I am having an idea for a time travel experiment, but I want to type it up as it comes, so that I can read it when I do it, for guidance. And also to share with anyone who wants to experiment with it. I have always wanted to time travel, (and fly, but that is an experiment yet to come). I read somewhere, maybe Gregg Braden? that every invention has been for something we can do with our body, even computers, etc... So, if we someday might make a time travel machine, then we can do it with our bodies (same must go for flying, but don't anybody jump off anything to try). Alos, there is all this talk about entities speaking to channels claiming they are from the future. So, if it is for real, then that is a form of time travel. If they are communicating with the past, then we should be able to also. So here goes... Decide what your goal in going back is. Here is an article and here is a video with Bruce Lipton and another video with Bruce Lipton that explain the importance of the condition of the environment since before conception. So you may want to go talk to your dad when he was 11 and tell him to stay away from cigarettes, if he ever smoked, or when your mom was pregnant and tell her to eat more leafy green vegetables and fresh fish. Maybe you want to go back and tell yourself the winning lottery numbers. I personally have noticed that I seemed to have spiritual sleep and wake cycles. So I am using this example. Look back over your years and notice when you forgot who you are. Do Two Hands Touching. Go back to the time you last forgot, and see yourself go to the you just before you forgot who you are, and tell him/her, "You can do great things. Remember who you are." Then do THT again. Go back to the next time you last forgot, and see yourself go to the you just before you forgot who you are, and tell him/her, "You can do great things. Remember who you are." Then do THT again. Go back to the next time you last forgot, and see yourself go to the you just before you forgot who you are, and tell him/her, "You can do great things. Remember who you are." Then do THT again. Keep doing this until you get back to when you were born and, and see yourself go to the you when you were born, and tell him/her, "You can do great things. Remember who you are." Then do THT again. Then go back to conception and see yourself go to the embryo that is/was you and tell him/her, "You can do great things. Remember who you are." Then do THT. Then say, "I am connected in love with all of my selves, let the Divine idea come out of this connection." Then do THT. Then watch for things to change. Look for things that are different. If you feel some resistance to change, try doing the EZ Deletion Sequence for "Change," "Time travel," etc... If there is a traumatic event that you want to go back and clear, do the same as above, the Ez Deletion Sequence for the issue, then the time travel if you still need to, but go back to the event, or before the event and offer yourself to the you then. Ask him/her what they need from you and offer that to them while doing the THT. Do THT. Go back to the time you want to heal. Introduce yourself to the you in the past. Explain why you are there and ask him/her what you can do for them. They might want you to stand up for them, defend them physically, protect them, guide them, create an alternate version of what happened, or just hold them. Let them tell you what they need, don't assume you know. While continuing to do the THT, do what it is they are needing. Always leave them with empowering words like, "You can do great things. Remember who you are." Teach the you back then anything you want them to know. Experiment with it and see what happens. While doing THT. Feel free to ask me questions on specifics. |

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