I have noticed that with the desires that I am wanting to manifest in my life these days, I will put in the effort to utilise the vibrational processes such as "EFT" and the various manifesting experiments written by our friend 'Stingray' to aid the manifestation process.

However, my stumbling point seems to be that I want to start seeing the signs that my desire is on the way of being manifested as soon as I have used any of the vibrational processes for about a couple of days.

This seems to create a greater feeling of lack which stands in the way of the desire being manifested.

What are your thoughts and have you found a particular process that has helped with the above?

asked 27 Dec '11, 14:40

Pink%20Diamond's gravatar image

Pink Diamond

closed 30 Dec '11, 12:26

Kathleen%20Kelly's gravatar image

Kathleen Kelly ♦♦

I think it all boils down to a form of DOUBT.

I want to start seeing the signs that my desire is on the way of being manifested as soon as I have used any of the vibrational processes for about a couple of days.

This statement you wrote would be a good Topic to mold in a focus block or in the abraham grid which i now use myself to get into the vortex instead of focusing on manifesting.


answered 27 Dec '11, 16:42

Satori's gravatar image


edited 27 Dec '11, 17:30

yes, impatienst is an expectation and that is an imbalance,, u only limit urself there. listen here form a sessuion with Treb




love n light "



answered 27 Dec '11, 17:34

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE

Well said. ^_^y

(29 Dec '11, 10:43) Snow

with desires it can be more useful to ask why you want the object of your desire. For example I may want a million pounds. Why? Is it too be looked up to, security, feeling succesful etc and is there another way I can fulfill these needs or are these my needs as we all seem to want the same sort of thing, success, new car, house, money, interesting job, not to be overweight, to look youthful etc etc. This then leads to the question-do we have free will?


answered 03 Jan '12, 15:23

Alan%20Crabbe's gravatar image

Alan Crabbe

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