Hi. I've learned a lot about the law of attraction and how to deliberately use it to get whatever you want in the past couple of months. I've also read bunch of posts from Stingray, listened to Abraham so I have a pretty good knowledge how to use the law of attraction. I'm trying as best as I can to put that knowledge into practice day by day and so far it's been great. I feel much better, people are nicer to me... My thinking has really changed in the past couple of months, from thinking "I'll never be able to do that" or "I'll never have that" to "It can take some time but I can definitely achieve that". Doesn't matter what the subject is, it can be money or relationships. But I have something that's bugging me. I want to be in the army special forces. Mainly because I want to try it and see how it is to be one of the SF guys. I believe I can achieve that (somewhere in the future) but not without a great deal of pain. I mean the whole special forces training regime is based on being in a lot of pain (mentally and physically) and do things despite being in pain. Now that goes directly against Abe's philosophy "If it doesn't feel good don't do it". So my question is: Can I go through the training and become army special forces without going through a lot of pain? I really want to be in the special forces but don't want to torture myself in the process. Is that even possible? ..When I have doubts about achieving something I try to remember what Stingray says (paraphrasing): "If you expect something without a doubt that you'll get it, you'll get it. No exceptions" (I really like the last part) So does that mean that if I believe without a doubt that I can easily get through special forces training then it's going to be easy? Intellectually I get this but emotionally I'm not quite there yet. Maybe I just need a little reassurance from you guys that it really means without exceptions. I'm looking forward to see your opinions on this. And I would be delighted if you can give me your opinion on this as well, Stingray. Thanks a lot. |
Since physical reality for everyone is a condensation (reflection) of their dominant thoughts, it follows that anyone can achieve anything they can imagine because they can choose to focus on any thought and eventually make it dominant in their lives...the nature of physical reality automatically does the rest. The only things that cannot be achieved are those that cannot be imagined but if you can't imagine them, you don't know they exist in the first place in order to not achieve them...if you see what I mean :)
Regarding the physical aspect of this, I can relate my own (current) experience... A few years back I started doing Kettlebell workouts simply because it was inconvenient to get access to my usual muscle-building equipment. I was doing them occasionally just because my belief system insisted that I must do some form of physical activity to stay reasonably fit (though Abraham have said this isn't actually necessary) and I was doing the minimum required to satisfy those beliefs. Kettlebells are basically free-weights and I tend to prefer free-weights to gym machines (that isolate muscle groups) because they are more representative of "real world" strength. So for probably a couple of years I was doing the bare minimum regarding personal fitness using Kettlebells. Then something interesting happened a few months ago, whereby I suddenly really started to enjoy the workouts to the extent that I felt I wasn't doing enough of them :) So now I'm working out with the Kettlebells not because I want to stay fit but because I'm enjoying pushing my physical body as far as I possibly can. Of course, as a by-product, I'm the fittest and strongest I've ever been in my life but that's still not why I'm doing them. What I'm illustrating with this little story is that several years ago, the thought of me doing any form of physical training for the fun of it seemed ludicrous...but now it seems like fun even though to an outsider it might seem like extreme self-torture considering how hard I push myself :) So what has changed? It can only be my resistance to the physical exercise. Somewhere along the way of cleaning up my beliefs over the past few years, I must have cleaned up something that was causing me resistance to working out physically...I don't know what it was but seeing that my physical reality is now different then something must have changed internally. Applying this to your question...right now, with the way you've worded your question, you seem to be holding an attitude that there is going to be "pain" involved with the training just like I used to think physical workouts were pain-ful. But I presume the guys who excel at the training are those that gain some kind of pleasure from the training process itself and even though, to outsiders, it might seem tortuous, to them it might possibly even be something quite enjoyable. It's all an attitude-shift away.
Having said all that, now here's the potential stumbling block as I see it. I've highlighted the tricky words in bold in the quoted sentence above. If you were just to say...
...I would say that my little story at the start illustrates that you can...because what others perceive as pain, you can perceive as fun. But adding this following little condition potentially opens up a can of worms :) ...
The issue is that it's not up to you to decide whether you are army special forces or not. You might even have done the entire training successfully by yourself in private but that still doesn't mean you would be accepted...it's up to someone else to decide whether you are suitable to play within the rules of the system they have created and if they don't think you are playing by their rules, they can exclude you from their system. If you were to ask yourself why (the inner reasons) you want to join the special forces (e.g. status, self-esteem, sense of power etc), the universe could easily respond to those desires in a multitude of ways but narrowing it down to one specific outcome can get a bit tricky. It's like saying that you want a lot of money but you only want to receive it as a lottery win :) Now there's nothing wrong with getting this specific, it's just that you now need to closely monitor your emotional interactions with your beliefs to establish when you are getting too specific for what you currently believe...and that will be demonstrated to you by you feeling bad. Check out Bashar's Threshold of Believability concept for what I mean. When you start getting too specific (but you still want the ultimate goal), you might have to engage in some deliberate and precise soothing of thought....something along the lines of the method illustrated in the Surfing Your Desire process. Ultimately, only you can say whether the thought of "army special forces" feels genuinely believable to you or not. If it feels too specific, it may be easier to generalize the desire for now i.e. instead of saying "army special forces", you could focus on just a military unit of some kind...that would probably take some of the resistance out and, like my Kettlebell training, there may come a tipping-point where it suddenly feels believable to go further without inner resistance. Hope all that gives you something to think about :) 1
@Stingray-Excellent answer Stingray. Similar thing happened to me strangely enough :) After years of dreading exercise using conventional weights etc. I started doing Focus Blocks to release resistance towards exercising and was soon attracted to using KettleBells which I had always dismissed as awkward and ineffective. I actually look forward to exercise now. I have found myself lately sometimes doing KettleBell workouts at 1am. lol :)
(17 Sep '13, 11:48)
@Satori - "release resistance towards exercising and was soon attracted to using KettleBells which I had always dismissed as awkward and ineffective" - Very interesting. Similar for me too :) From a logical point of view, they are just weights with handles so I thought nothing of them but I kept getting inspirational nudges to give them a fair trial and haven't looked back. There's just something about them :)
(17 Sep '13, 13:02)
@Satori @Stingray Exact same thing happened to me. I dismissed Kettlebell workouts and thought of them as "exercises for women". After moulding some FB topics around exercising, I got a strong urge/inspiration to buy them. Now I'm enjoying workouts for the first time in my life and I also find myself exercising in the middle of the night sometimes :).
(17 Sep '13, 13:55)
@Stingray. Agreed Stingray:) Personally I find working with KettleBells to have the biggest carry-over effect into all normal everyday activities, and even vibration. There also seems to be a greater release of energy (endorphins or something I think they are known as scientifically) when working the whole body in unison from the "core" which KettleBell exercises/instructors seem to encourage. I just wasn't getting that same feeling of well-being from "isolation" exercises. :)
(17 Sep '13, 14:50)
@releaser99- You too?, hat trick! :) Im just glad we all enjoying exercise now. :)
(17 Sep '13, 14:52)
@Satori I find that coincidence very interesting. I can only assume that Kettlebells are some kind of divine training tool that need to be worshipped. I also guess that God himself probably swings Kettlebells like crazy :).
(18 Sep '13, 03:53)
@releaser99 - I also guess that God himself probably swings Kettlebells like crazy"
(18 Sep '13, 05:41)
@Stingray lol...reminds me of something Archimedes said in 220 BC. I guess it was something like "Give me a handle and a hand big enough and I shall swing the world like a Kettlebell" :)
(18 Sep '13, 06:14)
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nature holds adamantine ele, do you laugh if he says he has more than once thougt they were comrades on the side that did not win over atlantis
(17 Sep '13, 18:50)
Do you think I was laughing when I wrote my comment or read his question or your answer @Fred If so, you are sadly mistaken - my reaction was quite the opposite. Irony is usually humorous - I could not find any in his words. I'll answer your question with an Einstein quote "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." ~ Albert Einstein
(22 Sep '13, 12:18)
ele, perhaps the less accurate pronoun was used, the reference was to you and i battling on the same side before, but 'they' was used
(23 Sep '13, 06:19)
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So Mike, you want to become one of your country's elite military warriors - a member of the Army Special Forces (The Green Beret) .. Gary Zukav, spiritual teacher & one of my favorite authors was a member of the USA Army Special Forces (Green Beret) during the Vietnam error. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Zukav As someone who had family members who were Green Beret, I would like to share a bit of what I learned along the way. I've also met other members of the Special Forces including Navy Seals. I also have other family members who were recruited to train for the special ops & did NOT make the cut. Yes, you can certainly apply for special ops training; but the men I know, were recruited while in college or they were recruited or volunteered after enlisting. You also need to be fairly intelligent & the higher your intelligence, the better you will fare. You are required to be or become bilingual. I read where you used to be an amateur body builder on your 'stretch marks' thread. Physical strength is necessary; but being 'mentally tough' is probably more important. Power of the mind & spirit to endure 'pain' in its many forms. You will be tested mentally - emotional, psychological, and spiritually. As you know, training is intense, challenging & can be extreme. Wondering . . . Are you a natural leader? A team player? Do you normally put the needs & welfare of others before yourself? Are you the type of man who is the first one to jump in and help someone or offer help? Do you normally stand up for the underdogs? Do you think you have one it takes? Are you the type of man who could sneak up on an enemy & cut his jugular if required? Are you willing to make the ultimate sacrifice & die for people you don't know?
Mike, personally I've never heard of anyone wanting to join the Special Forces for the reason you gave. It's not glamorous & there's very little glory. It takes a 'special' type of man to become one of the army's best. Have you ever heard the song 'The Ballad of the Green Berets'? The Ballad of the Green Berets" - now known as the Army's Special Forces is a patriotic song about the Green Berets, an elite special force in the U.S. Army. It is one of the very few songs of the 1960s to cast the military in a positive light, yet it became a major hit, reaching No. 1 on the Billboard charts for five weeks in 1966.
A very catchy tune. I'm no fan of war; but I do support our troops. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PX4Flhw0HSA I realize I didn't exactly answer your question. Based on the info I gathered when I read your question & your next question in regards to stretch marks, albeit limiting, I formed an opinion in regards to the likelihood of you becoming a member of the special forces. This was my gut reaction the day you posted your question & my feelings haven't changed. Make of it what you like. I'm going to quote Senator Lloyd Bentson's remark to Dan Quayle after he likened himself to J F K during the 1988 US vice-presidential debates. Now before you jump to the wrong conclusion. Please listen to the entire video. It's ONLY 1 min 11 sec in length. Pay special attention to Senator Benton's face, especially at the end of the video. Please note what he had to say & then you'll know where I'm coming from. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NRCWbFFRpnY Not my intention to offend; but if you are & you go this route, be prepared. Not sure what country you are from - feel free to sub the flag of your choice in the following photo.
This answer is marked "community wiki".
@Ele good answer. As I said if I was a POW and had a Green Bret come to rescue me I would hope he could take pain and keep going. I would want someone who's motto is, "I don't have time for pain."
(10 Oct '13, 01:08)
Wade Casaldi
Thank you @Wade -- I wasn't sure if anyone would appreciate my answer. I'm trying to give him a reality check.. There is NO glory in War.
(10 Oct '13, 01:18)
That Green Beret song is pretty brainwashing. People will voluntarily die for anything, if you can wrap it into some nicely looking idealistic bs cover.
(10 Oct '13, 01:46)
Did you watch the video? Being a Green Beret was not being glorified. It was NOT my impression at all. As for your sentiment, I agree - just not on this video. I tried to find the Jim Nabors (Gomer Pyle) rendition but could not. Personally I loved the Lloyd Bentson video - it's priceless. oops, forgot you were at work. Have fun.
(10 Oct '13, 02:12)
The lyrics of the song glorify being a green beret to me. Oh yes, such a noble, respectable, honorable, worth remembering and celebrating death, to fight and die for those oppressed. Step 1. instill moral and idealistic pattern into society. Step 2. select your goal. Step 3. Justify your goals by using this pattern. Step 4. Add an artificial value of e.g. being a hero to following this pattern Step 5. Have people die for your agenda. Step 6. Don't forget to have "sorry" letter to families of..
(10 Oct '13, 02:47)
..those who died ready and signed to keep them believe the delusional impression you have created. The point is, anyone who cares for people, will not send them to battle. Anyone who doesn't, will sent them right and left to every battle from which he can reap some benefit for himself.
(10 Oct '13, 02:51)
I see your point; but I think we are looking at it differently. 1)Jump & Die 2)leaving widows & orphans 3)Pinning medals on a young boys chest 4) expecting son to follow in dead father's footsteps. Too sad. Yes Purple Hearts & Silver wings & sorry letters are mass produced now.
(10 Oct '13, 02:58)
I didn't see your last comment, apparently I didn't refresh my screen. Came to my inbox. I'm in complete agreement with your last point. War is big business & lives are cheap.
(10 Oct '13, 04:10)
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I think that reality is an exact reflection of the beliefs you hold. So I think it's possible to go through this kind of training without pain, but you'd have to get to a place of genuinely unresisted belief that that is possible. And I think, with something like this goal, that might be challenging for the simple fact that part of why we think that special forces soldiers are cool is that we look at them and automatically flip through a stack of mental cards about "how tough they must be" to "go to such dangerous places" and "be in such painful situations", and for myself at least, there's definitely an "and the training is so selective and hard" card in there. All of those background beliefs make up my overall picture of that job, which pretty much amounts to "it's elite because it's hard and painful". So if I went through special forces training (hah) I would definitely have a hard and painful time, because without a hard and painful time, I wouldn't appreciate a positive outcome - my own sense of eliteness would only flourish if I felt that I'd done something appropriately hard to earn it. I suspect that's true for many humans, even as we pay lip service to the ideas of ease and flow and not having to "earn" the Universe's blessing. Of course you can change those beliefs! But I think it's probably somewhat challenging to tease stuff like this out - kind of similar to how I think many of us actually quite enjoy the hard work we believe we have to put in to achieve (for instance) career or financial goals, and have more the vibration of "I want to be rich through my own brilliant efforts" and less that of "I want to be rich and any way it comes is fine". Those are my thoughts, for what they're worth! :) |

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I don't know if I like the idea of a special forces agent protecting me that training was like pie to him. The whole idea of training through pain is so in a real situation you keep going even hurting because you are protecting people that need you to be strong and get them to safety. Think of how short the movie Rambo would have been if he wasn't tough and took more pain than most imagine.