Hello, after some time. The other night, after some time not reading from Seth's books I picked where I had left of in one of them. Read a few pages, he was talking about inner senses. I fall asleep reading, thinking about it, only to wake up with the e-book bothering me on my chest. I decided to give a try to the inner senses exercise Seth proposed. For a few minutes I did some exploration and was enjoying it when I feel asleep, only to wake up an hour and a half later rather agitated, or more like with an intensified awareness after being agitated during the dream. While I was exploring on Seth's excercise, as I got deeper into a meditateive state, my body started to ache in many places, the usual places as I've been dealing with an autoimmune form of arthritis for some time ago, and though it has diminished over time I still suffer from some pain. (I understand I create this, specially because of my way of thinking, that happens to contain a lot of worry). So, while meditated I invited Dreamer to help me with the healing. Dreamer, the dolphin's conciousness Bashar mentions often. I felt a deep love, a very good feeling, and I don't know if it's related to the idea or to Dreamer. In any case I fell asleep and this is what I dreamed of: I was laying on the bed, when strong wind was above me, right in front of me. It was very strong and was frightening to me. I couldn't make it stop, it was surrounding my body, the top part (not my back), like in a semi-circle. I remembering being very frightening, and I started to ask for whoever was with me to go away, that only spirits of the light could communicate with me. The wind continued and there were moments of distress and brief, very brief moments of a little calm when I said to myself, well, whatever it's here, so be it. Because I felt a presence, or I imagined it. Then somehow I thought I shouldn't freak out, and thought maybe it was Dreamer, doing some healing on me. Then I think I stopped dreaming for some time only to begin dreaming with the same another time. Equally as frightening, with the added ingredient that I thought it was here to stay, I tried to form a cross with my arms above my chest (not referring to the Christian cross, I believe, as it was not in my mind, only some sort of protection) and as my armed touched the current of wind I felt it very very strong, pushing my arms towards my chest. I asked the same, that whoever was with me had to go away, as I only wanted to connect with spirits from the light, and again it didn't go away. Somehow the dream changed, and I heard someone open the hall door that takes to my room, and then I heard my sister talking, then they opened my door. It was the cops. They wanted to take me away first, then I got up and and asked what it was all about, then they wanted to talk to me. They had some sort of handheld device, like the one salesmen use, like a payment terminal for credit cards. They wanted to show me something at 8:26am or something, but then they were asking me to show them the CCTV recordings for they wanted to see something. As I was getting up the bed though, there were two kids, and both sat on the bed, then there was one boy only, with his head looking down. Then, the final moment with the cops including someone else saying that he had a coke in the fridge, and then another appeared and it was my coke, I had a coke too. Also, I'm just remembering, before the wind dreams that same night, I dreamed I was running on the roof, trying to get to the front of the house because I heard noises. This was all too vivid, not regular dreams. But then I got my feet tangled in some sort of cable on the roof. Then, I was at the front of the house, and I could see this guy tying a dog's legs. And he was telling me it was because something happened to his car. Now, I know how all this sounds. And I have it so present that I must give a thought to the idea that I'm making this all up, or simply having it on the back of my mind all this time and manifesting it as a dream. I'm talking of alien abductions. But I've asked Treb, and he said that I've never been abducted. So, I'm hoping someone can detect some symbolism, I understand one's own interpretation is best but sometimes some general symbols are valid for most. Any comment is welcome. |
Symbolism is always subjective. You may like to check some well known symbolic interpretation from the numerous resources available online, but it's best interpreted by you via meditation. Personally, I know dreams merely represent our state of mind and the consequent trajectory of our manifest circumstances. If we're aware, we can alter our state of mind to alter the trajectory of our circumstances. I tend to focus more on deliberate focus on a moment-by-moment basis by directing it to stuff I like rather than dislike and let dreams worry about themselves :). 1
Thanks for the answer. Maybe as you say I'm giving too much importance trying to figure out something about the dream when my power is in the now.
(23 Jul '14, 03:32)
Understand that you are the writer, director, producer and lead character for all your dreams. They often are bases on events and issues happening in your "awake" life. What follows is one possible explanation as a guide for interpreting your dreams. The parts I have added may or may not apply. They are the variables that an interpreter would ascertain while questioning the dreamer. Hope this may help in some way for this and future dream weavings. I am laying on the bed. strong wind was above me, right in front of me like in a semi-circle (Cleansing wind, and/or the constant flow of Change. "The winds of change" ) I started to ask for whoever was with me to go away, that only spirits of the light could communicate with me. ( Conditions? Everything in the dream, you put there for a reason! ) The wind continued and there were moments of distress and brief, very brief moments of a little calm when I said to myself, well, whatever it's here, so be it. (Acceptance?) Because I felt a presence, or I imagined it. ( Real vs. imagined issue in question.) I thought I shouldn't freak out, ( Look at the issue rationally). and thought maybe it was Dreamer, doing some healing on me. Then I think I stopped dreaming for some time only to begin dreaming with the same another time. Equally as frightening, ( Hope vs. fear. Choose the positive outlook?) with the added ingredient that I thought it was here to stay, ( Resignation : have to deal with the issue) I tried to form a cross with my arms above my chest , I believe, as some sort of protection. ( Résistance, not wanting to deal with the issue.) as my armed touched the current of wind I felt it very very strong, pushing my arms towards my chest. (Strong resistance. Really not wanting to deal with the issue. It won't go away so deal with it) I asked, that whoever was with me had to go away, as I only wanted to connect with spirits from the light, and again it didn't go away. (because you included it for a reason), the dream changed, and I heard someone open the hall door to my room, and then I heard sister talking my, then they opened my door. (Concerned party?) It was the cops. ( Authority figure related to the issue. Could represent Doctor, lawyer, parent etc.) They wanted to take me away first, ( leave the circumstances causing the issue.) then I got up and and asked what it was all about, (Questioning a decision?) then they wanted to talk to me. (hear your point of view ?) They had some sort of handheld device, like the one salesmen use, like a payment terminal for credit cards. (Cost should not affect outcome of issue or prevent you from making the right decision) They wanted to show me something at 8:26am. ( Look for this number to appear as synchronicity in waking state. Could be date, time, street address, price of something etc.) they were asking me to show them the CCTV recordings for they wanted to see something. (Someone needs to understand your point of view on the issue.) As I was getting up the bed though, there were two kids, and both sat on the bed, then there was one boy only, with his head looking down. (A decision to make. Look inward for an answer rather than looking to another? ) Then, the final moment with the cops including someone else saying that he had a coke in the fridge, and then another appeared and it was my coke, I had a coke too. (Satisfaction, reward, consequence following the decision). Before the wind dreams that same night, I dreamed I was running on the roof, trying to get to the front of the house because I heard noises ( Don't be so quick to jump to conclusions ) then I got my feet tangled in some sort of cable on the roof (As it will only add to the confusion.) Then, I was at the front of the house, and I could see this guy tying a dog's legs. he was telling me it was because something happened to his car. ( causing an inablity to get anywhere for all the wrong reasons.) |
I would say to you what is on your mind? all those dream put you in precarious situation. the cop asking you something on cctv cam, you on the roof afraid to fall entangle in a wire, you on the front law with a dog leash little children as witness to something. are you afraid of being caught for something you did? are you afraid of not paying your cable bill? are afraid of the cctv cam that you are using not always in the best way? are you afraid of cop or dog? when one meditate all the unsolved thing come up to the surface. so see if those are not unsolved issue for you. you see often we ignore things or try to stop some though or emotion that we are not ready to deal with at the moment. I could compare it with a tv screen that you do not want stuff showing up on it you put some ignore paint or try to push it very far in the background so you do not see it. when you do real meditation in the first level all those things come back up on the surface out and in and in and out until you learn the truth about it, it will always be there waiting in your mind to come back to you so that you learn the truth and it can be solved for you. you can try to fool your self and say I can stop it or ignore it you will see it will come back. the question is do you want a clear screen and know the truth or do you want to ignore some part and always wander what is there? also do you know if what you are seeing is really what it is if you do not want to see? How would a puzzle image look with some piece of the puzzle missing? do you not want to have the full picture? it is like the Pharisees that always wanted to look good on the outside to have praise from one another and did not accept to see some part about them self, or to see good about other people Jesus told them: If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains. symbol in dream book are not always right it can change from one person to the next. also there is different kind of dream. the wind thing that press on your chest seam like a nightmare little demon or darkness entity that assault or jump on you try to choke you or try to control of your dream to make you fear. If you lucid dream meaning being aware that you dream you can feel when you start loosing control of the dream usely this is where the nightmare start to occur. what is good about bing lucid in the dream is that you can fight it. How you can fight the enemy that little darkness, you can find him in the dream in what ever shape that he takes to try to fool you and kick him out of your dream. there is so many different kind of dream that you can experience being lucid I can also tell you that often you dream more then one dream per night and can tell when you made a switch from one dream to another. also that you can change your surrounding you could see something that you do not like and just say I do not like it and just change it to something that you like. there is also some other kind of dream where you cannot change stuff that easy they are in the prophetic dream kind where you are dealing with more then just imagination and information. you could listen to this video that talk about this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmbpOucNVn4&list=PL__xl6YqQxvWIluPyO1J1gMSnMIMdbL38 those things feed on fear as long as you fear them and remain in darkness they will keep assaulting you. in the case of sleep paralysis it is when your body shoot down and you exit the flesh just before you start to exit they jam you there and try to make you fear. you want meditation advice make thine eyes single and keep aware. Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy, your body also is full of darkness. See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness. You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you. Whoever walks in the dark does not know where they are going. Let there be light, be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy. Thanks for the answer. About your question if I have some unfinished business I'd say it's more of a general sense of worry given that I'm not where I would like to be. I haven't harmed anyone or done anything wrong. The CCTV system is for our store, it's more to let people know we have everything checked as we have some security issues in this place of the world. I feel as if that was a detail that I added with some rationalization. The wire thing felt as if I was out of the body and then ..
(23 Jul '14, 03:36)
(cont.) something stopped me, sort of tripped me, and then I regained some awareness. The only thing I think I maybe doing wrong is adapting to a new taxing system for the business and trying to do as many changes as possible to avoid paying a lot of taxes. You could blame for this, but if in your country (I don't know where you're from) politicians stole the tax money all the time, provided awful health insurance and almost zero security you would be warry of paying taxes as I am. (Mexico).
(23 Jul '14, 03:41)
(cont.) Now, to be more detailed about my dreams: I know how to lucid dream, I think I can do if I decided it just before going to bed, or maybe the next night, I could do it every night some time ago but for some reason I felt tired the next morning, so I stopped. I would usually gain control over the dream, change a few things and then I'd wake up. If I didn't change much, I'd stay dreaming more time, but eventually lose awareness. Also, I seem to be able to discern between types of dreams..
(23 Jul '14, 03:44)
(cont.) I've had premonitory dreams in the pasts and had a couple of them recently. The ones I had recently weren't clear enough, I can sort of have a premonition of the emotion rather than the details, some details are there, but they're not as clear, they are of specifics that I can recollect upon waking up, so that's why I know they are premonitory. These dreams feel different. Now, another kind of different were the dreams about the wind around my body, this one was very different...
(23 Jul '14, 03:47)
(cont.) very vivid and it was twice. I felt frightened, it was too intense. I felt a presence, or I don't know if I added that myself after becoming aware. But the wind was very real, very intense. I'm getting goosebumps only for writing about it. I know only I can put myself in that position, and I can get out of it as well, but what do you do when you find yourself very frightened? Is not easy to just calm down. And this is funny: I'm aware I create my world, and I fear that ...
(23 Jul '14, 03:54)
(cont.) my worry patters would create such encounters, like with the little demons you mention. As if I know I'm control and I fear I cannot stop worrying for once. I'm not as bad as I used to be, yet it bothers me that I find something every day to worry about. I will watch your video, though I'm not sure if now, as I just recollected that dream lol.
(23 Jul '14, 03:57)
(cont.) By the way, I've had harmless "sleep paralysis" in the past. I don't get terrified. I just can't move, eventually I go back to sleep. This wasn't "sleep paralysis". The wind was too strong, going from my left side, say starting on the bed, to my right side, ending on the bed as well I assume, as I didn't feel in on my back. I think I'll say it again, it was a very, very strong wind.
(23 Jul '14, 04:02)
you see in those comment you have already identify some of the symbol and what fear or insecurity they are related to. I do not get tired when I lucid dream. what get us tired is the stress from this world where everything is going fast. discerning type of dream is a long process there is many kind of dream there is as many kind of dream as there is leaf in a tree. if you can at least make out what is creation dream information dream and prophetic dream it is a good start. some time it can be-
(26 Jul '14, 05:41)
white tiger
a mix of all this in the same dream. sometime you can switch from one dream to the other if you are aware you will notice it. as for the strong wind that you talk about you fear it and it does not respond well to you, you feel a presence that you do not want instinctively you cross your arm for protection. you could not stop it and it was your dream to me that is a lost of control. the simple fact if you read your question is that there is fear in many place. there is some desire also.-
(26 Jul '14, 05:50)
white tiger
be aware about your self. you see you invited something that you do not know in your dream when you have some desire and are afraid and have some unsolved issue. many thing for a mare or similar darkness to assault you with. strong presence does not respect you even when you ask it to leave it still press on you. you said: pushing my arms towards my chest. I asked the same, that whoever was with me had to go away, as I only wanted to connect with spirits from the light, and again it didn't go -
(26 Jul '14, 05:58)
white tiger
away. then your dream shifted all to things that you are afraid about. be aware know yourself if the enemy know you more then your self he can use that against you, and those things feed on fear. learn the truth, when the wind and the storm come; peace be still, Let no place for death to enter. O man of little faith. Let there be light, be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy.
(26 Jul '14, 06:08)
white tiger
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I have experienced this, while awake, as the Presence of the Holy Spirit (I am a Christian). In times of great spiritual awareness, a wind from nowhere swept around my bedroom, strong enough to turn the pages of my Bible. When I read your story, I was wondering if you were not all the way asleep. The Holy Spirit may have been trying to heal you. After the wind, you began to dream, going into deeper sleep. Do not be afraid of this Divine experience. When it happened to me, I was delighted, and felt laughter bubble up inside of me. When we are spiritually awake, and growing, the Holy Spirit may try to get your attention. If you are not a Christian, you may call this experience as being from God- it does not matter in the long run. What matters is that we recognize it as being Positive. Blessings, Jai ♥♥♥ |

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