I would like to share a way to use EZ Deletion Sequence, and affirmations with Two Hands Touching This is especially usefull when you don't know where else to start or you don't have anything you want to clear. When I clear negative emotions this way, I can feel something happening on a cellular level. I don't become emotionless and unable to feel and experience emotions. What this does, is neutralize the negative charge that is already present with these emotions so that I can experience life more fully, without fear, worry, doubt, feeling overwhelmed, etc... Since doing this, I have connected with the kids in my groups more, and people at work noticed a difference. Before doing EZDS the first time, do THT, then say, "Delete all deletions to zero, then to zero minus infinity, then zero minus infinity to the power of infinity." Do THT Here is how to apply it. First do EZDS for thr negative emotion, then affirm it's opposite. Read down the list until you come to an emotion that jars you, or gives you a jolt. That is the one you will clear first. Say the emotion you want to clear, outloud, and rate the feeling you get from it on a scale of 0-10, 0 being no feeling, and 10 being severe feeling. Do this again after the set and compare numbers. This way you can see if it has had an affect on you. Set 1. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Separation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Separation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Separation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Separation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Separation." Do THT. Say, "I allow Connectedness." Do THT Say, "I receive Connectedness." Do THT Say, "I experience Connectedness." Do THT Say, "I am full of Connectedness." Do THT Say, "I express Connectedness." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 2. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Loneliness." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Loneliness." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Loneliness." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Loneliness." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Loneliness." Do THT. Say, "I allow Unity." Do THT Say, "I receive Unity." Do THT Say, "I experience Unity." Do THT Say, "I am full of Unity." Do THT Say, "I express Unity." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 33. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Isolation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Isolation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Isolation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Isolation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Isolation." Do THT. Say, "I allow Oneness." Do THT Say, "I receive Oneness." Do THT Say, "I experience Oneness." Do THT Say, "I am full of Oneness." Do THT Say, "I express Oneness." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 33. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Rejection." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Rejection." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Rejection." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Rejection." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Rejection." Do THT. Say, "I allow Acceptance." Do THT Say, "I receive Acceptance." Do THT Say, "I experience Acceptance." Do THT Say, "I am full of Acceptance." Do THT Say, "I express Acceptance." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 3. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I hold in my body and feel Useless." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Useless." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Useless." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Useless." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Useless." Do THT. Say, "I allow Greatness." Do THT Say, "I receive Greatness." Do THT Say, "I experience Greatness." Do THT Say, "I am full of Greatness." Do THT Say, "I express Greatness." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 4. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Devastation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Devastation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Devastation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Devastation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Devastation." Do THT. Say, "I allow Abundance." Do THT Say, "I receive Abundance." Do THT Say, "I experience Abundance." Do THT Say, "I am full of Abundance." Do THT Say, "I express Abundance." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 5. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body, depression." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of, depression." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of, depression." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of, depression." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of, depression." Do THT. Say, "I allow Joy." Do THT Say, "I receive Joy." Do THT Say, "I experience Joy." Do THT Say, "I am full of Joy." Do THT Say, "I express Joy." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 6. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body failure." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of failure." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of failure." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of failure." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of failure." Do THT. Say, "I allow Success." Do THT Say, "I receive Success." Do THT Say, "I experience Success." Do THT Say, "I am full of Success." Do THT Say, "I express Success." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 7. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Unworthiness." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Unworthiness." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Unworthiness." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Unworthiness." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Unworthiness." Do THT. Say, "I allow Authenticity." Do THT Say, "I accept Authenticity." Do THT Say, "I experience Authenticity." Do THT Say, "I am full of Authenticity." Do THT Say, "I express Authenticity." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 8. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Disgust." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Disgust." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Disgust." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Disgust." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Disgust." Do THT. Say, "I allow Reverence." Do THT Say, "I experience Reverence." Do THT Say, "I am full of Reverence." Do THT Say, "I express Reverence." Do THT Here is the next set Set 9. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Shame." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Shame." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Shame." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Shame." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Shame." Do THT. Say, "I allow Respect." Do THT Say, "I receive Respect." Do THT Say, "I experience Respect." Do THT Say, "I am full of Respect." Do THT Say, "I express Respect." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 10. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Humiliation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Humiliation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Humiliation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Humiliation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Humiliation." Do THT. Say, "I allow Brilliance." Do THT Say, "I receive Brilliance." Do THT Say, "I experience Brilliance." Do THT Say, "I am full of Brilliance." Do THT Say, "I express Brilliance." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 11.. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Embarrassment." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Embarrassment." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Embarrassment." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Embarrassment." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Embarrassment." Do THT. Say, "I allow Grace." Do THT Say, "I receive Grace." Do THT Say, "I experience Grace." Do THT Say, "I am full of Grace." Do THT Say, "I express Grace." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 12. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Guilt." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Guilt." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Guilt." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Guilt." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Guilt." Do THT. Say, "I allow Gratitude." Do THT Say, "I receive Gratitude." Do THT Say, "I experience Gratitude." Do THT Say, "I am full of Gratitude." Do THT Say, "I express Gratitude." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 13. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Blame." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Blame." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Blame." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Blame." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Blame." Do THT. Say, "I allow Safety." Do THT Say, "I receive Safety." Do THT Say, "I experience Safety." Do THT Say, "I am full of Safety." Do THT Say, "I express Safety." Do THT Set 14. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I hold in my body Being and feel Victim." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Victim." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Victim." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Victim." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Victim." Do THT. Say, "I allow Knowledge." Do THT Say, "I receive Knowledge." Do THT Say, "I experience Knowledge." Do THT Say, "I am full of Knowledge." Do THT Say, "I express Knowledge." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 15. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Overwhelmed." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Overwhelmed." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Overwhelmed." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Overwhelmed." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Overwhelmed." Do THT. Say, "I allow Relief." Do THT Say, "I receive Relief." Do THT Say, "I experience Relief." Do THT Say, "I am full of Relief." Do THT Say, "I express Relief." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 16. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Hopelessness." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Hopelessness." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Hopelessness." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Hopelessness." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Hopelessness." Do THT. Say, "I allow Hopefulness." Do THT Say, "I experience Hopefulness." Do THT Say, "I am full of Hopefulness." Do THT Say, "I express Hopefulness." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 17. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Apathy." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Apathy." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Apathy." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Apathy." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Apathy." Do THT. Say, "I allow Exhileration." Do THT Say, "I receive Exhileration." Do THT Say, "I experience Exhileration." Do THT Say, "I am full of Exhileration." Do THT Say, "I express Exhileration." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 18. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body despair." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of despair." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of despair." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of despair." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of despair." Do THT. Say, "I allow exuberance." Do THT Say, "I accept exuberance." Do THT Say, "I experience exuberance." Do THT Say, "I am full of exuberance." Do THT Say, "I express exuberance." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 19. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Grief." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Grief." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Grief." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Grief." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Grief." Do THT. Say, "I allow kindness." Do THT Say, "I receive kindness." Do THT Say, "I experience Kindness." Do THT Say, "I am full of kindness." Do THT Say, "I express kindness." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 20. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Regret." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Regret." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Regret." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Regret." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Regret." Do THT. Say, "I allow Confidence." Do THT Say, "I receive Confidence." Do THT Say, "I experience Confidence." Do THT Say, "I am full of Confidence." Do THT Say, "I express Confidence." Do THT Here is the next set Set 21. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Disappointment." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Disappointment." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Disappointment." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Disappointment." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Disappointment." Do THT. Say, "I allow Pleasure." Do THT Say, "I receive Pleasure." Do THT Say, "I experience Pleasure." Do THT Say, "I am full of Pleasure." Do THT Say, "I express Pleasure." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 22. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Obsession." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Obsession." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Obsession." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Obsession." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Obsession." Do THT. Say, "I allow Serenity." Do THT Say, "I receive Serenity." Do THT Say, "I experience Serenity." Do THT Say, "I am full of Serenity." Do THT Say, "I express Serenity." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 23. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Discouragement." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Discouragement." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Discouragement." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Discouragement." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Discouragement." Do THT. Say, "I allow Cheerfulness." Do THT Say, "I experience Cheerfulness." Do THT Say, "I am full of Cheerfulness." Do THT Say, "I express Cheerfulness." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 24. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Lust." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Lust." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Lust." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Lust." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Lust." Do THT. Say, "I allow Satisfaction." Do THT Say, "I receive Satisfaction." Do THT Say, "I experience Satisfaction." Do THT Say, "I am full of Satisfaction." Do THT Say, "I express Satisfaction." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 24. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Desire." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Desire." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Desire." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Desire." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Desire." Do THT. Say, "I allow Desire." Do THT Say, "I receive Desire." Do THT Say, "I experience Desire." Do THT Say, "I am full of Desire." Do THT Say, "I express Desire." Do THT Here is the next set Set 25. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body fear." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of fear." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of fear." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of fear." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of fear." Do THT. Say, "I allow Faith." Do THT Say, "I receive Faith." Do THT Say, "I experience Faith." Do THT Say, "I am full of Faith." Do THT Say, "I express Faith." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 26. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Worry." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Worry." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Worry." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Worry." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Worry." Do THT. Say, "I allow Possitive expectation." Do THT Say, "I experience Possitive expectation." Do THT Say, "I am full of Possitive expectation." Do THT Say, "I express Possitive expectation." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 27. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Doubt." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Doubt." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Doubt." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Doubt." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Doubt." Do THT. Say, "I allow Belief." Do THT Say, "I experience Belief." Do THT Say, "I am full of Belief." Do THT Say, "I express Belief." Do THT Here is the next set Set 28. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Insecurity." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Insecurity." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Insecurity." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Insecurity." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Insecurity." Do THT. Say, "I allow Security." Do THT Say, "I receive Security." Do THT Say, "I experience Security." Do THT Say, "I am full of Security." Do THT Say, "I express Security." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 29. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body powerlessness." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of powerlessness." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of powerlessness." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of powerlessness." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of powerlessness." Do THT. Say, "I allow Empowerment." Do THT Say, "I receive Empowerment." Do THT Say, "I experience Empowerment." Do THT Say, "I am full of Empowerment." Do THT Say, "I express Empowerment." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 30. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Stress." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Stress." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Stress." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Stress." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Stress." Do THT. Say, "I allow Euphoria." Do THT Say, "I receive Euphoria." Do THT Say, "I experience Euphoria." Do THT Say, "I am full of Euphoria." Do THT Say, "I express Euphoria." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 31. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Anxiety." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Anxiety." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Anxiety." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Anxiety." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Anxiety." Do THT. Say, "I allow Calm." Do THT Say, "I receive Calm." Do THT Say, "I experience Calm." Do THT Say, "I am full of Calm." Do THT Say, "I express Calm." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 32. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Pessimism." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Pessimism." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Pessimism." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Pessimism." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Pessimism." Do THT. Say, "I allow Optimism." Do THT Say, "I experience Optimism." Do THT Say, "I am full of Optimism." Do THT Say, "I express Optimism." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 34. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Jealousy." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Jealousy." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Jealousy." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Jealousy." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Jealousy." Do THT. Say, "I allow Trust." Do THT Say, "I receive Trust." Do THT Say, "I experience Trust." Do THT Say, "I am full of Trust." Do THT Say, "I express Trust." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 35. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Revenge." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Revenge." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Revenge." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Revenge." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Revenge." Do THT. Say, "I allow Forgiveness." Do THT Say, "I receive Forgiveness." Do THT Say, "I experience Forgiveness." Do THT Say, "I am full of Forgiveness." Do THT Say, "I express Forgiveness." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 36. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Resentment." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Resentment." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Resentment." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Resentment." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Resentment." Do THT. Say, "I allow Appreciation." Do THT Say, "I receive Appreciation." Do THT Say, "I experience Appreciation." Do THT Say, "I am full of Appreciation." Do THT Say, "I express Appreciation." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 37. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Hatred." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Hatred." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Hatred." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Hatred." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Hatred." Do THT. Say, "I allow Love." Do THT Say, "I receive Love." Do THT Say, "I experience Love." Do THT Say, "I am full of Love." Do THT Say, "I express Love." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 38. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Hostility." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Hostility." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Hostility." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Hostility." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Hostility." Do THT. Say, "I allow Happiness." Do THT Say, "I experience Happiness." Do THT Say, "I am full of Happiness." Do THT Say, "I express Happiness." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 39. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Infuriation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Infuriation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Infuriation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Infuriation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Infuriation." Do THT. Say, "I allow Freedom." Do THT Say, "I accept Freedom." Do THT Say, "I experience Freedom." Do THT Say, "I am full of Freedom." Do THT Say, "I express Freedom." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 40. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Rage." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Rage." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Rage." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Rage." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Rage." Do THT. Say, "I allow Stillness." Do THT Say, "I accept Stillness." Do THT Say, "I experience Stillness." Do THT Say, "I am full of Stillness." Do THT Say, "I express Stillness." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 41. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Anger." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Anger." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Anger." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Anger." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Anger." Do THT. Say, "I allow Peace." Do THT Say, "I receive Peace." Do THT Say, "I experience Peace." Do THT Say, "I am full of Peace." Do THT Say, "I express Peace." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 42. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Agitation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Agitation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Agitation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Agitation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Agitation." Do THT. Say, "I allow Inspiration." Do THT Say, "I receive Inspiration." Do THT Say, "I experience Inspiration." Do THT Say, "I am full of Inspiration." Do THT Say, "I express Inspiration." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 43. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Frustration." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Frustration." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Frustration." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Frustration." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Frustration." Do THT. Say, "I allow Relaxation." Do THT Say, "I receive Relaxation." Do THT Say, "I experience Relaxation." Do THT Say, "I am full of Relaxation." Do THT Say, "I express Relaxation." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 44. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Impatience." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Impatience." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Impatience." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Impatience." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Impatience." Do THT. Say, "I allow patience." Do THT Say, "I receive patience." Do THT Say, "I am full of patience." Do THT Say, "I express patience." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 45. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Irritation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Irritation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Irritation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Irritation." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Irritation." Do THT. Say, "I allow Bliss." Do THT Say, "I receive Bliss." Do THT Say, "I experience Bliss." Do THT Say, "I am full of Bliss." Do THT Say, "I express Bliss." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 46. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Pride." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Pride." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Pride." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Pride." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Pride." Do THT. Say, "I allow Affirmation." Do THT Say, "I receive Affirmation." Do THT Say, "I experience Affirmation." Do THT Say, "I am full of Affirmation." Do THT Say, "I express Affirmation." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 47. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Scorn." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Scorn." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Scorn." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Scorn." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Scorn." Do THT. Say, "I allow Compassion." Do THT Say, "I receive Compassion." Do THT Say, "I experience Compassion." Do THT Say, "I am full of Compassion." Do THT Say, "I express Compassion." Do THT Here is the next set. Set 48. Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Boredom." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Boredom." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Boredom." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Boredom." Do THT. Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Boredom." Do THT. Say, "I allow Contentment." Do THT Say, "I experience Contentment." Do THT Say, "I am full of Contentment." Do THT Say, "I express Contentment." Do THT
showing 2 of 107
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This is beautiful, and if it works that is good. I just want to say to not let things become a "ritual". Refocusing on "here" is probably the best 'ritual' because in doing so nothing has to be done, and yet it brings you more focus here, lowers blood pressure, clears mind, and better for survival (if humanity was still living in the wild)... :) Thank you. I am glad you like it. I am not sure what you mean by becoming a "ritual."
(23 May '13, 10:09)
Fairy Princess
yes i like the feel of it too, though i've never put it into practice ... just for reference ritual is
(23 May '13, 11:07)
ru bis
LOL I know what a ritual is. I don't understand the implication here. It is no more ritualistic than most of the techniques out there.
(23 May '13, 11:24)
Fairy Princess
showing 2 of 3
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This post was intended to help people feel better. It seems to have had a different affect on people. This is not what I intended for it. So, if you want access to this, get it now, because I will delete the post tomorrow. Sorry I offended anyone.
This answer is marked "community wiki".
Hello Fairy Princess, I don't think you should delete it at every step of our way there is always someone to whom a technique or information is going to be of use to them until we find a better one which will helps rise to a higher understanding. I am grateful that you post it. Thank you Peace and Love
(07 Dec '12, 13:14)
It helps to know that your "answer" was a comment on the comments and not a judgement of the effectiveness of the technique.
(07 Dec '12, 13:25)
Fairy Princess
I am also confused because @Barry Allen didn't want me to have an answer that included keeping track of where I am. So, it made me think the whole post, since it is not a question, is not appropriate for this site. I am a little confused.
(07 Dec '12, 13:34)
Fairy Princess
@Barry Allen did you put back posts that I deleted?
(08 Dec '12, 15:11)
Fairy Princess
Obviously some people are very upset by this whole post.
(08 Dec '12, 15:13)
Fairy Princess
since somebody voted for this, it means they want it gone
(08 Dec '12, 15:14)
Fairy Princess
@Fairy Princess - I'm sure a lot of people will find this useful. :)
(08 Dec '12, 15:27)
@Barry Allen doesn't like these kinds of posts.
(08 Dec '12, 15:29)
Fairy Princess
Thank you @Satori
(08 Dec '12, 15:29)
Fairy Princess
And @white tiger is obviously very disturbed by it. I don't want to traumatize him everytime it comes to the top.
(08 Dec '12, 15:33)
Fairy Princess
It won't let me delete it anyway.
(08 Dec '12, 15:40)
Fairy Princess
(12 Dec '12, 11:26)
Fairy Princess
showing 2 of 12
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we seem to be stuck on adding Just found this. The comments are not part of the post. The post is the post and that's the part I wish you to know. Thanks
(20 May '13, 08:30)
Fairy Princess
fairy princess, he remembers now, he does not read posts, yets looks to react to individualized thoughts put to words and had hopped to see words of yours
(21 May '13, 06:05)
I don't understand what you are saying.
(21 May '13, 08:42)
Fairy Princess
The post is my words, I wrote them myself.
(21 May '13, 08:42)
Fairy Princess
showing 2 of 4
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it seams fairy princesse that you have learned something even if you delete something it is still there. is that not what i add told you? and if we go further what you did not accept and see by being stubborn as a mule and not using your free will properly as become your manifestation. and as came right back to you so you can learn from it. and if you do not learn from it and delete the part that you do not want to see it will happen again and again and again.... so stop deleting pieces of the puzzle and fouling your self solve the puzzle and get the bigger picture. am i telling you the truth? by the way there was a big black cat on my door step with your name on it. that as miow miow for hours 3 days prior to the start of this. now you know why i did not answer your question. that you have asked me 3 times. update:you still do not understand and are sticking on the same thing. i am not making ugly comment,i am only telling you the truth. but you do not want to see it.look in your comment you have called me a drunk a monkey etc........ that is all coming from you it is your judgement and your lack of understanding. yet you think that you are doing the same thing that i do but there is a big difference between what you do and what i do. but you do not want to see it. will you ask me what you are blind to? and when i tell you,you do not want to see? Some Pharisees who were with him heard him say this and asked, "What? Are we blind too?" http://bible.cc/john/9-40.htm all this is your own free will so stop blaming me about it. i am only telling you the truth,but you do not accept it. as for other people they have free will and can chose for them self. i am not forcing anny one to do anny thing. but i can tell them the truth. and speak about what i know. I can tell by your responses, and behavior, that you have not tried it. If you try it, you will like it. If you don't want to try it, then let those who do, try it and go experience and enjoy instead of harrassing me. You are not protecting people from my post by making ugly comments.
(12 Dec '12, 09:34)
Fairy Princess
(12 Dec '12, 11:26)
Fairy Princess
(12 Dec '12, 11:28)
Fairy Princess
showing 2 of 3
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@Fairy Princess Your work is inspiring ! Keep it up ! You gave me some ideas...It's kinda sad that people, instead of actually doing something beneficial for their lives, to experience for themselves..they do something else... Myself practice BSFF (BeSetFreeFast) and sometimes a simple form of Sedona and sometimes Ho'oponopono. From my experience, i find myself ,occasionally, resonating better with one or another...so your approach is very welcomed, because it is always better to be able to choose from many therapies then to know (or be a "fanatic" of one :) ) one and be stuck at some point in your life...for reasons beyond your awareness..That is, different situations /moments in our lives are better handled with adequated approaches. Like : when i am mostly sad it is easier to do BSFF, when i am mostly calm it is easier to do Sedona, when i am joyfull i , almost automatically, switch to Ho'oponopono :) Like in fitness/bodybuilding...do adequated things for adequated situations... So, the more, the marrier...unless you, as a human being, establish yourself into a "therapy" as a "way of life" for reasons deep inside your consciousness...that's my 2 cents :) Thank you holla, I am glad you like it. For me, it's easier than anything I have tried before.
(20 May '13, 08:31)
Fairy Princess
I am unsure if you practiced this, or just read through it. Have you tried EZDS? Thanks
(02 Jun '13, 09:05)
Fairy Princess

If you are seeing this message then the Inward Quest system has noticed that your web browser is behaving in an unusual way and is now blocking your active participation in this site for security reasons. As a result, among other things, you may find that you are unable to answer any questions or leave any comments. Unusual browser behavior is often caused by add-ons (ad-blocking, privacy etc) that interfere with the operation of our website. If you have installed these kinds of add-ons, we suggest you disable them for this website
interesting idea to "clear your way up". thanks for sharing!
You're welcome. I hope it gives you a lift. :)
This was amazing! I have to let you know that it is well worth the few minutes it takes to do each set.
you can keep track of where you are by 'journaling' in the answer.
you cannot delete annything,it is still there. only by learning from it with understanding and truth,will you progress in a positive way. it is the same in a computer. when you delete something it goes in the trash can file. and if you delete for good it is still on the hard drive until something is writen over it. if something bother you learn why when you will have learn why and find the answer to solve it it will not bother you anny more. you see everything happens for a reason and have some-
meaning learn from it,it will be solve and you can pass to something else. if you do not learn from it it will keep coming back again and again and cause the same thing in you. example:you might have negative emotion or though because you experience something outside of you. that something come from some where and will still come back. so if you do not understand it it will bother you again and again. both if you understand it it will not bother you anny more.
do you understand what the two hand touching represent? two hand( ) two hand touching 0.you see that representation outside can you see it inside? somewhere inside if there is conflict there is a division it is like this ( ) can you understand it and put it back like this 0. 0 truth, duality( ).
"When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]." http://gnosis.org/naghamm/gosthom.html
So, what does all that mean? No, we don't really delete anything, but I can feel it doing something physically. I think it is rearanging the alignment on a cellular level to create harmony within the body on a cellular level.
@Fairy Princess - what a list, well done FP.
@Satori Thank you. I want to be thorough. If you can think of one to add, let me know. I adhere to the idea that we don't have to stirr things up to feel better. So a list systematically clears everything painlessly.
@fairy Princess you got it right there what does all that mean. when you do a puzzle will you delete piece of the puzzle or will you use all the pieces of the puzzle to get the big picture? if there is conflict and duality in you it is because you do not understand how the pieces relate with each other and you cannot see the big picture. but when all the meaning is understand there is harmony,union.( ) 0 (>0<) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRbG-yT3xyc
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. http://bible.cc/genesis/1-27.htm God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." http://bible.cc/john/4-24.htm For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. http://bible.cc/psalms/33-4.htm you see God is spirit is creation is the universe. you are spirit made in is image in a created body.
@white tiger Have you tried tht and ezds?
@fairy princess again the same question, do you know why you ask this question? and do you know why i do not answer your question? since 3 year i have talk with you and many other here. so you should all ready know. i have answer you this morning and before i have answer you i all ready know that you would ask this question and that is what bother you is it not?
@white tiger how can you discuss something you haven't tried? If you haven't tried it, then what I say to you will be different than if you tried it. Two different conversations. That is why it matters.
@Fairy princess that is what is bothering you is it not? yet i have told you something that you have not tried.something different. and if you would try it. you would not need to ask this question. you see the outside but do you see the inside?what you see being different is the same plus much more but are you willing to accept that? those this matters to you or not? or have you set a limit to your understanding? and want to push a issue? as for me i do not have to push annything.
before i have answer you i all ready know that this would be ask again. but i have determined that you could be ready for more. and gave you the opportunity. you have free will and are responsible of it.
@white tiger Who says anything is bothering me? I asked you a question that the answer would determine how I respond. And based on your answer, I can see that you have not tried it and are talking about something that you really don't know about. Have you eaten a lemon? If one has not eaten a lemon, how can we discuss the flavor? First, taste the lemon, then discuss the flavor. Otherwise, you are not discussing the flavor of the lemon, you are discussing your theories about the taste of lemon
I am not sure what issue you think I am pushing and in what way. I have created a thread, wikified it, so that I can keep track of clearing emotions systematically and share it with others at the same time. You can try it or not. But if you don't try it, then how can you discuss it? If you try it and have questions, feel free to ask. Questions are how I have evolved it to begin with. Questions and feedback.
@white tiger if you are having a problem with my clearing technique, then that is in you.
@fairy princess forget it you are not ready to accept more.your answer is the proof.
@Fairy princess i have no problem. and i judge no one,not because i cannot judge ,but if i judge it will be in truth. so where does all what you said came from? lift that stone and properly split that pieces of wood.
sorry to offend anybody who is spiritually superior with this mindless dribble.
@fairy princess it is never a question of being superior. think about it this way if all element and all individual serve a perpace then they are all equal in the harmony of all that is 0. only in this world there is a duality ( ). often in this world of duality we forget that we came here to experience and enjoy and grow in understanding and truth.
I did three sets per day until I got through the whole series. I felt amzing afterward. I asked someone at work, and they noticed a difference in me as well. I didn't do any clearing for a while, and started to have pains come back. So, I added some emotions to the series and am going to start over, keeping track in this answer. I did the first three sets the other day, but I haven't been consistent. I hope that keeping track of it helps with that.
@Barry Allen is there some way to hide this question from white tiger so I don't have to offend him every time I edit it? ;)
Thank you @white tiger for reflecting to me that I have limiting beliefs. I will do THT and EZ DS for those beliefs, so they don't hold me back. What is it that my post is showing you about yourself? Because it is not in me, it is in you. Remember? your words ;)
@fairy princess why are you thanking me and yet you want to push in the same direction like a stubborn mule.you can do what you like you have free will and are responsible of it. it is showing me that i made no mistake, i have know a fee time that this would be the result even before talking to you, yet i gave you a chance to learn more.and you are not ready for more that is also why you told me this answer. i am in truth. remember the word is truth.
and now you are pissed off by my answer and want to kill me because i told you the truth.
yes i agree that is a bad feeling even if you doubt it is that bad. ok just go and delete it it will go away and not come back. is it coming back? yep do it again.
well you wanted a reflection why do you blame me?
@white tiger wow! have you got problems if you think I want to kill you over some ignorant words. lol Does that mean you want to kill me? Is that what you are trying to put on me? Look at your own self. You are not in the light or the truth, or you would not be harrassing me.
@white tiger I will go back to ignoring you now. I don't really read much that you write, unless it is directly to me, and that is out of courtesy. So, experience and enjoy.
@Fairy Princess, Inward Quest questions and answers are intended for information exchange between users. You appear to be using this answer as an ongoing personal diary. Please take this offline. Thank you
@Barry Allen It is also an answer to the question how it is helping me.
Dec 1, 2012 Sets 1, 2, 3 These sets deal with fear, worry and doubt. I have felt much more peace after doing these. :)
Dec 4, Sets 4, 5, 6 Stress, Anxiety, Insecurity
Dec 5, set 7 Powerlessness
Dec 6, set 8 overwhelmed
@Barry Allen is that better?
@Barry Allen I am very surprised that this would be your concern, and not the fact that white tiger has plugged up my question with ignorant negativity. Thanks
The interaction here is a reflection of my beliefs about men :(
@Barry Allen what do I have to do to get this monkey off my back?
@fairy princess who are you calling ignorant and negative? is that not a judgement from your self,and yet you will say to my face this is not in me? open your eyes to the truth.you also say that i have plugged up your question that is only what matters to you? and you ignore everything outside of this. do you think i do not see the truth? if so re-read your self. some will be first and will be last and some will be last and will be first.
maybe I should skip to the set on rejection
@white tiger check your email. I do say it to your face. Then I delete so that only you see it your email, not everybody.
@fairy princess re-read this last comment that is not in me. and i am not on your back this is also in you. but if you do not want to see or hear it is your choice not mine. do not blame or judge me. but i will give you rest, and will not reply to you for a while because the pot is very hot right now,and you need to do some work and let the pot cool down. before it blows or melt down.
@white tiger LOL YOU'RE A NUT!
@fairy princess you call me a nut but that is from you. can you accept that you have write that? LOL YOU'RE A NUT! is that not blaming and judging? this is where your understanding have stop in you. that is where you focus your heart and mind. the real question is will you get out of this trap that stop your understanding and progress? or will you stay in it with the over flow from the heart?
Dec 1, 2012 Sets 1, 2, 3 These sets deal with fear, worry and doubt. I have felt much more peace after doing these. :)
Dec 4, Sets 4, 5, 6 Stress, Anxiety, Insecurity
Dec 5, set 7 Powerlessness
Dec 6, set 8 overwhelmed
Dec 7, set 9 hopelessness
@fairy princess yes i know you are one that needs to delete. so it does not show. but the fact is that it is still there. the simple truth is that we are still talking about it. you can delete ignore and suppress things in you,but they are still there. if you would meditate (witnessing your flow of though) you would find that out in the first 2 weeks. i have nothing against you, only you see it that way. because you think that i do not like your method. because you focus on only that right now.
@white tiger how can I discuss with you THT if you won't tell me if you have tried it. If you don't try it, you don't know what you are talking about and there is no point in discussing it further with you until you earnestly do it. If you don't want to do it, then don't, but don't expect me to be able to discuss your opinion of it. I can answer questions about it, but discussing your opinion of something you have not tried is rediculous. So, until you try it or have questions about it...
@white tiger if you knew Jesus, you would know that I don't want to kill you, I don't hate you, I am trying not to get sucked into your negativity. Do you not see how you sound?
@white tiger http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jejfpWYlCR0 and in French http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slQJUVf8eLQ
@fairy princess i have no negativity. i am only telling you the truth the only negativity is in you. that is why you say to me that i am a monkey and that i am on your back or that i am nut. this is your own judgement and blame. yet i did not do the same. i do not need to judge anny one you are doing a very good job of judging your self and other. here is what jesus said:For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
@white tiger http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jejfpWYlCR0 and in French http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slQJUVf8eLQ
http://bible.cc/matthew/7-2.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgLehjvgyOQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2k0RzhVJSxE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9R5VwxvUUvI
Wow this is very interesting, in your back and foward answers you have taught me how rapped up you can get in presenting our perspective. Thank you very much to both of you.
Is this a comment? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with the original post.
It is a comment and I wrote it in the wrong place. Peace
Ok, Peace :)
It helps to know that your "answer" was a comment on the comments and not a judgement of the effectiveness of the technique.
@white tiger Do you have a question about this clearing technique? I would like to help you if you would let me. You posted comments on my post, that made me wonder if you even tried the technique. When I asked you if you did, so that I could know how to approach the conversation, you started judging, accusing, arguing, etc... and refused to answer that question. That is what I am calling negativity. I can see that we may have a communication problem going on. That is why I am even trying here.
@fairy princess i have added a video that you might like. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjy4TlzTNPo if i tell you that in meditation i would say to you that you see the reflection of the light on the water and how it relates to your heart and mind. and that you do that for over 40 days. until all the conflict is solved and the 2 becomes one(water and spirit),and then you can exit the flesh and go back in the kingdom above.
@fairy princess would you then ask me if i have tried your technique to solve inner conflict by deleting. when i have told you that deleting does not work and deleting or supressing is only a temporary mesure. and when you solve the puzzle you know the picture and can pass on something else the conflict is resolved. and the more you delete and supress things the more puzzle you will have to solve once you get to it. i am talking to you from my experience.
Dec 7, set 10 useless
@white tiger mrmrmrmrmrmrmrmmmmrmrmrmrmrmrmrmrmrmrmmrmrmrmr
@white tiger check your email
@white tiger mrmrmrmrmrmrmrmrmmmmrmrmrmrmrmrmrm
@white tiger mrmrmrmrmrmrmrmrmmrmrmrmrmrmrmrmmrmmrmrmrmmr
@white tiger mrmrmrmrmrmrmrmrmrmrmrmrmrmmrmrmrmjrmrmrmr
@white tiger stop getting drunk
@white tiger you don't make any sense mrjrmrmrj;'adojlfv;laejf;lkjflkj
@white tiger when you are the fee that have seen god
@white tiger what is your point?
@fairy princess First of all i am not drunk second of all what is my point:simply that i have told you the truth. but untill you meditate and walk the path you cannot accept it. if i tell you about things that you have never have experience or place that you have never went to and you think that it is not true because you have not experience it or gone there. is it my problem? or like jesus said if i tell you about earthly thinks-
and you do not believe me how will you ever believe me if i tell you about heavenly things
@white tiger dito
@white tiger dito means, 'the same back atcha'
@Barry Allen I deleted this answer. Did you put it back?
@Fairy Princess You were utilizing the Inward Quest software to spam another member.
You were doing this (by your own admission) by writing a provocative comment, waiting for a notification email to be sent to the other person, then deleting the comment before others on IQ could view it.
To counteract this misuse of IQ, we blocked your account from editing or deleting established comments and we restored the deleted comments.
That's some funny sh.. Fairy Princess you made me laugh with your comments. :D
@Simon Templeton, they were not intended to be provocative, just private. Also, it worked in getting the attention from you that I was being harrassed by another member. I thought it should have been stopped way sooner by a monitor. Other people have felt harrassed by this same member that has been harrassing me.
I need to be able to delete my stuff if I wanna protect my privacy if I feel threatened by one of your members.
Since the monitoring isn't in anyway to protect us, I am considering deleting all of my posts. That is why I need to be able to delete. I don't want my personal information shared with people who behave this way. Thanks for everything.
@Simon Templeton you can see that I was complying with @Barry Allen when I deleted the question that I have now converted to a comment, since you restored it to a question after I deleted it because I was told to. So, that doesn't make any sense.
@Fairy Princess - "I was being harrassed by another member" - So you're saying that Law of Attraction operates in this universe ( If everything in the universe is neutral, then how does the universe know how to give me frustrating or joyful situations? ) but only for everyone else, not for you? :)
@Stingray, lets remember that we are still responsible for our own actions. You can't go out and shoot someone and blame the victim for attracting it. I have attracted harrassment. I am not responsible for others' actions though. I am working on raising my vibration so that I attract more pleasant experiences. That is why I started this thread. This is a brand new technology and I am working with it.
@Simon Templeton I never said that I was spamming another member. So that is not an admission I made. That is a misunderstanding or misinterpretation of what I said. The one comment preceded this incident.
@Stingray, I did mention in one comment that I may have deleted, that I was attracting this and that it is revealing my beliefs about men.
@Everyone- Just drop it.
I wonder why some people always play a victim...I mean if you do something, be a man (or in this case a woman), admit it and accept the consequences. It's not that hard...
@timmyy I hope you are not imlying that I always play victim. We have our issues. That is why we are here. I am obvious working out some issues, and have acknowledged that a few times. So, it confuses me more than anything why people would want to try to make someone feel bad.
It also confuses me why people thumbs up stupid comments. When I get confused, I act confused.
It also confuses me when someone tells me to take down a question and then they put it back up. It also confuses me when people say that I said or did something that I did not do. So I have been quite confused, so I have been acting confused.
@Fairy Princess, I wasn't talking for all the other stuff. I was talking about...I don't know what I was talking about. Hell I don't even know what the problem is here. I just like to stick my nose where it doesn't belong. Ok that didn't come out right. :D Anyway if any of the members harasses you just ignore them. It's as simple as that(remember, don't focus on what you don't want). Peace! :)
@timmyy you are right. The reason I got involved is that I was trying to help someone else. I also want to make sure that my instructions and expectations from the method is clear. I usually don't engage with that person. I did feel threatened when they said that I wanted to kill them, because I don't. I also know that when people put that on me, it is really in them. So I reacted to what felt like a threat. I am working on peace. That is why I have come up with this post in the first place.
and when I find peace, I won't need this place any more any way