I have become very confused about this. I hope I can ask this question in a way that makes sense.

I ask after reading a question in which someone was asking how to manifest wealth. One of the answers was to make feeling abundant a priority, but as a result the manifestation might not come in the form of wealth. If the universe only matches feelings, does that mean we can't get exactly what we want (as it appears in our mind) because the vibration of having something is the same as the vibration of having something else?

For example I really want a new wardrobe right now because I feel confident in the right clothes, so I imagine the confidence I would feel wearing those clothes, but instead of the clothes I get situations where I can parade my confidence. But I want the clothes!

So does every object/situation have a different vibration? Do we get to choose things we want or we are at the mercy of whatever the universe decides is a match?

asked 27 Jun '14, 18:26

Bluebell's gravatar image


edited 17 Jun '15, 19:01

"so I imagine the confidence I would feel wearing those clothes" ... can you see the joke? in fact what you are vibrating, what you are asking the universe for is not "clothes" but "confidence"so you're delivered confidence and not clothes ... is that not proof that everything has a unique vibration? :)

(18 Jun '15, 01:29) jaz

the universe doesn't decide anything ... detailed precision is primordial. For example what is abundance? One of The Free Dictionary definitions is "a plentiful amount" ... this could mean a plentiful amount of anything such as bank notes, rainfall, water, food, shoes etc ... Bashar's definition of abundance is "the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it" ... in other words you have the capacity to manifest any specific thing into your reality ..

(18 Jun '15, 02:14) jaz
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If every single thing in this physical reality didn't have a unique and one of a kind vibration, well, it would be a very mundane and boring world indeed. Since everything in physical reality IS vibration, then that means that everything has it's own unique pitch of frequency.

It's similar to two separate television channels having very similar programming but it's slightly different enough for them to be on their own station that you have to actually change the channel (vibrational frequency) to tune in.

From every skyscraper in the world down to every single piece of dirt on the ground, there exists a unique pitch, hum , or frequency. Everything is it's own uniqie thing no matter how similar it appears.

Even though the physical body you see everyday in the mirror looks exactly the same down to blemish on the face or the leg with the slight limp, it is also in a constant never ending state of unique vibrational change from the day we are born until the day we are finished playing the earth game.

I ask after reading a question in which someone was asking how to manifest wealth. One of the answers (from someone really respected on IQ) was to make feeling abundant a priority, but as a result the manifestation might not come in the form of wealth. If the universe only matches feelings, does that mean we can't get exactly what we want (as it appears in our mind) because the vibration of having something is the same as the vibration of having something else?

What appears in your mind or imagination a lot of the time is really only a frequency primer. The key to imagination or visualization is to get the positive e-motion (energy in motion) flowing. That emotional trigger point that is sustained on a consistent basis is really the only thing that matters (creates physical matter).

If you conjure up a scenario in your physical mind, chances are your belief system will only really truly come up with less than a handful of ways that any abundance you prefer can come to you. It only has so much data or information to work with because the allowance of things coming in any way shape or form is restricted to a few avenues.

If you use visualization as a fun way to raise your vibration and just leave it with that without any specific expectations, and just bask in that good feeling as much as possible, then you are now opening every doorway that exists for your manifestation to arrive through instead of a handful of ways. It's similar to playing 1 million lottery tickets instead of just four. Chances of winning the jackpot have gone up astronomically.

Allow the higher non-physical you to do the brunt work of the how, when, and where. All you have to do is get in the "feeling place" and it will all work out precisely as it should when the time is right and it may very well come in a much bigger and expansive way.

For example I really want a new wardrobe right now because I feel confident in the right clothes, so I imagine the confidence I would feel wearing those clothes, but instead of the clothes I get situations where I can parade my confidence. But I want the clothes!

The paradox here is if you feel confident no matter what clothes you're wearing, the clothes you prefer to enjoy wearing will come that much faster. Wondering where the clothes are and why they haven't come yet is exactly what is holding them back.

Feel confident and joyful No Matter What and everything will manifest that much faster. It all exists now anyway. Shift to the really you prefer by making how you feel the number one priority over anything else. Then you will experience that unique wardrobe vibration by simply not caring if you get it at all. Which paradoxically once again may very well manifest bigger and better than you could ever imagine, and at lightning speeds.


answered 27 Jun '14, 23:32

Cory's gravatar image


Thanks @Cory, I am starting to understand how this is an emotional journey. But how do we know what something feels like if we have never experienced it? There are tons of things I would like to experience...but you're saying I can't until I have felt the emotion of it? Say I really wanted to be in a band because it seems cool and something I'd like to experience, but I have no clue what it feels like in its essence?

(28 Jun '14, 02:35) Bluebell

@Bluebell "There are tons of things I would like to experience...but you're saying I can't until I have felt the emotion of it?"

You don't have to feel the emotion of a specific thing or circumstance. That is what is really cool about reality creation. You can focus on a specific thing in your imagination if you want but any general emotion of feeling good is all you need. The positive emotion of feeling good is a complete built in kit. If you feel good/positive/joyful the majority of...

(28 Jun '14, 02:48) Cory

@Bluebell your day...about anything at all, everything that is in the vortex of the things you want will find their way to you. The split second you envision a desire it exists right now. You just have to match up to that desire with the general emotion of feeling your joy. Ask and it is given is a book that has some great vibrational processes for maintaining this general vibration if you haven't read it yet.

(28 Jun '14, 02:53) Cory
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perhaps every form in
existence has its own sound,
to know this note we don't have
may be more than desire


answered 28 Jun '14, 09:39

fred's gravatar image


@fred Verily verily I tell you we are all created in the image of god and we are all individual that can share stuff together and help each other and learn from one and another, the problem in this world is that some create iniquity and are not able to be humble enough to say that they do not know everything. they care to much about their outside image to the detriment of the inside image and also the outside since everything comes from the inside and go out.

(28 Jun '14, 17:21) white tiger

For I tell you, that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.

(29 Jun '14, 12:30) white tiger

if a king need a servant to wash is feet and serve him on the smallest matter, how can he ever hope to serve himself and the kingdom in all is complexity? and if a servant need to have such a king how can he hope for a better kingdom? therefore I saw to you the one that serve you best is your number one. there fore let the king and the servant solve their division become as a single one. when they will be in truth with a pure heart they will enter the kingdom.

(29 Jun '14, 12:48) white tiger

my friend, nothing exists without a connection to The universal element, now how this power gets to mankind is debated both by the sword and the word as each believes in the right as he fights his brother for supremacy, the known light does not let them share

(29 Jun '14, 20:20) fred
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"Whenever you ask for something, there is always a "surface goal" as well as the inner experience beneath it that you really want. For example, if you ask for a man or a woman to come into your life for a new relationship, the relationship is the surface goal. But there's an inner experience beneath it that's more important to you. It might be feeling love, excitement, or companionship." "Whenever you ask for something, it's possible to achieve your surface goal and not get the inner experience beneath it that you really want." (I think the opposite is also true, in which case your request may not look as you asked for it at all)

"The surface goal is only a possible route to the inner experience you want. It may or may not actually produce it."

"It's important to always ask for the surface goal and the inner experience you really want. That way you increase the odds you'll create what you really want."

Source: The Invisible Path to Success


answered 28 Jun '14, 21:24

T%20A's gravatar image


"everything you do" is always a "feeling" that you really want, "whatever you say you want", "the thing you wish for", is just an imagined pathway into the feeling you really want most importantly, the feeling you always wanted ultimately was "happiness" in a world of "plenitude"

(18 Jun '15, 00:28) jaz

Does what you want always make you happy? if you answer yes to this question then I will say to you that you could just be happy with what you wanted and have got. or is it that you decided that you want something else because your desire have shifted to something else? and you probably are someone that always know it all.

if I ask you again does what you want always make you happy? and you say no. then I will say to you that maybe getting something that you did not want could give you a new experience or bring something new in a form or another. then maybe shifting your vibration from it is not what I want or asked for, to lets experience and enjoy this new experience and opportunity, could make a big brake through for you.

you say:

I imagine the confidence I would feel wearing those clothes, but instead of the clothes I get situations where I can parade my confidence. But I want the clothes!

well you imagine the confidence, and your heart is set on confidence so you learn confidence you can parade in your confidence if you want to make a show of your self and look good on the outside, if you think that it can hide what make you feel with no confidence. but what can cloths do to change matter of the heart or mind? why are you looking on outside things to solve problem on the inside? imagine and knowing the truth about something are often 2 different things. are you still confuse or does it make sense?

Life is more then clothing. consider the lilies of the field.


let the days own trouble be sufficient for the day.

Let there be light, be the light that you can be, experience and enjoy.


answered 27 Jun '14, 21:41

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

edited 29 Jun '14, 10:57

Hi Bluebell I love this question it reminds me of the two questions asked by blubird two here on IQ "Do things have a virtual force that is often expressed by their shape or symbol" and "How can I better separate the number combinations that appear for my horse-racing predictions".

At first glance these questions seem unrelated but on closer examination they're all based on the same principles, waveforms and energies. Briefly put we live in a world of forms, everything that exists possesses a form, a characteristic shape by which it can be identified, whether it be a solid or much more fleeting like a movement a projection, a wave or stream of air/water.

Form is closely linked with consciousness as demonstrated through the study of handwriting for example, especially when used as a means of analyzing character. Modern examples of how thoughts influence the environment include brain electronic device interfaces a good example of which is the brain-to-brain interface


Everything possesses a characteristic pattern by which it can be identified and patterns are made up not only of forms but other original forces such as number, verb, sound, rhythm ... we perceive these forces through our five physical senses and also through our intuition such as through thoughts, feelings and memories. Precision is important, for example if I just wish to have a car I may end up with an old banger like this

alt text

if I ask for a brand new 2014 Mercedes E-350, tropic black with expansive roof, wood trim ... I'll most certainly receive a car looking like this

alt text


The emphasis here is what I observe in my own personal experience and is not a concept, an idea or theorie.

So does everything have a unique vibration? First of all "what is vibration?"

To explore this domain I close my eyes and look at inner space, it's like a vast space with no boundaries. However I can observe appearances and movements; I can observe thoughts, I can observe feelings (emotions) and I can observe bodily sensations.

What is it that appears in inner space that I name "emotion"? ... well it seems impossible to define exactly but on closer examination I notice that emotions are something that appears from nowhere and seems to flow, move, vibrate. I like to think of it as being some kind of "energy".

So vibration is some kind of energy and emotions are the movement of energy in inner space.

The emotion of excitement is different from the emotion of sadness, the same goes for anger and happiness ... in fact there seems to be an infinite variety of vibrations so there could be an infinite variety of emotions.

Anger has a definite feel to it, the same goes for other emotions e.g. depression, joy, boredom ... they each have their own characteristics, their own identifying "signature" ... there could be an infinite variety of signatures.

So each emotion has an identifying signature, a unique characteristic vibration.

How do "real" things fit into the picture?


answered 30 Jun '14, 01:42

jaz's gravatar image


edited 17 Jun '15, 10:31

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