When I was a kid, and it was one of those days when I was brooding about something, my parents made me go outside and play. After awhile, I felt better. Why does this work? Because physical activity changes your state. As an analytical person, I sometimes suffer from analysis paralysis, and frequently from procrastination. I know from experience that sometimes I have to just go out there and take action, mess it up for awhile until I figure it out. I suspect this might be true of reality-creation as well. Instead of waiting for things to happen, making things happen. Has this been your experience? |
In my view, taking action is an absolutely valid way to make things happen from a reality creation perspective. Often just the mere taking of any action (regardless of what it is) can unstick you. I think it comes down to making decisions. An action is a physical manifestation of a decision. You have to make a decision of some kind in order to take an action of some kind. And, if you think about it, making a decision - any decision at all - feels better than making no decision. This is because in that moment of decision you are invoking Step 1 of the reality creation process. Step 1 is what causes life energy to start flowing through you towards what you have decided about. Everything else in reality creation follows naturally out of Step 1 being invoked. In fact, Decisions are Life. This is why Abraham advocate again and again to make more decisions in every day. I have also found (to my surprise) that the more I have become interested in reality creation subjects, the more complex I have made my life. At some level, I find more and more excuses to put myself in places where I need to make decisions on an on-going basis. This seems to go completely against what many traditional spiritual approaches say about simplifying your life. But the interesting thing is that those traditional approaches never really felt satisfying to me in the long run. While I had a nice, tidy and easy life, it always felt like something important was missing. Paradoxically, having a complicated, busy lifestyle with constant necessary decision-making just to stay afloat has really made life fun and fulfilling. So, summing up, stirring things up through action is a perfectly valid way of bringing yourself into alignment with things you want because action-taking is just physicalized decision-making. But just don't fall into the trap of thinking (like most do) that action ultimately creates what you want...you've already done the creation in the moment of making that first decision even if it wasn't a conscious decision. What's your occupation now Stingraye? How do you make your living - if you don't mind me asking? Thanks.
(27 Sep '14, 02:03)
To allow randomness to come into play, we must divert our attention. I always say the best stuff happens when we are asleep. Randomness, or what I refer to as ''factor x'' must be given time and space in which to operate -- some call this letting go and letting God. All action is a dance between ourselves and our silent partner, the universe; if we insist upon our way, our timeframe, our whatever, we shall meet with countless obstacles. As my great-grandfather taught us: ''If you don't learn from life-life will teach you.'' |
I get where you're coming from here. When I get into a 'funk' my left-brain analytical way of thinking usually kicks in and then I proceed to overthink or procrastinate and guess what? that 'funk' just starts to spiral downward, so for me just getting up and moving and doing something usually gets the energy moving and I tend to keep doing and moving - at least until something has shifted and I can 'feel' that 'funk' dissipating.And the added bonus is that I've usually accomplished some task so this adds to the 'feeling better'. |
In my own experience, when I feel there is something I have to do, but I really don't want to do it, I find something to do that inspires me. But I feel the most important thing, above everything else, as far as doing something is getting into alignment and staying there as long as possible. |

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