To count something we start from zero. Even if it is not stated. Many of us know the emotional guidance scale. presented by Abraham -Hicks.With number one being; Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love. But is there a number zero and isn't that what we are truly striving for ? Something beyond and above 1 . Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love EMOTIONAL SCALE: 1 . Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love |
Bit of semantics here but the guidance scale is made up of words. To me joy is about the best i can get to, Jesus said "ask and you will receive that your joy may be made full" I guess that joy being made "full" is the most Christ said was possible.Loosely speaking . If there was a zero i would still be happy to live between 6 and 2. If they will bring creative manifestation ill settle for them. Graham |
O. Oneness with God the Creator (That doesn't mean we are god) It wouldn't let put 0. it changed it to a 1. so I made it an O
(26 Mar '11, 20:41)
Fairy Princess

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I smiled when I got to use the phrase "the secret"