This post may seem somewhat haphazard and rambling – please bear with me. I am trying to pack a lot of information here…

From what I have learnt so far, LOA works because our subconscious mind is a part of the universal subconscious mind. The universal subconscious mind is what in religious literature variously called Shakti (in Hinduism) or Holy Spirit (in Christianity). The universal subconscious mind is basically the primordial cosmic energy that creates form. You impress this mind with thoughts and it creates form.

We have conscious mind, with which we can control or at least influence our own and therefore the universal subconscious mind.

This is all good so far.

Where I get lost is the question of the conscious mind. Kashmiri Shaivism and Tantric Buddhism say that there is also a universal conscious mind – variously called Shiva (in Hinduism), or The Father (in Christianity). The universal conscious mind was responsible for creating the universe in the first place. It impressed thought on the universal subconscious mind, which in turn created forms.

For a discussion on this duality, see this and this.

So my questions are:

  1. I sort of “get” the nature of the universal subconscious mind – i.e. you give it thoughts and it gives you forms. I don’t for the life of me get the nature of the universal conscious mind. How does it relate to our individual conscious minds? Is my conscious mind also part of the universal conscious mind? Is there any relationship at all?
  2. Does the universal conscious mind still exist, now that the universe has been created? If it does, is it the collection of all our conscious minds, or something over and above it? If it is separate or something bigger, what is it thinking now, and what thoughts is it impressing upon the universal subconscious mind? Is the destiny of the universe therefore not just dependent on our collective conscious minds, but also what the universal conscious mind is thinking?



The answer to my own question flashed before my eyes a little while ago, so I'd like to record that here.

The universal conscious mind is the sum total of all the individual conscious minds of the universe, i.e. the sum of the conscious minds of every human, animal, plant, inanimate object, atom, cell, etc etc.

Everything has a conscious mind and a subconscious mind.

The conscious mind is highly evolved in humans, less evolved in animals, even less in plants, and rudimentary in what we call inanimate objects.

This explains why creation took so long before and why changes are happening rapidly now.

It took billions of years for the earth to cool down, for water to appear, another few hundred million years before the first life appeared, then many millions of years before plants, reptiles, mammals, apes and then humans came.

The rate of progress initially was so slow because the conscious minds responsible for creating the changes were weak - they were the conscious minds of the rocks and water and plants.

Then the speed picked up when animals came into the scene.

The speed increased further when man came - rapid progress.

And now, when a critical mass of humanity has reached a fairly high level of consciousness, the speed of change is breath-taking.

asked 16 Nov '14, 16:07

cod2's gravatar image


edited 18 Nov '14, 09:37

cod2, perhaps we all have a part in The Plan that was thought of before life was impulsed to separate from the darkness and fulfill its destiny

(11 Dec '14, 19:04) fred

The universal conscious mind is in a way very similar to the atmosphere that encompasses the earth. Just as the earths atmosphere continually flows through all physically living creatures, the universal mind flows in a similar way, through all that is spirit and soul. Whereas the atmosphere provides the breath of life, universal consciousness provides the "breath" of our existence and that of all that is. It is this "breath" that you focus on during meditation so that you may directly experience the universal mind. Metaphorically speaking, you might say that your imagination is the "wind" of the universal mind blowing through your spirit and soul. Go with the flow and enjoy the ride.


answered 01 Dec '14, 20:09

i4cim2b's gravatar image


edited 02 Dec '14, 00:23

infinite mind with a plan
energy sent from a core
so far until creation
begins to show many forms


answered 18 Nov '14, 19:29

fred's gravatar image


I sort of "get" the nature of the universal subconscious mind - i.e. you give it thoughts and it gives you forms.

Forms are a type of thought, just like ice is just water that's solid. Remember, everything is energy.

How does it relate to our individual conscious minds? Is my conscious mind also part of the universal conscious mind? Is there any relationship at all?

The individual mind is the wave; the universal mind is the water, but the wave is the water. When the water moves it appears as a wave.

Does the universal conscious mind still exist, now that the universe has been created?


is it the collection of all our conscious minds, or something over and above it?

Everything is energy, so reality itself is the collection of all minds. The Universal Mind is The Highest Frequency - Pure Joy. Even if you are in a lower frequency (the lack of joy - anger, hatred) you are still the essence of The Universal Mind just like Ice is still the essence of water (just more solid). You can unfreeze the ice so it can be water, and you can raise your vibration to The Highest Frequency to stay as The Universal Mind living through Joy.

what is it thinking now

Universal Joy. The Joy for all.

Is the destiny of the universe therefore not just dependent on our collective conscious minds, but also what the universal conscious mind is thinking?

The Universal Mind is The Highest Frequency - Pure Joy. We all want to be happy, therefore it's all the same.


answered 05 Dec '14, 15:09

arpgme's gravatar image


I will keep it simple for you I will ask you only a fee question and you will answer it.

When you call someone on the phone do you need to talk to every one at the same time?

do you communicate better talking with one person on the phone or with a large number of people?

when people talk to you are they talking to every one else?

if you would ask a large group of people to answer your question in what way should the group do it to give you a good and clear answer over the phone?

would it be better to decide what the message is and let one person answer it the one that as the more knowledge in that field or the one that will communicate the best with you so that you understand the answer? or would it be better for every one to give all their answer to you on the phone at the same time good or bad with all variation in between?

you see it is not because every one as the possibility to talk to you at the same time that they should. so even if the capacity is there it is not the best thing to do.

I could explain to you something else even if you talk faster in between people you share more information and knowledge faster. it does not mean that if you send all of that at once to someone that is not equip or ready to receive it that he will be able to get it or absorb it.

quick example I could send to you 2 terabyte of information and knowledge on the net at a speed of 200 mbps but if you only have 5 mbps speed and a 500 go hard drive in your computer, it will take you for ever to get it to the computer and you will be overload before you can even have 1/4 of it in the computer.

if you can understand this in this world below that is divided and limited. what good would it give you to connect with all the universal mind or the talk of every one at the same time?

answer those question for your self and you can read your question after it will help you understand what you did not before.


answered 07 Jan '15, 06:11

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

edited 07 Jan '15, 06:40

I think of universal consciousness as the essence of Singularity. I also think of it in very geometric terms. We are all connected through relationships that are alive and that form universal consciousness. Particles are both matter and frequency. Frequencies are that consciousness.

Therefore, I believe that when potentials are recognized, mind seeks to fulfill them. I believe that being chose to explore the idea of humanity, thus some manifested themselves into human form, and began populating the earth with similar life forms. I'm not so quick to say that humanity is the most evolved life form on the planet. In some ways, we are the least evolved life form.

What other animal would kill, rape, mame, destroy, and in other way wreak havoc on life itself in the name of money, that doesn't really exist except as an irrational belief? It is humanity that has brought us into the already begun mass extinction event of life on earth, and it is humanity that would rather destroy all of life than give up a belief that money has ANY value. It doesn't. Only humanity's insanity assures us that it does, in spite of the provable FACT that it doesn't.


answered 01 Dec '14, 07:17

Gail's gravatar image


To understand this phenomenon ,think that every living thing has a mind which is part of universal mind or connected with that.Universal mind is like an ocean.

when a man feel thirsty,he seeks water same as a goat or lion seek water when thirsty.All creatures know and understand same value of water.A Lioness loves her cubs in same way as a woman loves her children.Same consciousness is active at all levels.

these instincts are collected from universal mind.Every information is stored in universal mind.Universal mind does not serve more than that.Carl Jung called this collective unconscious.

I don't know that the Universal mind has conscious or unconscious parts.The meaning is same.terminology differs.


answered 11 Dec '14, 23:27

Zee's gravatar image


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