My wife is a skeptic, quasi-atheist. She was deeply influenced by several Western philosophers and can't really understand or remotely accept the idea of collective consciousness or even karma (but oddly enough, she is a conscious and quite proficient user of the Law of Attraction). I've been reading books about theses subjects for all my life and still I'm terrible at explaining in a rational way what my beliefs are. In my mind, almost everything makes sense, but can't possibly sustain a debate with her negative, hopeless view of life. When I tell her that at the end of the day it's only love that matters, she brushes it off, and starts asking why then there is so much suffering, and my explanation becomes too esoteric and I lose her.

So, taking for granted that she'll never read a book on the subject, do you have any suggestions on how I can explain to her these concepts in a concise way? Have you maybe came across a paper or a video or any other thing that could make her at least see a clear explanation? My objective is not to convert her, but simply for her to acknowledge that there is another, very interesting way of seeing life and the universe.

asked 13 Jan '14, 05:49

maugi's gravatar image


edited 13 Jan '14, 07:17

IQ%20Moderator's gravatar image

IQ Moderator ♦♦

My objective is not to convert her, but simply for her to acknowledge that there is another, very interesting way of seeing life and the universe

Well, from your wife's perspective, the end of that sentence probably is viewed more like...

very interesting way of seeing life and "MY" universe

She is experiencing her very own version of the universe (which is within her) while at the same time you are trying to explain your own unique version of the universe (which is within you) and that automatically causes a disconnect. Those two vibrational frequencies of how the world, the universe, or life in general are supposed to be are not a match, which then causes a clash of belief systems.

In my mind, almost everything makes sense, but can't possibly sustain a debate with her negative, hopeless view of life.

Here is an example of a belief system clashing. Your belief is that she has a negative hopeless view of life, but maybe in her reality, it isn't negative or hopeless at all. Maybe her beliefs about life are helpful and productive and make her the human being that she is.

Debating about what life and existence is as a whole in my opinion is pointless and futile in all regards. I see it as sharing opinions and allowing the other persons point of view be an equal of mine. It doesn't mean you have to agree on the opinion of another. It can be as simple as agreeing to disagree and letting it go from there.

When I tell her that at the end of the day it's only love that matters, she brushes it off, and starts asking why then there is so much suffering, and my explanation becomes too esoteric and I lose her.

Unless "she decides" to change her beliefs about life, you will continue to lose her in any conversation that you have.

In my early stages of studying reality creation/LOA, I tried to explain things like this to certain people in my life thinking I could be of help to them. After a few attempts and constant brick walls being put up (belief clashing) I finally realized that it isn't my place to change somebody else or try to open them up to new ideas. Everyone is on their own journey, and their unique journey is none of my business.

Now if someone comes asking questions similar to what we do here at IQ, then that is the time when our opinion can be shared with the possibility of the questioner being open to the answer that feels right to them. When a question is actually asked, there is an inner desire to understand an answer instead of two opposing ideas coming together in a resistant fashion.

So, taking for granted that she'll never read a book on the subject, do you have any suggestions on how I can explain to her these concepts in a concise way?

I personally don't see a way you can explain these ideas without your beliefs clashing. You could always suggest her taking a look at a site like this one. If she says no thanks then just simply allow her that choice and allow her to have her own opinion if she would decide to explore a site like this.

If you want to get absolutely nutty and crazy, you could shift to a parallel reality version of earth where your wife and you have similar points of view just by understanding that you are 100% responsible for everything that shows up in your reality.


answered 13 Jan '14, 14:10

Cory's gravatar image



Great answer, thank you. What you are saying is that until she'll ask about it (meaning she's ready to hear something different), it'll be better to simply keep our respective beliefs. Fair enough.

(13 Jan '14, 19:53) maugi

@Cory- Excellent answer Cory. I also found trying to change others futile and probably a sign I was not comfortable in my own new beliefs. I now find appreciating others exactly as they are with Abrahams Hicks Positive Aspects a better solution :)

(16 Jan '14, 05:37) Satori

@maugi Yes, essentially that's what I'm saying. She may also never be prepared to hear or believe something different so you have to be aware of that as well. I've learned that trying to force or even suggest a new belief to someone who doesn't want to or isn't ready to hear it, is like trying to force a square peg in a round hole. It simply doesn't work out without a whole lot of force and effort.

(16 Jan '14, 14:45) Cory

@Satori Thank you my friend:)

You said it so well in your comment. It all comes down to us and what we believe in the end that produces the results we want to experience. We need to work on ourselves and be comfortable in our own skin first before we can see the reflection of physical reality change in every aspect of our mirror-like existence.

Self "Mirror mirror on the wall, who do I need to change first to see a change in them all?"

Mirror "Your looking at him pal!"

(16 Jan '14, 14:52) Cory
showing 2 of 4 show 2 more comments

This is the best explanation I have ever saw. It is scientific but if you start looking deeper and thinking about it.

Energy follows thought. This always seemed a forced thing but if thought is broadcast. It has frequencies that it is sending out. Now if everything we know of is composed of strings vibrating then thought entrains the strings into harmony hence affecting the very fabric of existence.

This explains why words have power, thoughts have power, feelings have power and emotions have power.

All of those are broadcast of frequency or to put it another way music! It is all music including everything we smell, touch, see or hear, we have known for years the spectrum from x-rays to sound to light to matter was all just different frequencies of the same thing.

These different frequencies are even why we are not the same person. If we were to change frequencies we would change shape and appearance but I'm digressing getting light years ahead of myself.

If thought controls existence and all existence is made of these strings, including you and I even including location in time and space. Then everything we think we know about everything is really all frequency.

Now better yet! If everything is frequency including us, then how does any order of time or space, any existence come into being?

Could everything be randomly tuning and harmonizing? Or could there be a grand musician orchestrating everything? Everything spoken into existence.


answered 13 Jan '14, 15:10

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 13 Jan '14, 22:10


cool vid thanks @wade

(14 Jan '14, 03:59) ursixx

@ursixx You're welcome ursixx. Actually this is a video white tiger shared first. I could see how through this that everything we experience could be explained. It is quite amazing to ponder!

(14 Jan '14, 04:48) Wade Casaldi

@Wade Casaldi I watched this series within the past year. Very interesting stuff indeed.

(16 Jan '14, 14:59) Cory
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments


What a WISE answer. I have already found in my life what you said is 100% right.

Jesus own brothers, who were in a better situation than others to understand his teaching than others, did not believe him; rather accused him saying: "He's out of his mind." (Mark 3:21) And we do not find him making any extra effort in gaining them. His attitude was always "And if you are willing to accept it, ............ Whoever has ears, let them hear." (Mathew 11:14, 15)


answered 16 Jan '14, 00:41

T%20D%20Joseph's gravatar image

T D Joseph

edited 16 Jan '14, 00:42


@T D Joseph I'm glad to hear that your beliefs of life are working out for you just the way you prefer.

(16 Jan '14, 15:02) Cory
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