Just listening to recent Bashar and Abraham clips that have been posted on IQ. They are all about following your bliss in order to find your purpose. But, what if you're not naturally talented at the things that you really want to do? E.g. Your deepest desire might be to be a singer, actor, musician etc. But what if you're really not that good at it and would have to put in a lot of work into it to make any progress? For example, I love singing, but I don't feel I could ever be good enough to perform (or at least not at my age not having had any training when I was younger). Or I have a particular career in mind, but I'm not sure if I'm intellectually smart or intuitive enough to do it really well. To do these things might be a struggle and not get me anywhere, while I may be better at something else even though I might not enjoy it as much. Aren't you supposed to be naturally good at your purpose? And if you're not, could it be it is not really your purpose even though you would be following your bliss?
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I don't see it quite that way when I hear Abraham talk about following your bliss or Bashar talking about following your highest excitement. When I hear them use those terms, it is essentially about raising the vibrational frequency in every moment that you can so that you match up to the similar frequency that you desire, which produces the physical manifestation. These teachings are all about changing your chronic state of being. To me the term "purpose" almost feels like something that I have to do and there is no going back. It just feels very resistant to me. Living your bliss and acting on your highest joy (no matter what) sounds a little more freeing.
You are simply limiting your potential by buying into limiting belief systems. If you believe you aren't good enough, or feel you are too old, or not smart enough, then that is the reflection you will see in physical reality. You would be better off getting to a point where you just don't care about all those details and do what you love to do, just because you love to do it. Following your highest joy as Bashar says is a complete built in kit. If you simply act on your joy, have no expectations of how things should come to you or happen, the kit of excitement will support you in every way possible physically and financially if you allow it to. Also Bashar has mentioned in several clips that sharing information with civilizations like ourselves is his excitement. He mentioned that if only one person (or entity) in the whole universe listened that they would still do what they do. Even if nobody listened they would still do what they do because it is their highest joy. To me, that is the best example of a commitment to what brings you joy no matter what else is going on around you. If singing brings you joy then by all means sing your heart out. Leave things about talent and purpose out of the equation. You are judging yourself by having certain dis-empowering beliefs which will throw up a brick wall immediately. Sing in the shower, sing in the car or bus, sing to yourself in your head if you are in a public place and want to keep your privacy. Sing just to simply feel good. You never know what it will actually lead too if you just do it for fun and allow the universe to do the brunt work for you. Speaking of purpose (in a playful way) feeling good is your purpose here on earth. Enjoying every single moment of every single day is your purpose. Becoming who you really are in physical form is your purpose. If washing dishes makes you feel ecstatic with bliss and joy, then washing dishes is your now moment purpose. "I have a particular career in mind, and I'm sure I'm intellectually smart and intuitive enough to do it really well." Just changing a few words around like I did in the statement above is a start to changing your limiting beliefs about what you think you can or can't do. Practice saying more positive statements about yourself and really get into the blissful feeling of it already being that way. You are a good enough singer and can improve each and every day if you practice believing that it is true just for the fun of it. Don't limit yourself. Be easy and bask in what makes you happy as much as you possibly can. 3
@Cory "feeling good is your purpose here on earth. Enjoying every single moment of every single day is your purpose. Becoming who you really are in physical form is your purpose. If washing dishes makes you feel ecstatic with bliss and joy, then washing dishes is your now moment purpose." Absolutely, very well said! Makes me want to change that famous old Zen saying. Before enlightenment, I washed dishes and sang. After enlightenment, I washed dishes and sang. :)
(24 Feb '14, 09:22)
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You can always get better!! If it excites you, then you keep at it, and with practice you will improve. Surround yourself with people involved in that activity/field, specially with people that are better (or way way better) than you. That will accelerate the process. This is an excerpt of the Science of Getting Rich (read specially the last 2 lines): "You can get rich in ANY business, for if you have not the right talent, you can develop that talent. It merely means that you will have to make your tools as you go along, instead of confining yourself to the use of those with which you were born. It will be EASIER for you to succeed in a vocation for which you already have the talents in a well-developed state;, but you CAN succeed in any vocation, for you can develop any rudimentary talent, and there is no talent of which you have not at least the rudiment. You will get rich most easily in terms of effort, if you do that for which you are best fitted, but you will get rich most satisfactorily if you do that which you WANT to do" If you happen to think you are too old to start (or not old enough), it doesn't matter. A teacher once told me something like this: "it doesn't matter in what point of your learning you are now, or your age or circumstances. What matters is that you are here now; taking action now." Most of the time you can feel bad if you compare yourself to others, so don't!. There will always be people better and worse than you. Even if you get to be the absolute best in something (Michael Jordan for example), it is usually not something that can be kept indefinitely due to age, or other interest arising, etc. Compare only aspects of the people you admire, so that you can refine your methods, techniques, mindset, etc. But always remember that each is a separate individual, with different circumstances and mixes of skill, passions, etc. Also keep in mind that you have to live in the now! Don't live in a fantasy in the future when X or Y happens, live in the moment, do everything you do because you love it, enjoy the process!. I recommend the book: The Power of Now and the movie (from a book, but haven't read it): Peaceful Warrior. Hope it helps! 3
yes @Kriegerd love your answer, i'd just like to add that the phrase "but what if you're not naturally talented" is based on judgement, judgement is subjective based on personal beliefs and acts as a hindering force ... accepting all things, people, situations as equally valuable is valorizing and acts as an expansive force
(23 Feb '14, 01:47)
I don't think that you're naturally supposed to be good at your purpose. Some just happen to be, or at least they appear that way to us. Who knows if they had to cultivate it behind the scenes? I can also think of many singers who trained for years and still practice even after becoming successful. Anyone can learn how to sing. If a deaf man can compose and play a piano, YOU can become a singer. Why wouldn't you be able to? I know that he wasn't born deaf but it must have been a challenge to compose without hearing. Composition is difficult enough with working ears. Another good example is about Napoleon Hill's son who was born without ears and the inner equipment needed for hearing. His father was so determined to make his child learn how to hear that he cultivated the positive mindset needed and reinforced it in his child. He came up with numerous methods to help his son learn how to hear even in his infancy. What better age to start? Babies and young children don't have nearly as many limiting beliefs as adults. His son did learn how to hear, by the way. And you can look this up for yourself or buy the book (Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill) to read the whole story. It was so inspiring to me and is a story I'll never forget. If a person born without ears can hear, you can also do anything you set my mind to. You are the one who creates your limits, not society. Don't allow society to define you or your limits. If you want to be good, become good. You have the resources available. As for age, that doesn't really matter either. You can learn anything at any age and I think a person should consistently learn. Alice Cooper released an album in his 60s. If he can still sing in his 60s, then what's stopping you? Alice Cooper may be in his 60s but I still love his music (including the newer). Some may claim he's too old for it. I admire people who aren't afraid to do what they love and be themselves regardless of their age. I saw a middle-aged woman who was married with children fangirling over a young boy group. Most would say she's too old for that but I applaud her for it. You are never too old. Youth to me is a mindset, not a number. As for intellectually smart, anyone can be smart as well. Your IQ is not set in stone; it can either increase or decrease. Additionally, there are different types of intelligent such as your EQ (emotional intelligence quotient). People with high IQs tend to have low EQs and vice versa. We are only beginning to grasp how powerful the brain is. I think everyone has the same potential. It's just each is born with different gifts and the environment has an impact. We are all exposed to different things, experience life differently, so we are all different. But that doesn't mean you can't shape the life you want or who you want to be. I hope you find this helpful and live a life full of happiness. :) |
Not really, example if your bliss is to be a doctor and you followed it you would be taking appointments and checking people out and writing prescriptions. Next the police would be knocking on your door giving you a ticket or someone suing you for impersonating a doctor. So before you know it you would have a fine or lawsuit against you, all because your bliss was to be a doctor and you decided to follow it. Same thing with being a guitar star, you strap on a guitar join or start a band and book a concert. Wow your dream come true! You step on stage and scream, "lets rock!" You go to play and realize you don't know the first thing about guitars! You can't really follow your bliss until you are good and ready to. Until then you have to go through a whole lot of bad stuff, years of college to someday be a doctor, or years of learning and practice to someday be a rock star. So there is preparing to follow your bliss which is not too blissful, then follow your bliss after you are good and ready to. Plus following your bliss is not always a good idea, just look at someone like Jason Bates in the movie Psycho, everyone including Jason would have been better off if he didn't follow his bliss! So discretion has to come into this, would this be such a good idea even though this would give me bliss? A good example is teens that decide to get drunk and go out running over peoples mail boxes. Whoopee, what a great time of fun! Next the police are shooting at them as they are trying to get away! That would not be a good idea for those teens to follow their bliss. |
@Inner Beauty - I have often felt just the same as you describe. In fact, it is even the same passion - the love of singing. I want you to know, I think it is very brave of you to open up and ask this question; I admire you, because I have often thought of this, but lacked the courage to express myself so openly. My talent is merely fair-to-middling, but I love it so, I just have to sing, regardless of whether anyone is listening, or whether anyone else may like or dislike my voice. I am nothing wondrous to look at, either, so I couldn't make it on looks alone! But I have to sing, or I feel somehow trapped, stifled, frustrated that I have not expressed some essential truth. It runs deep, and I have had to learn to respect it. I always try to remember this advice: Is there something you love to do so much, you do it because you have to, regardless of whether it will ever be appreciated by anyone else? Will you write when you know that no one will ever read your words? Do you paint what you know no one will ever see? Will you dance to music nobody else seems to hear? Do you feel you absolutely have to sing, or burst with the effort of keeping silent, even if no one can or would even want to hear you? Then this you must do! If your answer is yes to anything like this, you are actually very fortunate, in my view. Whatever that is, that is your passion, that is the excitement that you need to follow. It's where the energy is, and where all good things can find you. Others who can hear will hear your spirit expressing itself, and your spirit is beautiful, you can be certain of that. That urge is your gift, no matter what you or anyone else may judge of the end result, and it is essential that you honor that gift. If you are anything like me, it never feels like work, no matter how hard you work at it, and I personally believe that is what all "hard work" is actually intended for - it is sheer joy! I also believe it is the healthiest thing you can do for yourself. Our @ursixx knows all about this sort of thing, by the way. I would love to read his answer to your question! "Work" hard. ;) Sing every chance you get. I sing like a madwoman in my car, because I know I can belt it out as loud and as passionately as I please - I can sing my heart out, that is the point, and nobody else has to hear me. Voice lessons and/or choirs are wonderful - they will teach you things you never thought of that will pull the most amazing sound out of you. For me, this is what is next in my intentional manifestations. I have always prevented myself from taking lessons, because I couldn't answer the question "why?". I couldn't see a future for myself with it. Now I feel like, who cares??!! I love it, and that is enough. In fact, it's everything. I have handed over the question of whether I will ever sing for anyone else to the Universe. I am not bothering with that right now. So my advice is just sing, sweetheart. It can only do you good. Let the Universe handle everything else. ...There. My secret is out. ;) Love, Grace. :) 1
Dear Grace, Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging message! I definitely need to work on the point about singing just for the joy of it without worrying about what other people think about my singing! Thank you also for sharing about your love of singing. How wonderful that you love singing too. I hope you will listen to your own advice and sing your heart out too! I think the idea of having lessons is great. I'm looking for a teacher. Hope you find one very soon too!
(04 Mar '14, 16:05)
Inner Beauty
@Inner Beauty - You are welcome and yes, I do need to take my own advice! :) It's one of the wonderful things about IQ - you tend to write your own advice and encouragement, just when you need it most!
(04 Mar '14, 17:11)

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Your purpose is whatever YOU want.
You don't have to be any good at singing to be a singer. Exhibit A: Justin Bieber.
There was a Lavern and Shirly episode. Lavern wanted to be a singer. She wanted to be some perfect beautiful singer. She embarrassed herself until Lenny told her that she is a novelty singer like Jone Jet or Pat Benatar. She sang a song with him and was a smash hit!
There are all kinds of singing styles. Look at Jimi Hendrix, he never thought he could sing, but he did because he heard Bob Dylan sing.
Can you sing as good as that?
@wade -um, I think so! :-)
Check this out from Joan Jett it is an inspiration. She made this song to rub it in the faces of everyone that turned her down and told her she couldn't sing.