This Psalm is a favorite of mine, and I learned it from my Father. He taught it to me in the language of the King James Bible, and I find it most beautiful when recited in that way.

Do other people find this Psalm as nice as I do? If not, what Psalms do you like, and why? (Psalm 121 is nice, too! The only problem is that I learned it in chorus, and I have to sing it to remember it, which can present a problem if I am say, in the middle of a mall, shopping....LOL!)

Love, Jaianniah

asked 02 Jan '10, 22:29

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edited 03 Jan '10, 22:02


Hi Jaianniah, as I've mentioned before, please don't create tags unnecessarily. Tags enable our website software to categorize questions and make it easier for people to find what they are looking for. Creating new tags unnecessarily does not permit that to happen. Thanks.

(02 Jan '10, 22:39) Barry Allen ♦♦

Why has this verse changed in the past 10-15 years. It is not the same verse that it was 40 years ago. There have been several minor changes, but it makes absolutely no sense for any verse to change. If it has changes this much in so few years, how much could it have changed in two thousand years.

What other verses have been altered and why.

(02 Oct '12, 13:42) GOD the Alien
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I like this psalm too.

One of the things I am drawn to about it, is unlike many prayers - it is not a begging and pleading prayer. [How many pray] It does not say to God "Help me, for they are chasing after me and want to kill me" etc etc. [Like some of "David's psalms" seem to] David is not condemning his enemies in it. Instead it is an affirmative prayer.

It affirms that there is no need for David to worry, because he is taken care of. That one is ever guided. It affirms abundance (overflowing cup, anointing with oil). It affirms the stoic virtue of not reacting but acting emotionally - that one can be calm and happy despite outer circumstances ("though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me")

There is no asking for them "soon" from a place of lack and fear. Instead, it is a glorious praise, recognizing them as existent right now.


answered 03 Jan '10, 08:03

Liam's gravatar image


Excellent answer! You touch on what I was asking about the rod and staff... I wish I could vote for more than one far, I'd vote for both of you! Love. Jai

(03 Jan '10, 13:54) Jaianniah

23rd Psalm

1The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

2He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

3He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

4Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

5Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

6Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.

When this Psalm is examined it is a very important prayer because it is as we would say today an affirmation.

We are affirming in the first line that we are watched over and taken care of, our every need met.

In the second line we are affirming that not only is our every need met, we are as well given other gifts of luxury, comfort, peace and guidance.

The third line we are affirming that if had we made any mistakes and missed the mark, we are forgiven and restored, and we are lead in the right direction in our life choices.

The fourth line we are affirming that even in waking through the deepest darkest moments of our lives we are not alone and there is nothing to fear and if we will but let God will guide us through safely and effortlessly.

The fifth line we are affirming that we need not worry even in the presence of enemies we are watched over and blessed with good tidings so much so that we have an over abundance.

The sixth line we are affirming these blessings are permanent, they are forever we are blessed with this guidance and gifts as well as our needs met and protection forever.


answered 03 Jan '10, 10:08

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Wade Casaldi

edited 03 Jan '10, 10:13


What a wonderful answer! First of all, T Y for posting the Psalm...I should have thought of that. Secondly, your analysis is wonderful! T Y so much!...Great job! Love, Jai

(03 Jan '10, 13:27) Jaianniah

Good answer, Wade. :)

(03 Jan '10, 21:41) Liam

I love Psalm 23; it is healing to the body, mind, and soul. The words are very anointing, and it brings us closer to God in the spirit, and we know that when we pray this Psalm, that God will do for us what David said, he will keep his promise, and provide for us every day of our life. Here is some additional information from Google search below.

Psalm 23

The Lord is My Shepherd The twenty–third Psalm has been called "the pearl of the Psalms," and the "nightingale" singing in the dark night of loneliness.

The key idea in this great Psalm is because the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not lack anything. It pictures God in love with His people as a kind, loving and caring shepherd. Because the LORD is my Shepherd, He provides rest and guidance, protection, food and fellowship. He provides for all of my basic needs in life.

Our Psalm easily falls into two halves with both having the general thought of God’s secure care, but with different illustrations and applications. In the first half (verses 1–3), Jehovah is our Shepherd and we are the sheep of His pasture. In the second part Jehovah is our Host, and we are the guest at His table and residents in His home.

There is no reason to doubt the Hebrew Psalmist David is the author of this majestic poem. Suggestions abound as to what time in David's life he composed it, but it is hard to determine exactly the setting. Some scholars suggest it was when he was a lad tending his father's flock. Others suggest later in life as a mature man who has walked with his Shepherd through many a dark valley.

When I examine this lovely Hebrew song in detail, I have the firm conviction that it reaches a perfect climax in the person and work of Jesus Christ. I see in the character of the Shepherd the sweet fragrance of the Lord Jesus Christ. This Psalm may not be strictly Messianic in its prediction of the coming of Jesus the Messiah, but in its ideas, expressions, and applications it points to the Good Shepherd who is the Messiah. Let's ponder together the beauty of the Psalm and the life and work of the Good Shepherd, who is also the Great Shepherd resurrected and dwelling in heaven and the Chief Shepherd who will return for His sheep.


answered 04 Jan '10, 19:29

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Inactive User ♦♦

This article appears to be copied from If you are going to quote other websites or articles, please quote your sources for copyright reasons. It is not sufficient to state "Google search". Thanks.

(05 Jan '10, 06:22) Barry Allen ♦♦
This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 05 Jun '13, 19:32

ele's gravatar image


edited 09 Aug '13, 01:46

I feel like this would do too. 你要相信 相信我们会像童话故事里 幸福和快乐是结局 :D

(09 Aug '13, 20:34) CalonLan

gasp ... ahh ha ha @Cal Great Vibe! Fairy Tales - great beat & rhythm - Poetry in Motion. The stars in my sky begin to twinkle - I gotta feeling... That tonight's gonna be a ... Thanks! lol!

(12 Aug '13, 07:01) ele

I thought I would explain the line, "Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me..."

The shepherd has two main tools: his rod, and his staff. One has a "crook" (thus the saying, "shepherd's crook). The shepherd uses these tools to guide and direct his sheep. He pulls them out of bushes, and he pulls them through tight spots with his rod and staff.

When we think of God's rod and staff, what would they be? His rules for us!- i.e., the Ten Commandments, and later, Jesus' injunctions to love thy neighbor as thyself. If we are the sheep, and God is the Great Shepherd of our lives, then He uses His "rod and staff" to help us keep from getting into trouble. This is what David means. He is saying that God's Laws guide us and comfort us, for then we know if we are living the lives that God wants us to live!

Pretty neat, huh?

Blessings, Jai


answered 03 Jan '10, 14:05

Jaianniah's gravatar image


edited 03 Jan '10, 22:05

Jai this answer should be to your other question exactly about the Rod and Staff only, which I also answered.

(03 Jan '10, 17:25) Wade Casaldi

I did not know that two questions were made out of my one....Jai

(03 Jan '10, 22:07) Jaianniah

No-one made two questions out of your one. You asked both questions yourself.

(20 Jan '10, 06:19) Stingray
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This is the Psalm that God has been speaking to me about recently. I felt led to also read the latter part of John 10:10 I am come that they might have life, and that they might have [it] more abundantly. I find this happens a lot when I meditate on scriptures, it's beautiful.


answered 18 Jan '10, 11:08

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