Coming up on 43rd anniversary of Moon landing, this question came to my mind.

To be honest, I am not sure what exact answer I am looking for other than to explore 'could it be?' philosophically and spiritually speaking. A little scenario indulgence if you will:)

ON July 21, 1969, Neil Armstrong landed on the moon and then spoke the famous words "That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind." The only human being to have done so!

I understand that he carried his thoughts/desires with him from the Earth, but imagine, he would have had a unique (from a human-being) perspective looking at Earth as a (physical) planet. Moon's gravity is 1/6th of Earth's. For example, If you weigh 100 lbs on Earth, you'd weigh 16.6 lbs (Yaay!:) on the moon!

Would that play any role in terms of manifestation? Would he be thinking Mankind and not just his mortgage?:) Would he FEEL so empowered as to think he is closer to the source/God? And would feel he can ask in one-on-one meeting with the source so to speak? Fascinating stuff to think about!

As mentioned, this is much more exploratory question as a definite answer is not possible. So, open to any and all views, analysis etc. I would imagine his desires themselves would possibly change after landing on the moon (I mean, he wouldn't be stuck to desiring that top-of-the-line car would he?:) due to massive shift in his thought perspective.

But still, the question is, would he had been vibrationally much more attuned to allow his desires to manifest faster? Being on the moon?

asked 06 Jul '12, 02:12

Xoomaville's gravatar image


edited 06 Jul '12, 05:30

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

Wow! Great question!

(06 Jul '12, 02:19) Grace

Possibly. Since it's proven (from my own experience) that you are vibrationally much more attuned in different places. Nobody's 100% resilient to the external. So if the external influences your state of vibrational being, then it is only possible for a different place to speed up manifestation of your desires. You may want to try to resist the influence of a "bad" place, but when you find yourself in a beautiful one, I'd say you want to allow it to influence you as much as possible.

(06 Jul '12, 02:40) CalonLan

Run with it, @CalonLan. :) You're on the moon. What would you want to manifest?

(06 Jul '12, 02:52) Grace

@Grace, the same thing I want to manifest here. To live without fear and reach the state of vibrational being that matches my godliness. And to fully become, what we all are, but due to our limitation can't we create can't fully realize - god. ;)

(06 Jul '12, 03:17) CalonLan

@CalonLan, nice insights:) C'mon, you don't want to slip in something more in there?:) A well sculpted body as per bodybuilding perhaps?:) I am joking here, but I do understand what you are saying. I actually find comfort in knowing, as you say, that different places, good places yield good results.

(06 Jul '12, 03:35) Xoomaville

@Xooma Interesting question - I wonder if you wished upon a star, would it make any difference who you are and would your dreams come true? If I was on the moon I'd be weightless so that would be one less problem! Seriously though I think the lack of density might just make your desires manifest quicker.

(06 Jul '12, 04:18) Catherine

@CalonLan, what a profound quote and answer. Thank you:) Can I request you to maybe convert it into answer, I think readers tend to skip comments and jump to answers. Just saying. It'll be more beneficial to more people:)

(06 Jul '12, 04:49) Xoomaville

@Catherine," that would be one less problem"...classic:) yea weightlessness, imagine that:) Even I would think the desires would manifest quicker, but the 'Miss Universe' syndrome may kick in. One will have to desire for something beneficial to the entire human-race, the mankind, the entire planet! But, wow, imagine the memory to fall back on during not so pleasant times...'I went to the #$%%&& moon, I can do this... lawnmower thing':)) Just thinking about me being on moon...goosebumps:)

(06 Jul '12, 04:57) Xoomaville

@CalonLan, yes, Xoomaville said just what I was thinking. That is a beautiful answer, please share it. I don't see Marianne Williamson mentioned here, surprisingly. I read A Retun to Love about 10 years ago, changed a lot in my head, but I don't think I was really ready for it at the time. Imma go dig it out again... Is that where your quote came from?

(06 Jul '12, 09:24) Grace

hey true, don't nobody talks about Marianne Williamson here..even I just realized it. Maybe because she comes across as populist? I wonder...

(06 Jul '12, 12:29) Xoomaville

@Xoomaville, @Grace, I'll edit it later and turn it to answer then. I will read that book, sounds interesting. I know the quote from "coach carter" movie. And from my daily motivation video - (although I like Al Pacino's speech more)

(06 Jul '12, 14:17) CalonLan

@Xoomaville, just shows you how out of touch I am, I didn't know she was seen that way. I seem to remember her on a talk show sooo long ago, you must be right. She tore right through a lot of things I carried around in my head that had been deposited there by others, and I had no idea. I think I put the book down because she also took a lot of the fun and mystery out of things by showing me just how jacked up I was! I have to dig out that book and see what the 2012 me thinks of it... (Gulp)

(06 Jul '12, 15:22) Grace
showing 0 of 12 show 12 more comments

@Xoomaville, Possibly. Since it's proven (from my own experience) that you are vibrationally much more attuned in different places. Nobody's 100% resilient to the external. So if the external influences your state of vibrational being, then it is only possible for a different place to speed up manifestation of your desires. You may want to try to resist the influence of a "bad" place, but when you find yourself in a beautiful one, I'd say you want to allow it to influence you as much as possible.

But I guess I would want to manifest the same thing I want to manifest here on Earth. To live without fear and reach the state of vibrational being that matches my godliness. And to fully become, what we all are, but due to our limitation can't we create can't fully realize - god. ;)

Actually, a well sculpted body is one of the ways I chose to express the god's potential in me. I could of course choose many other, music, dancing, sport. But bodybuilding appeals to me the most. But I found that the way we choose walk, is not so important as how we walk it. I think the following quote sums it the best:

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine,we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we're liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

Marianne Williamson :)


answered 06 Jul '12, 03:57

CalonLan's gravatar image


edited 07 Jul '12, 11:24

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

Yaay!...hey thanks @CalonLan, appreciate you taking out time to edit and post answer:)

(07 Jul '12, 10:16) Xoomaville

Beautiful! Thanks CalonLan. :) No telling how many people will feel empowered by that answer. I sure do. (This little light of mine... is becoming my personal background music.)

(07 Jul '12, 11:40) Grace

No problem, glad that at least someone finds a reason to smile when hearing what I say. It's funny, cuz sometimes I cannot find comfort in my own words, although I had people telling me, they wish they could be like me (spiritually at least)...and funny thing is, I wish to be someone else. ;-)

(07 Jul '12, 18:14) CalonLan

Inspiring answer:)

(07 Jul '12, 20:22) Satori

@CalonLan, yes we were just talking abt that - we need to hear from someone else to feel the benefit. Same with me. :) ....Who is it you wish to be?

(07 Jul '12, 23:34) Grace

@Grace, I can feel who I want to be, but cannot describe it yet. I have to give it deeper thought to come with a description.

(08 Jul '12, 09:15) CalonLan

@CalonLan, cool. Waiting patiently.... ;)

(08 Jul '12, 10:28) Grace
showing 2 of 7 show 5 more comments

I ask: What is to stop you from imagining that you ARE ALREADY THERE??? Then you could manifest anything you wanted from the perspective that you want.

I do this all the time in meditation. I outlined part of my meditation here. In this meditation, you create your own world.

I believe, thought, that Neil and Buzz got a great look at the world, and that must have affected them tremendously. How could it not???

Good question. Made me think. Thanks.




answered 08 Jul '12, 04:23

Jaianniah's gravatar image


@Jaianniah, yes, it made me think as well. I especially like your idea of imagining yourself to be on the moon...since I posted this, I have imagined it and let me just say, it really gives me goosebumps, it's so all encompassing, larger perspective feeling:) btw, I have practiced your meditation idea as well and it really works:) Thanks

(08 Jul '12, 04:34) Xoomaville

@Xoom-Thank you as well. Peace...<3 Jai

(08 Jul '12, 04:40) Jaianniah

Jai, great point; what's to stop us? :) This is reminding me of a link to another meditation someone here posted, I can't remember where right now... It had you expanding your awareness to fill the room, then encompass the building, your city, then your country, continent, all the way out to the whole universe. Loved it. It expanded my perception and gave me such peace. I meant to keep that link, bugger! I'll go look for it :)

(08 Jul '12, 10:37) Grace

@Grace that was my meditation I adapted it for here from when I originally wrote it in my God consciousness experiment yahoo group. :-)

(08 Jul '12, 12:22) Wade Casaldi

@Wade Casaldi ! Hey ! Nice! Could share that link again? I haven't been able to find it.

(08 Jul '12, 14:04) Grace
showing 2 of 5 show 3 more comments

I used to do this myself in my own way of doing this though. I would hold a globe and looking at it as if I was holding the earth in my hands I would imagine peace around the world, happiness and healing. So from the point of the moon would be a much more wholesome view point seeing all of the earth at once as a unit of existence in space. It would be easier to think of global manifestation. For example if I heard of some terrible news of something that had just happened in another country. I looked for that country and placed my hands on it sending loving comforting and healing thoughts. So from the moon I imagine that it would be easier to think of the earth as a wholesome planet that is not divided but is totally in need of help all together now.


answered 07 Jul '12, 22:48

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Wade Casaldi

edited 07 Jul '12, 22:51

What a great thing to do, Wade. The earth looks so fragile and beautiful in the "earth rise" pictures from the moon, don't they? I think the sight would inspire me to think in more global terms. This is such a wonderful planet.

(07 Jul '12, 23:40) Grace

@Wade Casaldi, what a great concept to put things in perspective - both globally and individually:)

(08 Jul '12, 00:28) Xoomaville
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