I was listening to "Beyond the Secret into Abundance" from Bashar recently and came to a part that I have listened to over and over again. I've listened to this session a few times and this part has always stood out to me. Maybe it's because we human beings value money so very much. I'm pretty sure the "checks in the mail" concept has been mentioned by other teachers but this is the one that stands out to me. I tried my best to get it word for word and also tried to do the punctuation the best I could to match the feeling that Bashar was trying to give here. Sorry, I couldn't find a quick and easy audio or video version of this to post which are much better at driving home the point if you haven't heard this before.
For me it seems really hard to wrap my head around the concept of "getting checks from a total stranger in the mail" as Bashar puts it. I think that is something that has quite a bit of resistance for me to envision happening. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that resistance to getting money for nothing. So I'm curious if anyone else has received money in this manner before? I would love to hear some motivational stories, even if they are not considered to be anything spectacular. I'm trying to work through some of these mental blocks I've been carrying around with me my whole life so any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
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Gary Craig, the now-retired founder of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), tells a story to the audience in one of his teaching DVDs about someone that manifested "checks in the mail" deliberately. I managed to track down an online transcription of it and am posting it here since it's quite a fun story :)
Very inspiring story Stingray. It almost sounds too easy but in the end, I think that is the whole point. Thank you for posting this!
(22 Sep '11, 18:42)
You're welcome, Cory
(23 Sep '11, 07:39)
It was funny I was on my way to the mail box and I thought"it's going to be nice to get a check" and lo and behold a check from the Lotto! for 14 SEK little more than 2 USD. So yes the checks come now I just need to work on the amount ;) Funny how even the little things can put a smile on your face.
(26 Sep '11, 19:36)
I always like to come back to old questions and answers that I previously posted just to see if I can get anything new and inspiring out of them. I came back to this specific question a few weeks ago from an inspired urge. I remember reading it and simply saying, "yes...I get checks in the mail from total strangers." So as I am sifting through my pile of mail I come across a small envelope with my name on it. I had no idea who the person was on the return address. I open the envelope and see a check for $50. It was from a month long lottery raffle ticket that benefits charity. I got this ticket at the beginning of the month for my birthday and completely forgot about it. I got the prize on the second to last day of the month. I wanted to share this here since I asked this question almost 2 years ago. It is also the first totally unexpected check I ever got in the mail from a total stranger. I realized a few minutes after opening the check that this came a few weeks after affirming that "yes, I get checks in the mail from total strangers." I never really gave this "checks in the mail thing" a chance until those few very short weeks ago. When I put 2 and 2 together and realized that this actually worked, it made that $50 check feel more like $5000. It really is a good feeling manifestation that I appreciate very much and now know that I can do it again. This had all the aspects of law of attraction in action...
Hopefully this has inspired others to give it a try. I get checks in the mail from total strangers, so I know it is possible for anyone else as well. . |
Hmmm. I do not know if this counts. My colleague, out of the blue, suddenly lent me money. Did not ask her. She was not even aware if I need to borrow money or what. And she did not let me pay for it. It happened last May. The universe must have know exactly what you needed.
(26 Sep '11, 19:37)
I have never manifested a cheque from a complete stranger, but a few months ago when I was doing a lot of vibrational work, I received a notice, out of the blue, that I was owed back tax from the government from 2007. It was weird, because usually getting a tax rebate is a struggle for me, you have to send in an application form and all your documents, and it's a right mission. No-one I know has actually been sent money without prompting the Inland revenue (I know it does happen, but I'd never heard of it happening to anyone I know). AND at the end of every tax year I always try to calculate whether I'm owed any tax, this one slipped right by me. The cheque came a bit later, £450. :) Unfortunately I spent it covering my overdraft. Still gotta tweak my manifesting abilities a bit! 1
@cassiopeia Thanks for sharing your story. The check may not have come from a complete stranger but at least it was something that you had no resistance towards. You could use the good feeling you got from receiving it and turn that into a future check in the mail manifestation attempt. I appreciate you bringing this question back up because it reminds me that I need to try putting this request in the manifesting box.
(16 Mar '12, 12:18)
I have seen "The Secret" plenty of times, I know you are talking about that British guy David Schirmer. He said "I just expect checks in the mail and now get checks in the mail, I still get bills but I get more checks." Here is the link you were talking about. Yes it is worth trying, it is easy enough, but the thing is he is an investment broker so he had a little something on his side of "Getting checks in the mail." Anyway here is the link to his web site. UPDATE ADDED It works!!! I had just received two checks I was not expecting in the mail. These are checks that I would have ordinarily have picked up at the YMCA for my karate. At the time I didn't think much of it and now today I just received a letter that said it would be sending me a survey and a Ten Dollar bill with it... I know from Florence Schovel Shinn to know this is just the beginning. This is a sign of more to come! @Wade Casaldi That's great to hear that you are receiving checks in the mail that you didn't expect. I guess all it takes is a little belief with a dash of allowing. Thanks for sharing Wade.
(19 Mar '12, 12:17)
@Cory You are very welcome Cory, I am glad to help. Yes I am glad to share this, it is exciting I am expecting more now! :-) I hope my links are the ones you were speaking of I remembered him clearly in The Secret when you said "Checks in the mail."
(19 Mar '12, 12:22)
Wade Casaldi
@Wade Casaldi I have seen The Secret a few times myself and I do remember that part that you linked. I really like the passion that Bashar uses in the audio that I have but I knew there was someone else that mentioned a similar scenario. Now I remember who and it will only give me double the motivation to receive my own checks in the mail. Thanks for the information.
(19 Mar '12, 12:31)
Dear Wade, I do receive unexpected money from people i know, which makes it also kind of unexpected, but also expected somehow since there is a precedent of receiving from them. However, the amounts help but,... mmmmm i feel that this makes me sometimes dependent of others and the unknown, the uncertain actually, and money is a matter that we should not let to chance. Is this a defeatist view ? Are these amounts significant ? Is this kind of expectancy making us somehow weak ?
(02 Aug '13, 20:40)
Are the wealthy people ( part of which i like to b) thinking this way ? My only worry about all this is that it makes us open to something very uncertain and therefore vulnerable. And that the "secret" to financial wellbeing ( in the full healthy sense of it ) is to follow closely and carefully the transactions, work, businesses that we do and get our big chunk of money, anyway, the money that make a real difference in our financial situation. I hope i made sense in what i wrote.
(02 Aug '13, 20:49)
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Hello! I think Bashar meant this when he said we should forget about the HOW: Figuring out how we can get the money creates a lot of limitations in our thinking. If there are only a few ways we believe we can get money (earning it, winning it, or inheriting it) then there are severe limitations put on how we can get money and how much we can get. Through those limitations and beliefs we make it harder and more difficult for the Universe/Source Energy/Source Mind/Super Consciousness/God to create and deliver what we asked. It's like we tie its hand even if it has a better idea and solution for us. The possibilities are unlimited, but we are able to imagine only a few because our physical mind is limited. I recommend to read „The One Command by Asara Lovejoy". Her book helps you let go the HOW. Just remember what Bashar said: You don't have to know the HOW. And actually you cannot know the HOW. We aren't supposed to figure it out. It's the infinite Higher Mind's job. |
I did try the cheques in the mail thing for awhile. I ended up with a few cheques from my Amazon ebooks so it was more a result of action rather than simply manifesting (the amounts were manifestations, the cheques were 3d physical actions). However, in Australia, cheques aren't popular so getting lots of US cheques would cost a fortune in deposit ($10 per cheque) and exchange rate fees (1% of the total) plus 0.3-0.5cents worse exchange rate! Not to mention the half hour-hour of lost productivity travelling to and lining up at the bank at lunch time. So we don't actually WANT cheques in the mail. LOL. (Yes, in this case, focusing on what you don't want might work!) However, after focusing on manifesting money in other ways, Amazon change their policy and now money is instantly transferred directly to my account. I also have a number of educational ebooks available as pdf downloads from another of my websites and I get payments via Paypal. So while I was expecting a transfer from Amazon for October's US sales (they take 3 months) I was not expecting one from UK sales too, and I wasn't expecting it to be as high as the US one. I was very, very happy about that manifestation of a transfer. :) So I do this kind of thing every now and then, but slightly differently. Manifesting lots of bank transfers and Paypal payments from complete strangers. :) Definitely not cheques. Here's one of my ebooks: How to do Telepathy in 30 Days http://www.amazon.com/Telepathy-positive-reactivating-transference-telepathic-ebook/dp/B009F8K84Q and here is the print version: http://www.amazon.com/Telepathy-Positive-Reactivate-Thought-Transference/dp/1506021301 So, I guess this is connected to what Stingray passed on about someone making a book. It definitely works but sometimes you need to make a small action somewhere to shift to the reality you prefer, that will enable you to generate unexpected money in the future. |

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"It doesn't have to make any sense at all." This is the first time I've heard something like that, and yeah, I agree.
for what it's worth, when tv was black & white, there was a program titled 'the millionaire'