I've been using the law of attraction for 3 years and i've made progress slowly but patiently. I do beleive that LOA works because i've made more progress with it than I have in the past when I didn't know that LOA even existed. I've had my ups and downs using LOA i've had my emotional pitfalls but I am still making progress. I don't know if this is true or not but people would tell me that God does bless his people but that it's not always what we want and that it's sometimes just whats good for us. This idea is stuck in my head. I find this belief/idea kind of limiting in terms of what is possible and what we are capable of. I would agree that god does want whats best for us but does he really limit his blessings like that? I understand that god is beyond the universe and that he created it but aren't we part of the same entity as god? I'm a little bit confused with this concept. I also have parents who give me these limiting ideas about god not always blessing us with what we want. I don't know if this is true or if it's just a myth. Can someone explain? Thanks
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I would suggest that you figure out what's good for you and you alone and leave other people's opinions on the curb. Heck you can even leave my suggestion on the curb if you feel like it. This is your game of life that is being played and I don't to want take any of the fun you are having with it away:) "The truth" is just a deep embedded belief that a person or group of people agree to have. A belief is simply a thought that you keep thinking. So if you can get to a point and make a decision of what you would prefer to believe about god and start thinking about ideas around that concept that make you feel good, it will become your new embedded belief from constant thinking, and you won't need anyone else telling you what may or may not be true for you anymore.
Drop this belief then. There is no need to over-think this. Keep it simple and follow your gut instinct -aka- emotional guidance system -aka- your feelings.
What do you think? How does him "limiting his blessings" make you feel? Don't allow another belief system to fog up your mirror. Decide, decide, decide how you want to react and feel about that statement you Powerful Master Creator you.
You are god...god is you...I am you...you are me...we are all one on equally. I believe we are actually all the same one tiny particle that moves at an infinite speed which creates the illusion of separation. That concept works really well here on earth because we quickly reject that idea and can't quite wrap our minds around how that is even possible. We came on earth because we knew it was a challenge and that it would be difficult at times. We knew we could eventually see through the illusion of limitation and separation. We knew that we could handle anything that came our way and that we would be okay in the end. We are powerful creator gods/goddesses who are here to enjoy this exciting place called earth.
This is simply a limiting belief. You can choose to accept it or reject it. You control everything in your reality. Sometimes the illusion of rules, doctrine, and so called facts can trip us up from time to time. Figure out what makes YOU happy in life and milk that good feeling for everything it's worth. Keep it simple. Allow other people to have their own beliefs and allow yourself the freedom to choose your own. |
God has given us everything to enjoy life, and has also given us a preceptor in the form Principle of Sow and Reap. This leaves God free from our affairs. Also, this leaves us free to advance in any direction we want! |
God is your holy father. and you are one of is child make in is image. Does a parent always give to a child what a child desire. a child might want to play with a stove, fire, car, electric, gas etc... it might make him happy and can also make him not happy. If a child is not ready to handle something does the parent allow him to play with it? if the child play with gas and fire and get burn will it make him happy? so will the parent give to the child what is good for him and he is ready to receive? Does God give you fuzzy feeling when you ask for love or the opportunity to love other people as your self? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDDqCgV9jWo What is your belief? is it true is it good for you? or is it limiting you? You want to change the world or something outside of you how do you do it? or where do you begin? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4cOQZG01YE You want to make plans? smile. Are you sure that it is good for you or for other around you? smile. For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Do you really know that what you want is good for you? often people want something and when they get it they discover it is not as good as they add believe it to be. then after they believe they need to desire something else. why do you desire this thing? what positive and negative aspect will it bring you? I will give you example: many in this world desire power and to build their little kingdom and often they will cut corner to make it happen even if they know it is not good, when the dam brake and flood their little kingdom who can they blame? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnUvSn9pVaA Let there be light, be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy. |
It is the understanding of the word that makes it so that what is asked and what is received. Florence Shovel Shinn understood this so well that she was adept at it and said the word for many and many miracles came from her speaking the word. Jesus said something like if a boy asked his father for a puppy would his father give him a snake? If he asked for breakfast would his father give him a rock to chew on? He said if a human father would give his boy what he wants why would a God father who is perfect treat his son/daughter less than the imperfect human father? Florence Scovel Shinn usually said the word to get things in agreement with divine providence. If it did not agree, something even better would come along. Example: a woman lost her silver pen, she looked everywhere and said a prayer to get it back. It did not come back, instead someone gave her a gold pen! She said I now see, God wanted even better for me than I wanted for myself. Florence called that the law of substitution. The best choice will come and it wont so necessarily be what you picked but what is best for you. |

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we are on the same boat @Jacob Ford. I am raised with the belief that God will supply what we only need not what we really want, and that if we want something that is beyond our need, God will not provide it for us. Thanks for bringing this up.
@Romel As I pointed out, God provides us what is best, it is either what we want or something even better that we didn't even think of as an option.
That is why, I like Florence Scovel Shinn so much, she clearly points that out.