In a recent brilliant answer by Stingray, he mentions the following which is the basis in manifesting:
Where is the line drawn for someone who is living in this parallel reality and someone who is "mad", living in their own reality? We have all met people who are living in their own little world and sometimes it does seem like they are crazy or really say the least. Is it the fact that we know we are intentionally creating that reality and can "turn it off" at any time? Can someone shine some clarity on what can appears to be a thin line? Thanks! |
Your question reminds me of a conversation I had with a close friend of mine recently. Apparently, some people watch TV so much that after a while they can hardly make the distinction whether an incident occured in real life or whether it was something they watched on TV. Similar thing to what you are asking. I don't think that there is a need to worry at all even if a point is reached where we are living in a totally imaginary world. Because, per the Law of Attraction, if you believe and are already living a certain reality, then that reality will manifest which means that you will actually be living your imaginary world in real life at some point. 1
Just what I was going to say :) ...if you are truly living in such an imaginary world, it won't be too long before it will be your physical world
(26 Oct '10, 21:21)
It is this quality (that it will transmute to the "physical world") that makes it OK for me....otherwise it is just a mechanism to feel better, which can be helpful too, but can come with some "stigma" or confusion as to living in a dual reality.
(26 Oct '10, 22:25)
Really good question! I would say this: the mad person is not able to go back and forth at will and has a hard time functioning on the material plane we live on or the "normal world". The dreamer/imaginer/manifester can slip in and out of his or her world of vision at will and without difficulty. I know this may be a hard line to draw at times, but to me, that is a good guideline. I would say that's a very good metric.
(26 Oct '10, 06:50)
I agree with Lee Ann. It is a case of whether you have power to choose when to live in the imaginary world and when not.
(26 Oct '10, 17:52)
Pink Diamond

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