The concept of infinite parallel realities implies that every consciousness contains all the necessary "ingredients" for each of these realities. I guess that concludes people, resources and material objects.

A famous Bashar quote is:

The reality that you perceive "around you" is actually created from you, consciously or unconsciously, and that your reality, all realities, are contained within you.

The way I understand this is that everything I see around me is a reflection of my own consciousness within me. And that includes other people.

And this is where I get stuck and don't understand the concept anymore.

I've been trying to understand these ideas for awhile and while everything else makes perfect sense to me, the part with other people always confuses me.

Cory has written the following in my question How is it possible to create objects without the help of other people? :

You are literally your very own version of earth and everyone else that you see with your eyes and hear with your ears are your unique versions of what you believe are separate physical human beings. So essentially, you may have physical-ized humans building your house, but you are the one creating this action completely because it is your reality.


So everyone that is in your reality exists in your own personal VR headset. Everything you see is your own personal version of a virtual reality earth. There may be people building you a house, but since they are in your VR headset of consciousness, isn't it actually you who is building or should I say manifesting/creating the house?

Can someone please explain what that exactly means? Are the other people in my reality a part of me? I always thought other people are other people, with their own will and their own freedom.

But if I have complete control over everything that happens in my reality, doesn't that then mean that the other people in my reality don't have free will and freedom?

I interpret Cory's answer exactly like that, that I have complete control over everyone and everything in my reality. But then the other people must be a reflection of myself then and not separate beings with free will? And if this is true, doesn't Abraham and Bashar say, that every being creates for itself only? Why do I have such power over these other people in my reality if I can't create for others at the same time?

I hope I phrased my questions clear enough so that you get my point. If it's confusing I try again to ask it better. Thank you.

asked 30 Dec '16, 07:05

spacemetalfantasy's gravatar image


edited 30 Dec '16, 07:06

I guess I'll give it another shot to try and explain my understanding and help you understand what you're seeking in the best way I can.

Also, we are all on our own path of learning and sometimes it just takes a certain situation to just make all of this stuff start to fit together more and more, until one day, that final puzzle piece snaps the whole picture together clearly.

I'm still learning every single day and don't ever expect or even wish to think I will have it all figured out. So be easy with yourself in trying to understand everything in a detailed manner and in a specific amount of time. Just balance yourself with a good feeling place most of the time and everything will work out when and how it needs to effortlessly :)

Can someone please explain what that exactly means? Are the other people in my reality a part of me? I always thought other people are other people, with their own will and their own freedom.

In an overall sense of things we are all each other at the very core. We are all one being. We are all one entity. We are all god, the universe, all that is ect., ect., ect.

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The game of earth that each and everyone of us chose to play with entails the grandest illusion of all and that is.......The Illusion Of Separation. We need to function in this earth game in a state of separation and individuality to stay in the game and actually believe that this physical reality is really real and is the only one grand existence that there is.

If we manifested here on earth and instantly remembered that we were playing a game of separation as an individual but were actually all that is, then we would probably blink out of the physical at the first sign of trouble simply because we know we could.

So essentially we are all one being that has decided that we want to experience a new idea of separation just for the fun of it. So to answer a part of your question, yes other people are a part of you. And to take it a step further.....other people are you and you are them!

You just decided to forget all of these ideas to play this physical human game of earth person. You are an eternal, infinite, indestructible being that will never actually die (in the human sense of the word) but simply change form once you are done experiencing this wacky and wonderful Monopoly board of fun!

Other people are definitely other people in the sense that you are implying. Think about it for a moment though, if you knew the "other people" that you experience as being "out there" were actually you (or the one and all that is) how long would this earth game seem real and exciting to you? It would get boring very quickly and you would want to move on to something new as soon as possible.

Other people that seem separate to us are just our unique version of what we experience in this game. You are not a soul in a human body but actually a human body created and contained within a soul. So if your body is created by your soul (non-physical you) then everything contained in that body was created by the soul.

Everything is contained within your consciousness.

This is a key point that Bashar often mentions and that is.... "Time and Space are illusions. But your experiences within Time/Space are real." "There is only Here/Now."

The experience will always be meaningful no matter if solid reality is an illusion or not. A person could experience a so called "illusion" in a dream but it could still be very impactful in their life.

But if I have complete control over everything that happens in my reality, doesn't that then mean that the other people in my reality don't have free will and freedom?

Yes they have free will and freedom but those people are the people that exist on your frequency range. Your constant pulsing vibration shifts you to a parallel earth where the version of those other peoples vibration sync up with yours. As Bashar also mentions in almost everyone of his transmissions....."you are shifting from parallel reality earth to parallel reality earth billions of times a second....literally!"

Things out side of you are not actually changing per say. When things change, you are actually shifting to an already existing parallel earth reality where that situation or person actually exists right now, while the other version still exists in the earth you just left.

We all made agreements before we created these physical bodies to play different parts here on earth with each other. So most of the time these "other people" are helping us choose which direction is preferred or no preferred in a specific place or time.

It's not that you are controlling anyone in your life. They are just part of the harmony signal of your unique earth song. It's an ebb and flow vibration of back and forth just like the waves hitting the shore. They flow as you flow. Every other being experiences things in the same way. You are being experienced in billions of different ways by billions of different humans as well.

I interpret Cory's answer exactly like that, that I have complete control over everyone and everything in my reality. But then the other people must be a reflection of myself then and not separate beings with free will? And if this is true, doesn't Abraham and Bashar say, that every being creates for itself only? Why do I have such power over these other people in my reality if I can't create for others at the same time?

It sounds like you are using the word "power" here in more of a controlling type of definition. There is no power in that sense regarding your unique reality.

Abraham and Bashar are correct in saying that every being creates for itself only. Your vibration and frequency signal creates what particular world is surrounding you. Why do you think all this talk always reverts back to how you feel, get into the vortex, follow your highest passion and excitement.

You are not actually pulling anything to you in the Law of Attraction. You are actually allowing things to flow like an unkinked water hose by getting in your desired feeling place and then shifting to the appropriate version of earth that you prefer.

So when you get happy you manifest an earth where the people around you are the people you want to be around. There is not control or power involved. When you are unhappy and frustrated you manifest to an earth where you want to get as far away from the people you don't like, and for some reason they continue to stick around.

But then the other people must be a reflection of myself then and not separate beings with free will?

Remember something very important here....this is an earth game. We are all experiencing our own unique versions of each other. When you read this answer from me, I am contained within your reality and am the version you experience me as. While I am typing these words right now, you are in my reality and are the version I experience. There is no 1 version of you or me. There are infinite numbers of both of us that exist now in what we interpret as the past, present, and future.

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There is no control of other people in the sense of "do thy bidding" going on here. If you just try to focus more on what is going on within yourself and forget about the outside world, that is all you really need. When you get it figured out from within, everything without will completely work out without a doubt :)


answered 30 Dec '16, 14:37

Cory's gravatar image



Thank you a lot, @Cory, I'm happy that you took the effort again and explain me these ideas :) When you say "You are being experienced in billions of different ways by billions of different humans as well.", does this mean that I have billions of versions of myself that I am not aware of at all? Because if this is the case, I would understand the other things much better. I read a Bashar quote that goes like that: "...every individual contains all the facets necessary to interact..."

(30 Dec '16, 15:34) spacemetalfantasy

"within any reality of any one individual that can take place." So, that means that I have all the facets that any individual could need from me and I am just not aware of all these facets because I am focused only on my "own idea who I am"?

(30 Dec '16, 15:37) spacemetalfantasy

@spacemetalfantasy "does this mean that I have billions of versions of myself that I am not aware of at all? Because if this is the case, I would understand the other things much better." Yes, there are an infinite number of versions of yourself. Now remember, this is just my perspective and interpretation. I don't claim to know solid facts in matters like these but this idea of reality makes the most sense to me.

(30 Dec '16, 16:14) Cory

@spacemetalfantasy *"So, that means that I have all the facets that any individual could need from me and I am just not aware of all these facets because I am focused only on my "own idea who I am"?

Sounds to me like things are clicking into place for you. You actually have the ability to connect to every individual parallel version of yourself that exists by focusing on a solution rather than a problem in your life experiences. Every solution to every problem already exists now.

(30 Dec '16, 16:16) Cory

@spacemetalfantasy ....You just have to allow yourself to connect to the parallel version of it. We are all connected. Everyone you observe to be on earth and every parallel connection of yourself.

Try something simple. Lay quietly in a peaceful state of mind and ask to connect to parallel version of your self. The funny thing is, there are parallel versions of you who need your guidance as well. You just need to choose to open up as well. Allow a little more and your awareness will open up!

(30 Dec '16, 16:21) Cory

@spacemetalfantasy You are welcome by the way. I love this stuff so always glad to be of service :)

(30 Dec '16, 16:23) Cory

@Cory - this is soo exciting and interesting! I really appreciate your help. If everyone has infinite versions of themself, is this the explanation to how anything is possible and everything can/does exist? Because one person ist not only one person with limited "skills and characteristics" but infinite persons at one time?

(30 Dec '16, 17:09) spacemetalfantasy

@Cory - and is the explanation to how desires are always possible - because of the infiniteness of each of us? And does this then mean in the end, that my other versions are experienced by other people but me as I'm only focused on my current version? If this is true, then everything makes sense to me.

(30 Dec '16, 17:13) spacemetalfantasy

@spacemetalfantasy " If everyone has infinite versions of themself, is this the explanation to how anything is possible and everything can/does exist? Because one person is not only one person with limited "skills and characteristics" but infinite persons at one time? and is the explanation to how desires are always possible - because of the infiniteness of each of us?" Well since the word infinite means having no limits, then anything would be possible now wouldn't it?

(30 Dec '16, 19:14) Cory

@spacemetalfantasy And does this then mean in the end, that my other versions are experienced by other people but me as I'm only focused on my current version? All you can do is focus on the you of here and now. That would be the main priority in my opinion. If you have that mindset that any and everything is possible, then you start to make connections and gain knowledge that were always right there with you but your resistance just made them invisible to you.

Only you can decide what is...

(30 Dec '16, 19:19) Cory

@spacemetalfantasy ...and what isn't true for you. My suggestion would be to simply sort through the data you are given by other people, places, and things and just decide what works and feels best for you. Remember you are a powerful creator on par with everyone else. Start deciding and knowing how you want to feel and what you want to believe and you will be well well on your way to the life you prefer.

(30 Dec '16, 19:23) Cory

@Cory - thank you for your response. I guess I know what to do now :) You helped me a lot, again, I appreciate your effort a lot. Happy new year to you :)

(31 Dec '16, 15:24) spacemetalfantasy

@spacemetalfantasy More than happy to help. Happy New Year to you as well!

(01 Jan '17, 17:57) Cory
showing 2 of 13 show 11 more comments

These are concepts that seemed very confusing to me, too, but I found my own way of understanding them, and though these conclusions may seem confusing, they work for me.

A long time ago I remember reading some quotations from the Seth books (Jane Roberts) in which Seth explained we are souls that are part of oversouls, on and on, until we are all one - if someone has more knowledge about the Seth books, they may correct me, for this is only my own understanding.

It so happens that I write fiction, and by doing that I came to understand the concepts in this way: when I am writing, I am creating characters that are, in a way, all myself. They really are, because I create all of them in my mind, right? But after a while, it seems the story is developing on its own, and the characters start to have distinct personalities; they start to have their own thoughts, opinions and even act on their own ways - I mean, that world and its characters become a paralel reality to me, over which I have no control anymore, and I feel I am just telling a story that I am receiving from somewhere, almost like channeling. All the characters in the book are part of me, but, at the same time, they are themselves, take their own decisions and act on their own.

That's how I understand all of this. Maybe this universe is just a story that some powerful consciousness is "writing", which involves billions of characters, but which is, ultimately, all in the "brain" of that "writer" - which is the source of the story and the characters.

It sometimes happens that a writer has a lot of ideas for the story, but ends up "manifesting" only one set of ideas on paper (a definite universe). Our "writer" is a creator, has infinite criative capacities and ideas of universes in his mind, and all of these ideas are parallel universes, manifesting somewhere. Thus, there are many versions of his characters (us).

But this is not a writer that wants control over the stories - this writer wants characters that may live on their own, so that he may get surprised by them, live all those billions of experiences in infinite parallel versions (universes).

There's only one thing that we know for sure: that we do exist as consciousness. I mean, I know I exist, but I am not one hundred percent sure that the others exist, that they are not just projections of my imagination. I just decided to believe they exist too, and I act accordingly (respecting their existance as something real, as real as my own). I decided to believe that because I believe in the statement that we can only create our own reality, that we cannot create other people's reality. I could decide to believe otherwise, but I want to believe this because I don't want to take responsability for being the creator of all this. It's choice, really.

Now, ultimately, if we are characters in the mind of some source, we are vibrations on that mind (as much as any character of my own invention is vibration of thought in my own brain).

Thus, we are vibration, and vibration has frequency. The frequency of our vibration is what defines what universe we are in. So, all of the other characters in this story that vibrate in the same frequency with me, are in the same universe with me as I am in this universe - and that explains, for me, the idea that they are projections of my own vibrations. If I could change my vibration for real, I know that I would encouter other versions of the same people, much more to my liking, maybe. That explains why Abraham encourages us to write the book of positive aspects of other people. So, though I am responsible for my own vibration and the universe I am in, I do not and cannot control others - they are in the same vibration as I am, but they are responsible for that.

Having written that, I could summarize it in this way: I am a character as the others, and I interact with other characters according to my own vibration. Those characters act towards me according to my own vibration, so in a way they are a projection of myself. At the same time, I know they are only versions of themselves, as I am a version of myself in this universe I am in right now. By changing my own vibration, I may interact with other versions of those characters. The fact that they are projections of my own vibration does not mean I can create reality for them.

We are all characters in the mind of some Source Consciousness, and as such, we will always have our own identity, even though we are all one in Source.

That's why I believe in Law of Attraction - because in the same way a writer will always match stories and characters to create drama, Source knows it all and matches stories to create drama. That's how we are made to interact with each other.

I also believe in free will and choice, and I believe we have choice - either here and in non-physical state. It may be that we are characters of characters of characters that are characters in the mind of Source. Who knows?

There are layers and layers of mist between us and Source, and at this point we cannot understand it all.

Ultimately, Source is the one experiencing all this, and having great fun with it. Don't we love drama?

I hope this is not too much and that it does not offend anyone. It's just my idea of it.


answered 30 Dec '16, 19:15

VitoriaRegia's gravatar image


@VitoriaRegia - thank you for your answer, I love it! Makes a lot of sense and it's a good explanation. Life is very fascinating, isn't it? :)

(02 Jan '17, 14:14) spacemetalfantasy

@spacemetalfantasy - You're welcome. I like your questions, they are the same kind of questions I've asked myself before and still ask from time to time, so it's a pleasure to me to answer them :)

(03 Jan '17, 09:09) VitoriaRegia

how your will perceives what is
happening is within you
people and things in these
are outside of you


answered 03 Jan '17, 06:37

fred's gravatar image



Most teachers agree there is no such thing as an outside world, it is just your level of identification that varies.

(04 Jan '17, 09:23) cmc
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