I think I have finally realized one of the basic reasons (among others) that I am not yet making the progress on the path of reality creation that I would have liked. And the cause/reason is I think is that I am not yet ready to fully embrace the notion that I am indeed in-charge of my life, that I have the power to create whatever I prefer. I realized this reading @Cory's answer here http://www.inwardquest.com/questions/71847/how-do-you-deal-with-emotions-arising-for-having-done-wrong-to-someone-how-to-get-past-remorse/72102. Specifically, You are at the controls in every single moment. You are so powerful that you have created the illusion that you are powerless...............Decide what you desire the most in life and live it right now. You are your very own universe. Leave everyone and everything out of the equation. Reading this made me realize that I am not yet ready to fully take on my power over my life, though I have heard and read this very notion many a times over and over again, I always assumed that I 'get it'. But apparently I dont, it feels like a huge responsibility, what if I am wrong? what if this isnt quiet true, what if I have to be disappointed later. I know it should feel liberating ...free. it should make sense and make me feel relief, I get it! I get it intellectually, but not emotionally. Emotionally it feels right now as a burden..... it makes me feel bound... right now at least I can blame my past or someone else for my life. If I accept total control over my life then only I am to be blamed. I am still to translate this knowledge to a place of empowerment, where I would not need to wonder about outcomes in my life and not fear the what ifs and blame.

What have been your experiences, how did this concept click into place? How did you finally embrace that you actually are source energy here in physical form and a powerful worthy part of the creation? How did you finally convince that it actually is alright to be in control and in charge of your own reality?

I feel that not willing to embrace this is the major reason I have not been able to apply the teachings really at my core. I get them intellectually but am having hard time truly internalizing them. I am asking this a I feel once I am truly ready to embrace my power non apologetically I would not shy away from my issues and feel undeserving of being forgiven and being redeemed. Once I would be able to forgive myself and accept myself unconditionally and non apologetically I would be on my way of true growth.

So how does one finally accept and embrace the power inherent within?


From some of the comments below it is seems as if the word 'Power' has been misunderstood. What I want to ask is how do i finally accept without a shadow of doubt that I am the Creator of my own life I and only I have power over my life no on else has the power to create in my life (other that what I ascribe to them through my beliefs?? When did this fact finally hit home for you and you started to live your life from that place of empowerment? Also, did you ever feel uncomfortable with this notion? as in did it make you uncomfortable to make yourself this important or feel guilty or shame for eliminating any control loved ones might have had over you and your life?

I have read about this and I know and believe it intellectually but I am not yet living it as the truth I would like for it to be in my life. So my question is how did you transcend this knowledge and live from the knowing and believing that you are the creator of your life and what ever it is that you desire has no way but to be a part of your life? was it a specific event or was it a gradual process?

asked 06 Apr '13, 23:36

dreamersmiles's gravatar image


edited 13 Apr '13, 23:52

Curious, how do you define power?

(07 Apr '13, 02:14) ele

@Cory "Decide what you desire the most in life and live it right now. You are your very own universe. Leave everyone and everything out of the equation." - That doesn't make much sense to me. We can't just live right now what we desire the most.

(07 Apr '13, 15:34) flowsurfer

@ele Power is the ability to cause change (or prevent it), by deliberate choice. I think this is a very important question: "How can I act as if I have absolute power if I seem not to; what if I "anger" the real power (other people, nature, God) by doing this?"

(07 Apr '13, 15:45) flowsurfer

it may be a lesson that takes over a lifetime understand, unless you learn to re-allign whenever off balance

(07 Apr '13, 20:18) fred

@fred yes, "unless you learn to re-allign whenever off balance' - absolutely, Fred.

(07 Apr '13, 21:15) ele
showing 1 of 5 show 4 more comments

A lot of the answers I am inspired to write here come from channeled beings. Abraham was the first group of collected consciousness that put me on my current path and Bashar was the entity (or subconscious of Darryl Anka, whichever you prefer) that hit things home for me. So I want to give credit and appreciation to those two sources for being the biggest part of my transformation. Without them I may very well be on the path of feeling lost and utter confusion that occurred almost every day of my life in previous parallel versions of myself.

Reading this made me realize that I am not yet ready to fully take on my power over my life, though I have heard and read this very notion many a times over and over again, I always assumed that I 'get it'. But apparently I don't, it feels like a huge responsibility, what if I am wrong? what if this isn't quiet true, what if I have to be disappointed later.

You will get to where you need to be at the perfect place and the perfect timing. There really is no need to put unnecessary pressure on yourself. I believe that we are where we are in every single moment for one reason or another. Whatever is going on in your life from moment to moment is serving you in some way. Even if we label it as bad or negative, it is essentially some form of growth and experience.

What have been your experiences, how did this concept click into place? How did you finally embrace that you actually are source energy here in physical form and a powerful worthy part of the creation? How did you finally convince that it actually is alright to be in control and in charge of your own reality?

As I have already mentioned, the teachings of Bashar have been a huge help in improving my life. Back when I first joined inward quest, @Stingray 's answer to this question really resonated and struck a chord within me. Bashar's explanation of earth being a Master Class of creators really felt very inspiring. It was the most empowering thing I ever heard and helped to dissolve a lot of my feelings of powerlessness and fear.

Here is a quick clip of what I am referring too...


Once I would be able to forgive myself and accept myself unconditionally and non apologetically I would be on my way of true growth.

This is a key piece of your transformation. It definitely was for me. So simply decide if that is the best choice for you or not. Don't make it any harder than it needs to be....really.

If you decide to forgive yourself and accept yourself unconditionally then affirm it to yourself every moment that you can. Positive self talk (or affirmations) with a true and pure positive emotion behind it can change your life.

Change around that statement to something more like...

"I forgive myself and accept myself unconditionally and am growing more and more positive every day."

"I am fully ready to embrace the notion that I am indeed in charge of my life."

It all just words that we can change around any time we choose. The emotion behind the words is something that you have to want incorporate though. If you are sick and tired of certain things in your life and you want to manifest new things in your life, you will get the inspiration to do what you need to do when you need to do it.

I don't know you personally in a physical way whatsoever, but I know for a fact that you are a very powerful and creative being. As I mentioned before, you are so powerful, you are simply creating the illusion of being powerless. You are an eternal an infinite being that is choosing to experience limitation of being a human being on earth. You are acting out a part in a play that you think is the one and only real life. You actually can create anything you want, whenever you feel like it.

You just have to decide for yourself how deep you want to stay into the illusion of solid, physical space and time. Or do you want to create some fluidity, ease, and maybe a few shortcuts that help you bend what we think is solid matter.

You can break away from the fear and inhibition any time you choose from a simple choice. You are the only one in your unique universe, which means you call all the shots.

I know for a fact that you are a powerful Master Creator of your own reality. But the true question is....do you?


answered 07 Apr '13, 02:15

Cory's gravatar image


"As I mentioned before, you are so powerful, you are simply creating the illusion of being powerless" Absolutely, time for him to reclaim his power & share his gifts with the world.

(07 Apr '13, 03:30) ele

@Cory, thanks once again for the well thought out and inspiring answer. This is churning something more inside me but I feel a need to ponder on it before I would ask you for further assistance.

(07 Apr '13, 14:52) dreamersmiles

@Cory That sounds great in theory but how do you actually put that in practice? I decide for you to give me a very testable answer.

(07 Apr '13, 15:37) flowsurfer
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

I think Cory answered your question very well. He hit on all the major points, forgiveness & unconditional love being major factors. Love is the greatest power. When we choose to be love, we have the entire Universe supporting us & we're flowing in the same direction. I'm going to share a favorite quote with you; I hope inspires you as it does me.

Our Deepest Fear

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others." ~ Maryanne Williamson

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 07 Apr '13, 03:32

ele's gravatar image


wikified 07 Apr '13, 03:32


@Ele, precisely, the quote says it all. I am more scared of the fact that I am in-fact powerful rather than being powerless. I get this part intellectually that I am source in physical body but it has yet to sink in or get integrated into understanding.

(07 Apr '13, 14:55) dreamersmiles

@dreamersmiles I don't think you are scared that you are in-fact powerful. I don't think that is even possible.

(07 Apr '13, 20:46) flowsurfer

My power has always scared the hell out of me.

(07 Apr '13, 21:11) ele

@ele Is it the power, the perceived limitations of that power (I can kill but I can't bring it back to life) or your lack of self-control that scares you?

(07 Apr '13, 22:17) flowsurfer

@flowsurfer "I can kill but I can't bring it back to life" Why would you say that? Actually, I have very few issues with self control. It's always a choice.

(07 Apr '13, 23:11) ele

@ele Then what are you afraid of? I would say that because we sometimes fear power because we fear that we will break something with it which we cannot fix; example, people are afraid of guns (power) because they know it can be used to kill. But that fear is more a product of their lack of power, which is exposed by the little bit of power the gun provides them.

(08 Apr '13, 07:45) flowsurfer

Wise words well spoken. And this is why many with power are too stricken with fear to actually stand up and use it, and instead would like to convince themselves that their gifts need not be used or need limitation- because.. Well, why would we be given gifts if we were meant to use them, that would just be silly... ;) ^_^y

(14 Apr '13, 00:22) Snow
showing 2 of 7 show 5 more comments

Quite simply, power is an illusion. When we interact with someone, we can give away power to them (as we would if we respected or feared them), or we can dominate them (as we might with a victim or a child)- nonetheless, it is an illusion!

Power is all smoke and mirrors.

This palace looks twice as big as it is because of the mirrors.

alt text

What has all this to do with claiming your power? It is simple, really. You have to become the actor, embracing the illusion just as it is in the palace, becoming what you want to be before you really are there. Suddenly, as you go about your life, you will discover thatyou have arrived; you are there!

This takes courage and belief. You can do this. You just have to jump in the water and swim (so-to-speak).

Power is truly an illusion. They use this in the movies all the time. Watch The Sting and see how illusion creates a great deal of power.




answered 07 Apr '13, 03:31

Jaianniah's gravatar image


edited 07 Apr '13, 03:33

or take your hands off the steering wheel & trust the Universe & your higher self.

(07 Apr '13, 03:34) ele

@ele- precisely! Jai

(07 Apr '13, 03:36) Jaianniah

Power is energy that is formed by the intentions of the soul. It is Light shaped by the intentions of love & compassion guided by wisdom. ~ Gary Zukav There is a difference between authentic power & ego based power.

(07 Apr '13, 03:40) ele
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I agree with ele, Love is a mysterious thing, but the way of love is deeper than one can imagine. The Lord Jesus Christ said that “The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 28-31. And also don't imagine nothing of what you heard other "spiritual leaders" speak. They are in the same race as you are and they are people like you are, they give some good advice and it's true, you have the power to choose. Personally I think anybody saying to avoid pain is teaching contrary to human nature. You're human, you feel weak, down, and clueless. And that's okay, the world has been here for a long time, you're not the first and certaintly not the last. I was clueless until I leaned toward God. So I advice you to do the same, I know some things God speaks may seem strange at first, but they'll start making sense in time. Lean on Him and He'll keep your head up. Just look at the world and listen. It's crazy that God All Mighty made it as simple as obey Him and look, listen, smell, touch, and taste. Friend, look at the world through the lens of God "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." Genesis 1:31. Listen to the Lord Jesus Christ and look at the sublime power of the Divine. Also, some beautiful insight I learned with time " And unto man He said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding." Job 28:28. Sounds simple right? Do it and SEE.


answered 07 Apr '13, 14:43

Dodova1990's gravatar image



Thanks @Dodova1990 Welcome to IQ & much love to you..

(07 Apr '13, 21:13) ele
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