way of Wyrd by Brian Bates, its a novel about Anglo-Saxon wisdom traditions, in which a lot is based on webs of energy drawn between all things, that can be utilized for many things, including walking on, healing, calling on spirits and animals...its facinating. I thought maybe you have read it? http://www.wayofwyrd.com/introduction_pc.html
(11 Aug '12, 21:45)
When I let my ADHD get to me, I jump from one thing to another and get very scattered getting nothing done. I couldn't count all the things I've started and forgot about over the years.
(12 Aug '12, 00:16)
Wade Casaldi
@Wade Casaldi I'm glad Grace explained it clearly in her own way, because I didn't want to confuse you more by explaining in my particular way. There is actually something pretty interesting about the idea for the web. I actually asked Bashar for assistance with answering this question and the spiderweb idea popped into my head and I immediately started working on it in paint. So it was really an inspired action that I took as far as I could in that moment. It's really funny how..
(12 Aug '12, 00:53)
@Wade Casaldi thing work themselves out sometimes isn't it? I think you nailed it with the simple word of interconnected as well. That's the basic concept of the idea. All joy is interconnected anyway, so just try to maintain it with all the exciting things you do. I think Bashar mentions something similar to the interconnected-ness in the second video.
(12 Aug '12, 00:57)
@Grace I appreciate that, thank you Grace. No I never read that book before. I did notice on Amazon it mentioned, "Reads like a fusion of Carlos Castaneda ... and Tolkien." So that alone may be worth giving it a look eventually.
(12 Aug '12, 01:03)
@Grace @Wade Casaldi - Yes, my own graph just represents level of excitement on the Y-axis and time on the X-axis. It's a bit vague but when I was thinking about the idea, I kept picturing in my mind how memory fades over time. So I just found an image of how psychologists currently say that memory recall fades over time (from learning something) and stripped off the axis labellings... it was just to save me having to create some new graphics for a simple comment :)
(12 Aug '12, 04:57)
@Grace, @Wade Casaldi - The lines that drop off downwards were actually what happens as you start to forget something (analogous to excitement gradually fading off) and the jumps to the following peak actually represent your memory recall when you revise what you've learned after a short time period (analogous to choosing a new task to reboost your excitement level). Here is the original graphic for clarity:
(12 Aug '12, 05:00)
@Cory - Many thanks for sharing your ideas here. Got alot to think about from this thread.
(12 Aug '12, 09:30)
@Cory yes the Web Graph expresses something no Pie Chart or Bar Graph could ever do and that is that living interconnectedness. I can see now why it was inspired. Although to someone who is thinking that it is suppose to be like a pie chart or bar graph would get quite confused until they find out the web is the biggest and most important part even more than the arrows. :-)
(12 Aug '12, 12:11)
Wade Casaldi
@Stingray yes thanks for clearing that up with your graph now that I see the numbers it is much clearer your meaning. :-)
(12 Aug '12, 12:13)
Wade Casaldi
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Coffee breaks .That's where you find the point that excitement fades, when a coffee break sounds better than what your doing. as far as you can is just a momental thought those moment that it seems that it is as far as you can. Can change in the next moment.So there in-between those moments you have your coffee break. 3
Simple advise but that actually is very accurate, I've confirmed in my experience at least.
(11 Aug '12, 02:51)
@ursixx - That's pretty similar to what I was initially thinking also...that when you feel an inner urging to go do something else, it's time to switch. And since "a change is as good a rest", as the old saying goes, it would apply to coffee breaks as well as just switching to another task
(11 Aug '12, 04:50)
'Bashar says... "It's the excitement in the simple things, that tells you what simple things are actually connected to the bigger things that excite you."' I love this quote because by following the exciting simple things, this will automatically lead us to the bigger things. As Abraham Hicks would say also, 'Follow your bliss'. It all leads back to emotion - and following those instead of reaching for ideas/desires that we may have resistance to. Great stuff.
(21 Jul '17, 08:14)
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Hi Stingray I really like Bashar concepts because of their simplicity. Take it as far as you can In other words "Continue the action as long as it feels good. Then do something else that feels good". Maybe it's no-more complicated than that.Maybe the feeling good is the whole point and the action is just of less importance. Isn't that what life is all about really? Feeling good in the present moment and sustaining that good-feeling for as long as you can. You just cant ask for better than that. When the actions take priority over how you feel you get into that destination consciousness that's just turns the present moment into a means to an end. :) Of course Stingray you already know this plus a whole lot more so I don't even know why I'm writing this :) Im sure you will work this out.Sometimes we can't see the forest for the trees when we go into the details :) 1
@Satori - "Maybe the feeling good is the whole point and the action is just of less importance" - I think you are absolutely right. Bashar seems to be using the actions in a different way to humans normally would...not to get things done but to improve your current in-the-moment feeling. Thank you
(11 Aug '12, 02:57)
@Stingray-Thanks Stingray. I am curious now though:) @Cory's real-life example was enlightening.Seems to be a great interpretation of this take it as far as you can and even easier than and more obvious than I imagined.I would be very interested to see what you come up with.Thanks:)
(11 Aug '12, 04:39)
@Satori - My current approach is the one involving a pre-selection list as outlined in the comments to @Cory. In my time management software, I initially go down the entire list and star all tasks that feel exciting in any way at all. Then I only view the starred task list and keep picking tasks off that list only to do as each one feels like the most exciting. My current thinking is when none of those tasks seem exciting anymore then I've now gone beyond the vibrational range of that...
(11 Aug '12, 04:55)
@Satori - ...pre-selection list and need to go down the entire main task list again and select the newly-exciting tasks. When I'm "in the flow" with this approach, it is truly outstanding to be part of. But it doesn't flow all the time and I'm thinking that @Cory's approach might be the missing part of it. In other words, don't wait until you've exhausted all the excitement from a task before switching but instead do the switch when you feel the peak excitement dip.
(11 Aug '12, 04:56)
@Satori - I'm still not happy though with my criterion for marking the starred task list as "stale" so I also rely on my intuition to let me know when it's time to reselect.
(11 Aug '12, 05:10)
@Stingray-Brilliant, thanks for sharing that Stingray. So the actions are effectively keeping you in the Vortex ? Maybe when 'its not flowing' is that 10 percent we allow ourselves to be knocked out of the Vortex:) I actually use a simplified version of this in an App.One big list of everything I want to get done. It surprises me how much I get done without any actions:)
(11 Aug '12, 05:13)
@Satori - Yes, I find the same, that alot gets done by itself...it's Abraham Placemat Process idea at work. If you don't have a huge number of tasks then a single task list is fine to choose from. For me, I find I need the pre-selection list otherwise I waste a lot of time looking through non-exciting tasks. Another important aspect of the system is purging out tasks that are definitely not going to trigger any excitement in the reasonable future. Still working on that one :)
(11 Aug '12, 05:33)
@Satori - I think the approach both tunes you into the Vortex and keeps you there while simultaneously dealing with the mundane details of everyday living. I personally don't think the lack of flowing is due to that 10% out-of-the-Vortex stuff, I think it may just be that I've been allowing the excitement level to drop too much in between tasks. I'm going to try this new peak-excitement switching idea and see if that fixes it
(11 Aug '12, 05:35)
@Stingray- I suppose it all boils down to present moment awareness. How about a simple repeat reminder, with a message something like is this task still bringing me excitement? Some like this one I use can be set to repeat every 15 minutes http://www.macworld.com/appguide/app.html?id=660723&expand=false and saved to use anytime.You will find very quickly you will be asking yourself the Question before the alarm. :)
(11 Aug '12, 06:21)
@Satori - Thanks for the suggestion. I've used periodic reminders in the past and, while they work fine over a shorter period of time, I personally just eventually go numb to them and they become annoying to me. If you haven't thrown your iPad/iPhone out of the window after a few months of having 15 minute reminders throughout the day then I want to know what your secret is :)
(11 Aug '12, 08:48)
@Stingray-I know now your not a fan of personal reminders, but these might be working checking out anyway, I have used the focus tools :) http://99u.com/articles/6969/10-Online-Tools-for-Better-Attention-Focus
(12 Aug '12, 06:56)
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Let us use a practical example: I love playing piano. It gives me "excitement"- as Bashar says. So...I sit down to practice, and I play and play. First, I warm up with scales and Hanon. Those are pretty hard on the hands...but necessary to develop speed and accuracy. Then, I start to work on Beethoven's Sonata No. 14. I work through the first page, but something begins to happen to my brain and hands. They feel fatigued. I push a bit, but finally, I have to admit that I can no longer play as well as I could when I started out. The "excitement" has run out, at least for my body. My mind, too, I notice, is slipping. I am missing notes. I stop practicing. What now? I have "taken it as far as I can." But just for today...If I keep repeating my practices each day, eventually I will get better and better; that, too, is "taking it as far as you can". It is important to keep at the things that excite you! So what to do next? So, I have a job to make posters for church. So, I turn to that. And so on. I have noticed that as I have aged, my level of endurance has dropped. I cannot play piano for hours and hours like I could when I was younger. No problem. I hop, skip, and jump through the day, moving from one task to the next, cycling through until bedtime. It is a compensation for the wear and tear on my mind and body that the years have created in me. But my "excitement" has not dropped at all! I "feel" 25, despite being middle-aged. I just have to be more clever, is all...see this question for the debate about spirituality and aging... Peace, Jai @Jaianniah - Sounds like you are doing pretty well there with so much excitement pervading your life :)
(11 Aug '12, 04:51)
@Stingray- Actually, I recently found out that I have had ADHD all my life...This has led me to doing "cycles" of activities, or I would never get anything done. :) While I was in school, I would shift between various homework assignments just to get them all done! lol ♥
(11 Aug '12, 10:10)
@Jaianniah This is very interesting as my ADHD has kept me from completing most anything. I had to find a way around this that I lock myself almost in a trance state doing whatever I am doing until it is absolutely done no matter how much it takes out of me or how long it takes.
(11 Aug '12, 10:20)
Wade Casaldi
@Wade Casaldi- I would say that people with ADHD, the "excitement" of a task fades very quickly- faster than normal people. I guess we both have found ways to cope. You have your "zones" and I have my "cycles". :) ♥
(11 Aug '12, 10:23)
@Jaianniah Yes I would agree with that, in my case every time I lost interest in a thing I wouldn't return to it. I had very many things started, a quarter way done, half way done but nothing fully done until I decided to just do it until it was fully done no matter what it took. Examining your cycles approach you can actually regain interest, whereas for me, once I lose interest it is very hard to get it back.
(11 Aug '12, 10:30)
Wade Casaldi
@Wade Casaldi- I know only too well what that feels like- I had to visualize the "A" I would get from an assignment in order to whip myself back at a school assignment...Later, I had to visualize praise from others as my motivation (which rarely comes, unfortunately), so I wish Life had a report card! LOL Your Jai
(11 Aug '12, 10:39)
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There is a scene in the movie Facing The Giants where the coach blind folds his quarterback and has him do a suicide crawl with a 150 lbs boy on his back and tells him, "I just want you to reach the 50 yard line!" The QB says "50 I never reached the 50 in a suicide crawl!" The coach says, "I want you to give this your absolute best, I know you can reach the 50 yard line!" Then he starts the crawl and his coach is with him yelling the whole time, "Come on you can do this, keep going!" The QB is complaining, "It hurts I can't make it, he's too heavy bla..bla..bla..." The coach keeps pushing and yelling, "Keep going don't give up keep going! Push it, go more, more go!" The QB says, "Am I near the the 50 yet?" The coach says, "NO, push it go, keep going!" He starts saying, "It burns, it burns, I can't take much more I must be near the 50 by now!" The coach says, "Keep it up go, go, go, push it!!!! Just give me ten more steps!" The QB is near screaming in pain but not giving up! Then the coach says, "Give me another ten more push it keep going!!!!" He does until he collapses in pain and exhaustion, he asks, "Did I make the 50?" The coach says, "No take off the blind fold you are in the End Zone!" The coach says, "You thought you couldn't make the 50 and you just crawled the entire football field with a 150 boy strapped on your back!" The boy says, "coach I'm a 160 lbs." The quarter back's knees never touched the ground the entire football field! That is giving it your best, taking it as far as you can take it. We tend to quit long before we reach to our absolute exhausted potential. |
Some very good answers above. I like Cory's diagrammatic explanation which is in line with my interpretation of what Bashar means when he says "Take it as far as you can". In terms of a swiching point between activities, I think it should be focus or attention driven. When you are embarking on your highest excitement activity, this surely has your full attention and focus. There cannot be more than one activity that you can give your full attention and focus at any point in time. Therefore, that means as soon as you can even give your some of your attention to something else, then this must mean that your excitement has dipped. This is then the time to reassess the task list. I do that it is called ADD I never get anything done, unless I zone in and do it until it is absolutely done no matter how much or how long it takes.
(11 Aug '12, 10:08)
Wade Casaldi
@Wade Casaldi - This is my perspective on what I think Bashar meant in the context of Stingray's question. I have not personally put his method into practice myself as yet to give an opinion on it or whether this method would work for everybody but I am certainly planning to give it a go.
(11 Aug '12, 11:00)
Pink Diamond
@Pink Diamond - Thank you for the reply. I think my comment to @Kriegerd also applies to your response.
(12 Aug '12, 06:03)
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Hi Stingray, I'm thinking about giving consideration to the reason why things on the list go stale, why the dip in excitement at any given moment. Looking for the finer point described in your edit, I have a feeling that the answer you're seeking lies in there somewhere. It seems in my life, when that happens, its because something I'm not consciously aware of has changed; maybe that the Universe has taken care of that thing for me, or its just not neccessary that it be on my radar anymore. For example, a task that has been on one ever-evolving list for me all week has been writing to my uncle. He is recently widowed and on his own, and exchanging letters with me is comfort and company for him. I enjoy this practice very much myself, but I've been distracted and a little low, which I certainly don't want him to sense right now, as he has enough on his plate. The task just never makes it to the top of the present moment excitement list. Anyway, it turns out another family member has suddenly begun writing to him much more often, so my letters really weren't as needed in these past few weeks as they had been before. That's a bit of an obvious, macrocosim example, but I have a feeling that if we could perceive it, it would apply right down to the finest little variations of excitement we're discussing here. I think, what I'm suggesting is that "just" trusting your intuition from moment to moment may be all the process that is required at the level of distinction you are working on nailing down. That that process may be more intricate and valid than it seems at first glance, and trying to find one beyond that could be creating the dissatisfaction within you. I am sure that you have developed your own intuition to a high level - but perhaps honing that, giving it your attention and energy, your respect, would make the difference. I am not suggesting that you blow this off or settle for anything less than total satisfaction in your practice of every drop of the subtlety and richness in these principles, but that you may find within your intuition itself all the precision of process that you crave. @Grace - Wise words. And I think you are quite right that intuition is really all that is needed. It is undoubtedly the case that intuition processes all the variables involved and gives us a simple understandable output response like "Do this" or "Do that". I can just feel in my bones though that there is another layer to this and it's waiting to be unraveled. I've been feeling for a very long time that there is a link between manifesting and sacred geometry. When I spoke to...
(12 Aug '12, 04:31)
@Grace - ...Abraham in person towards the start of the last decade, they were kind of "down" on the idea and suggested I focused more on feeling good - but that's their answer to everything :) I think a channeled non-physical is constrained somewhat by the vocabulary and background of the channeler and since Esther Hicks didn't have much (or any) esoteric background knowledge before she started, I think that's why they don't delve into the "details" too much and provide general processes.
(12 Aug '12, 04:36)
@Grace - However, when I spoke to the 9D Pleiadians for the first time (last year, I think), I was extremely impressed that they sensed (without me telling them) my interest in a manifesting/sacred geometrical link and agreed with me that it was definitely going to lead somewhere. They implied that part of the key was Phi/Fibonacci series (which I've been fascinated by for years) and this thing, the Fibonacci Spiral:
(12 Aug '12, 04:41)
@Grace - I can feel that as we sense within ourselves an internal emotional acceleration when going from feeling bad to feeling good to feeling within the Vortex, we are crossing energetic Fibonacci thresholds in some way. So I think my interest in this time management system is really a way for me to explore these ideas in a more concrete fashion. As I said, just follow your intuition is undoubtedly a workable answer but, and I could well be wrong, I still feel there's something more here.
(12 Aug '12, 04:45)
@Stingray I think I have mentioned on a previous thread a book I'm reading - The Hidden Science of Lost Civilisations by David Wilcock. I am only about a third of the way through it but there appears to be quite a bit about geometry in it beyond where I currently am. Anyway - just thought I'd mention it.
(12 Aug '12, 06:02)
@Stingray - One of the criticisms of AH on the web was that a question about string theory had been met with a lack of knowledge from Abraham. It struck me at the time that maybe Esther Hicks (rather than Abraham) was unable to grasp this (no criticism - I certainly wouldn't have the training or insights to explain much simpler scientific theories) - I believe that communications are - as you say - constrained by the limitations of the channeller.
(12 Aug '12, 06:11)
@Catherine - Thanks for the book reference. Re: Abraham - I personally think that is one of the major reasons why Abraham is so popular with the masses generally. With Esther not having an esoteric or scientific background, they have had to start from scratch without any metaphysical jargon and explain everything in simple, easy language that anyone can relate to. But it also binds them in that anyone who does have such a background can eventually feel they lack any depth to the message...
(12 Aug '12, 06:23)
@Catherine - ...and perhaps eventually gets disillusioned as a result because it just seems like the same, old message again and again...even though there are tremendously subtle nuances to that apparently simple message. With channelers like Darryl Anka (Bashar) and Wendy Kennedy (9D Pleiadians), it's pretty obvious that they have esoteric backgrounds already so the messages feel more "technical". But the downside is that the masses can find that level of technicality off-putting.
(12 Aug '12, 06:27)
@Stingray- Bashar's Sacred Circuits thingo got anything to do with what's being discussed here?
(12 Aug '12, 06:33)
Oh, and in this link, what's going on with Darryl Anka channelling another different being at, in the video timeline, 24:18?
(12 Aug '12, 06:36)
@Stingray - No doubt you are right, especially when you feel so strongly, intuitively, ;) that there is a missing link. This is fun to watch, I can't wait to hear what you come up with. I have only the slightest understanding of The Fibonacci Series, and have no concept of a connection between that emotional excelleration or manifesting. I know its a lot, but is there any way you could outline what you have there? I would love to try to follow along.
(12 Aug '12, 09:19)
@Nikulas - No, the Sacred Circuits - I created my own set of flashcards of them last year - are a tool for self-awakening rather than anything directly excitement-related. I know of a few occasions (not many) that Darryl has had another being come through. A lot of channellers seem to have "visitations" from other beings from time to time
(12 Aug '12, 10:14)
@Grace - There's nothing much I can really clearly articulate yet beyond what's in this thread...mostly just vague images and ideas floating around my mind. I've noticed that when I think I really understand something, I seem to create some kind of system (usually for myself) based around it. I guess trying to systematize Bashar's excitement-based approach into something anyone can use is my way of trying to internalize these ideas for myself.
(12 Aug '12, 10:17)
@Stingray- Trust me- final question- no matter how interesting or wicked your response: Do you find the sacred circuits useful? Bashar and the Sentients claim it is a gift handed down through evolved civilisations and of extreme benefit to strengthening the network between the higher mind and the physical brain. I'm only asking because you are actually the only person who has down it for a year (actually I'm going to guess you just got bored of this as well).
(12 Aug '12, 20:28)
@Nikulas - No, I haven't used them for a year. I created them last year after watching that workshop, but I was trying out other daily routine stuff at the time and never got around to incorporating these flash cards into it. It's something I am planning to return to at some point.
(13 Aug '12, 05:19)
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I haven't read the answers here, I just read your question plus the edit, so I may be repeating some of what is already posted. Based on your clarification, I would say that if you are in the middle of an activity that has the highest excitement possible, you are literally "lost" in that activity. You are not concerned with time, or wishing you were doing something else. You are so immersed in that activity that it's the only thing in your mind. So I guess that once you stop and think if you should be doing something else, or you want to check your excitement level you already snapped out of that "lost" state, you became "aware" either of the time, or concerns, or to do lists or another activity you want to do. So I would say that once that happens it's a good time to reassess again what activities are at your disposal. I guess this would be an ideal state of jumping from one activity to the other diving in the joy of it each time. Regarding the paralysis by analysis, I would say that if you are in a gray zone it would be better to stick to the one you are already doing until something jumps out of the rest. Because it means that the activity you aren't currently doing (the one you are considering to do) doesn't contain enough excitement that is worth switching, otherwise you would have left what you were doing and jump on this new choice right away. Hope it helps, Let me know any opinions you may have about this. @Kriegerd - Thank you for the answer. This idea of being in-the-zone when you are truly excited and then suddenly being aware that you are no longer there - and using that as the signal to check for something more exciting - is something that is seeming like the most viable candidate as far as an excitement management system that anyone can use is concerned. I think all of us know that feeling of being immersed pretty well and it doesn't require any level of intuitive ability.
(12 Aug '12, 06:01)
In other words,
In other words, the initial "state of being" of excitement you were in when you chose it justifies continuing to work on it, no matter what, until you simply run out of viable things to do regarding it. If you are not excited about doing something, you're not going to give it your best. Which not only does not bring you satisfaction, but it creates regret. And regret is a Bullet train ride to unhappiness. Stick to your excitement. Edit Here I'm three days in row at work doing nothing but watching all videos about surfing. People keep sending me work-related issues to solve, but I've no time to solve them now, they gotta wait, because I'm too excited dreaming about riding waves. Although I never did that and the nearest coast to surf is like 1000 kilometers away from my place, I have this huge urge to think about it nonstop.
Just a similar way to express what Bashar said. |
I do not believe that Bashar was the first philosopher to coin the phrase "Take it as far as you can" (Not that anyone is implying that he was). This saying, like many cliche sayings, can be used in a positive or negative connotation. An example is: You may be good with programming computers or you may be a talented athlete, when this saying is applied to one of those it can mean that you may be able to teach yourself or become the best at said talent. You can not only have fun with your vocation, but make a career out of it as well. This is the positive connotation, however, the negative connotation could also be applied to being a criminal. For example, you could be very good at theft or killing. Just because you are good at something doesn't necessarily mean you should "take it as far as you can". Before college, I was friends with quite a few criminals. Drug dealers, psychos, thieves, they all took it as far as they could and now they're in prison. This phrase's meaning can be taken as deeply as you would like to take it, but it is what it is. |
Hi Stingray! Having read a few of the answers here, I have narrowed my perspective on this to two ideas with a third point that is not really an idea but rather a comment on the need to analyze Bashar's words this way. So let me start with the third point. I think Bashar's words are meant to trigger an understanding that is fluid and flexible according to the need at the moment. Just like having a conversation with another person. I don't think it was meant to be broken down into such a fine analysis where the meaning of each word is taken into consideration, even though he was using those words with precise intent. I feel that, to analyze it this way is no different from showing Usain Bolt a slow motion footage of the men's 100m final and asking him why he glanced sideways 3 steps before crossing the finish line, or why he chose to cross it with his right foot instead of his left; (I have no idea which foot he did use). However, let us say that he did mean to say, "Take it as far as you can" with a deliberate and precise intent. In this case, only the understanding that is triggered within you is precise for your needs, and since "Take it as far as you can" is somewhat vague, it was obviously meant to awaken an understanding from a wide range of perspectives. So let us say that your excitement placed you at the beginning of a walk across the Grand Canyon. And as you reached the halfway point at the bottom of the canyon, your enthusiasm for the activity was no longer there. What does "Take it as far as you can" mean here? Like it or not, you have to walk the rest of the way before you can follow your next "excitement" Many of the things we begin with great excitement follow this same path and we have to keep pushing past the point where the excitement is no longer there. Do you recall how exciting the TV show “The American Idol", Used to be? However, once we became familiar with the format it seems to have lost much of that initial excitement. Our own dreams that initially create great excitement become less exciting as we become more and more familiar with every detail within them. Therefore, my second point is, excitement is not permanent; and it is impossible to be excited about the same thing for a long time, because familiarity makes the excitement fade away. So constant change is a necessary component in maintaining excitement and this change is much shorter than the activity of "taking it as far as you can" Therefore, this brings me to the final point. I think he meant, "Recognize when the activity that began with excitement has taken its course" So in the example of crossing the Grand Canyon, even if your excitement is gone at the mid-point, you have no choice but keep going until you get out of the canyon, but getting out of the canyon marks the official point where you have "taken it as far as you can". Another example is to invite guests over for dinner and during the dinner lots of new desires will be launched within you in response to the interaction with your guests, but you have to recognize that after the dinner, you have to put everything away and wash the dishes even though you would rather be doing something more exciting. Putting things away is the point of "taking it as far as you can" so that you can make room to launch more exciting desires into physical existence. Now here is the tricky part. Although both my examples above are physical examples, I think that Bashar is actually talking about "taking it as far as you can" in a psychological sense where you can clearly recognize the extent to which you can "see" in your mind's eye what you must do towards realizing your excitement. In other words, he is probably saying, "let your instincts guide you to the very edge of your own inner confidence within that instinct" I think he is trying to teach us to live in spiritual confidence instead of analytical confidence. @The Traveller - Thank you. Some very valid points. Regarding "I don't think it was meant to be broken down into such a fine analysis", I used to have a similar point of view with Abraham, as I'm sure many still do. But over the years I noticed they were really quite careful about the words they used. For example, there would be sentences that they would prefix with "Most of the time..." or "Often..." and, after many hundreds of hours of listening, I started to wonder what was hidden...
(11 Aug '12, 03:06)
@The Traveller - ...in those gaps. So, unlike most Abraham followers, I started to look at their words in considerable detail often writing them out (like I've done with Bashar's words above) and really trying to understand the meaning of them away from the recording itself because sometimes the channeller's voice intonations can inadvertently give a different emphasis. I found when I did that, that my understanding of what Abraham was saying really exploded and I started to see...
(11 Aug '12, 03:08)
@The Traveller - ...the richness of the detail that was hidden in the subtleties. It transformed my understanding of Abraham. Now, with Bashar, at times, I see a similar attention to detail. He is fairly precise with the terms he uses and, again, uses those "Most of the time..." style phrases which implies there is precision behind the words. I completely understand what you are saying about "analytical confidence" but I'm starting to think that the only reason he uses a (slightly vague)...
(11 Aug '12, 03:11)
@The Traveller - ...phrase like "Take it as far as you can" is not because of his intention that it not be analyzed but because the questioner did not draw out a more precise definition from him. I've noticed that the non-physicals I resonate with are very careful not to infringe on freewill and give someone more than they ask for. A vague question leads to a vague answer. I'd love to see someone pin Bashar down hard on "Take it as far as you can" and see what comes up :)
(11 Aug '12, 03:14)
Wow! Thank you for that long answer Stingray! When you arrive at you eventual decision on this statement I love to absorb the depth of its purpose from your perspective.
(11 Aug '12, 13:57)
The Traveller
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"So what do you think that Bashar's phrase "Take it as far as you can" really means?" I think that, more importantly than dwelling on that question, is constantly reminding yourself that whatever it is that you're doing, "it is not an interruption in it"! You're not interrupting your excitement (i.e. not "taking it as far as you can") by doing "something else" -- it's part of your excitement, even if it doesn't look connected. "For example, let's say my greatest excitement is doing my taxes instead of going for a walk." That seems rather unrealistic! :D It could only really be anxiety, because you don't really want to do it but you know that if you don't, some people will feel that they have the right to initiate violence against you. That's why you want to do that task. (I didn't notice that this thread was from 2.5 years ago before writing; it appeared on the main page only because the OP was edited yesterday.) |
I was perusing this thread among other threads here on Bashar, and at another discussion forum, someone posted:
So there you have another possible meaning of "Take it as far as you can." Makes sense to me. |

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@Stingray- Sorry to keep jumping over every page for questions. What do you do for tasks that you have to do, but still don't have any excitement for regardless? In this example, you have taxes, and as soon as your attention starts to wonder you might switch activites and scan your excitement list. The problem is, some tasks, my attention wonders like mad and there is no excitment. See http://www.inwardquest.com/questions/74178/how-do-you-seek-joy-in-mundane-boring-yet-essential-life-tasks
@Nikulas - If you have no excitement for a task at all, it doesn't need doing...from the perspective of your broader self ( http://goo.gl/VXT6p ) since excitement provides both organization and inspiration...."the complete package" as Bashar calls it. If you were to put "Do Taxes" on your list, you'll find that even though you ordinarily wouldn't be inspired...
@Nikulas - ...to do such an apparently mundane task, there does come a time when it does become inspiring to do it, if it needs to be done. I've seen this happen many times in my own life...you just feel like doing it at a certain time...and that's the time to do it.
If, however, you have got yourself in a situation where you have no excitement but your existing beliefs say you must do a certain action and you are running out of time for the inspiration to manifest then that's..
@Nikulas - ...what Abraham calls "falling from 40,000 ft without a parachute" :) In other words, your starting point is sub-optimal :) In that case, there's no choice but to respect your existing beliefs that action is required and I would still start with timed bursts ( http://goo.gl/2jpFc ) to take the sting out of the required action.
A more ideal approach (if you are aware of resistance to a forthcoming task) is to neutralize your negative feelings towards it...
@Nikulas - ...using some clearing method (Focus Blocks, EFT etc) and once that anxiety is "unpacked" ( http://goo.gl/Z9Dru ), you'll feel the excitement more clearly when the task is vibrationally ready to be done.