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Very nice and concise. When I feel forced, or it must be done, or "I gotta do this", and there are negative feelings attached, It is time for me to walk away, wait and allow Source to bring better alternatives. Most of my "problems" seem to solve themselves in ways I never imagined, so I just imagine the desired outcome and let Source fill in the steps leading up to that outcome. Thanks, @Stingray, I really needed to hear this today! |

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thank u stingray...loved ya..specially last 4 sentences.., i really appreciate u stingray that u wrote out so..many statements for focuss blocks for all of us.., m really glad that we hav a "guru" like u.., with all my heart i wanna "thank u stingray ".:))
Thanks for this! I'm working on a different approach to my work - more of "Vortex first, then anything else you have time for" - but it's so radically different from my previous attitude that I find I really need some help adjusting my mindset. So this is very relevant for me. :)
@supergirl - You're welcome
@corduroypower - Those are probably my most-used statements. I'm often catching myself (probably like many others) crossing the line from allowing things to happen to forcing things to has to keep monitoring one's emotions when engaged in physical activities to check whether there is any fun/excitement/inspiration left in the action that is currently being undertaken. If not, it's a signal that it's time to do something else.