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I stumbled across this article today called 'So Here Is The Deal About Manifesting' and I really liked the feeling and clarity of it.

So I thought I would copy it below for your consideration.

Enjoy :)

All Things Exist NOW.

Everything that could ever exist already exists NOW. There is no linear time; there is only the great NOW. You have access to everything that exists.

  1. Know that everything is already done.

  2. Choose what you want.

  3. It is done.

  4. Release anything that comes up in the Emotional Body that denies your manifestation. Use a method to release like the Sedona Method or read the Release article in Ezine.

  5. Know it is done.

  6. Make intentions.

  7. Use your power – choose everything. And if it ends up being not what you wanted – choose again. Make powerful choices.

Consider that you have many parallel lives right now; fragments of yourself split at the time you incarnated and are living different experiences. You can tap into any of your parallel lives and draw these experiences into your life now.

Be clear and specific in your intention then let it go. Know as you live your life that you are consciously creating the future. Trust it will come into creation.

We have many filters and veils that the emotional body has put into place life after life. These veils and filters are Karma. We decided to implement Karma as a tool to experience earth life. We put these filters in place so our fragments’ parallel lives don’t merge memories and experiences. We can choose to reintegrate our fragments back into this lifetime if we so desire.

The only thing that stops us believing our manifestations are already here is the Emotional Body.

IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. There is no need to pray over and over for the same thing.

There is NO NEED to ask more than once.

It is now time to give yourself acceptance that what you desire to manifest is your choice and nothing, but you, is standing in your way. Please step out of your own way.

Accept that your creations are truly in motion.

Release and allow this breakthough.

Trust in the universal consciousness that shines brightly within your heart.

It is your divine birthright as you have created it and asked for it.

All levels of the soul and body are merging into the light, none are being lost. You are transforming yourselves into one being and not losing anything along the way. There is no separation, only merging, and in the merging, you are returning home to your divine self.

You are already a divine being. When the ego shows you things to the contrary just remember it was created as your “governor” to keep you in the Game. Like the rental trucks that have governors on the accelerator so have we put one on ourselves as we come into earth life to run/play this program.

Source: Valerie Phillips,

asked 12 Oct '11, 15:39

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 12 Oct '11, 16:37

What does he mean by "6. Make intentions"?

(12 Oct '11, 19:18) Benjamin

Thanks so much STINGRAY! Simply amazing and TRUE!!!!

(12 Oct '11, 22:29) figure8shape

Thanks for the article Stingray, it really suits me to a tee.

(13 Oct '11, 04:09) blubird two

Good stuf Stingray and yes it will work providing your subconscious has accepted it as truth.

(13 Oct '11, 15:12) Paulina 1

What exactly does "Release anything that comes up in the Emotional Body that denies your manifestation." mean?

(15 Jan '13, 11:42) flowsurfer

superbb stingray..loved it :)))

(16 Jan '13, 06:12) supergirl

@stingray- can u plss..explain this para, i havn't understood.. We have many filters and veils that the emotional body has put into place life after life. These veils and filters are Karma. We decided to implement Karma as a tool to experience earth life. We put these filters in place so our fragments’ parallel lives don’t merge memories and experiences. We can choose to reintegrate our fragments back into this lifetime if we so desire."..

(16 Jan '13, 06:28) supergirl

Can you please explain what "Choose Everything" means?

It doesn't make any sense to me, choose EVERYTHING? Even if we don't like it?? I don't understand this part.

(16 Jan '13, 15:15) Evolutionary High

@Evolutionary_High, my understanding is that "Choose everything" = "choose everything you want in life." The old saying is "You can't have it all." "Choose everything" is saying the opposite. It says "Yes, you can. You can have the great house AND the hot spouse AND the Xbox AND financial independence AND be allergy-free AND heal that decades-long rift with your best friend..." etc. You are the only one that limits yourself, so why limit yourself? Choose everything :)

(19 Jan '13, 04:42) searcher

@supergirl - Why don't you ask your query as a new question? It's quite hard to provide any kind of a meaningful answer in a small comment box :)

(07 Feb '13, 08:03) Stingray

@stingray- k..thank you.., i l ask it as a separate question..

(07 Feb '13, 12:42) supergirl
showing 0 of 11 show 11 more comments


In response to Benjamin's comment above, it looks like the step-by-step method in that article could do with a bit of tweaking, in my view. It looks like steps 6 & 7 should really be part of step 2.

Here's my revised version :)

  1. Know that everything is already done.

  2. Make intentions. Choose what you want. Use your power – choose everything. And if it ends up being not what you wanted – choose again. Make powerful choices.

  3. It is done.

  4. Release anything that comes up in the Emotional Body that denies your manifestation.

  5. Know it is done.


answered 13 Oct '11, 03:26

Stingray's gravatar image


@Stingray This is so clear and brilliant! I keep reading this again and again. I wanted to print it out to hang it on my wall...but... it was already done :).

(20 Jun '13, 10:01) releaser99

@releaser99 - Yes, life is really geared up to be very simple indeed but we manage to convince ourselves (or rather, we let others convince us) over time that it must be complicated. So we are not satisfied until we have complicated solutions that fit our complicated expectations :)

(21 Jun '13, 05:48) Stingray

@Stingray So true. I know there is a common pattern in life that no matter what people start to learn (including me), they expect it to be complicated. Then an "expert" with experience emerges and says that it doesn't have to be that complicated. It can be done much easier. But the newbie still can't get it completely on an emotional level. For example I know that those five simple steps are true. But I still feel inspired to make things complicated...weird :).

(21 Jun '13, 07:50) releaser99

@releaser99 - I think one needs to go through a period of making things complicated before one can understand and appreciate the underlying simpleness behind them.

One of my favorite quotes...

I would not give a fig for the simplicity this side of complexity, but I would give my life for the simplicity on the other side of complexity - Oliver Wendell Holmes

(21 Jun '13, 08:22) Stingray

@releaser99- I reckon you are enjoying the process of discovering these leading edge ideas so much. It is your passion. Lozenge pointed out how he (and I) love reading books we are enthusiastic about, but grow sad as we get towards the end of the book. I reckon it's too 'sad' in that context to accept these easy steps Stingray's outlined to be the entire picture.

Dont worry I feel the same way sometimes as well.

(21 Jun '13, 08:27) Nikulas

@Stingray Amazing quote!!!! @Nikulas "I reckon it's too 'sad' in that context to accept these easy steps Stingray's outlined to be the entire picture." Great analogy and so true! Thanks :).

(21 Jun '13, 08:38) releaser99

This is the same as prayer works, it is pretty good explanation.

(21 Jun '13, 09:49) Wade Casaldi

@Stingray- Excellent post, thanks. You have a great ability of explaining complex ideas in a simple way. Another relevant quote: "If you can't explain it simply you don't understand it well enough." Albert Einstein

(21 Jun '13, 13:25) Satori

@Satori - Thank you...though the other end of the equation is that you can explain it all you like, as simply as you like, but no-one will hear it unless they are ready to hear it :)

(22 Jun '13, 00:13) Stingray

It's so funny to me (I am giggling right now) that I am only now able to understand this post. And I must have read the words before! But now I'm like - yes, absolutely, you have to release that resistance in the emotional body, which I am learning to do by silently, judgmentlessly, observing it until I stop pushing against it. And it's just... amazing to me that I must have read this before and been unable to hear it. (Does this realizing "oh, that's how!" go on forever, or stabilize?)

(11 Apr '15, 23:50) corduroypower

@corduroypower - "amazing to me that I must have read this before and been unable to hear it" - That's always the case. The knowledge we are looking for is always right in front of our faces all day every day but until we are a vibrational match to it, we just won't see it. One can pump billions into global advertising campaigns to tell others but it won't make the slightest difference. Only those that are ready to see it will see it, everyone else will think it's being kept a Secret :)

(12 Apr '15, 04:29) Stingray
showing 2 of 11 show 9 more comments

Good article, I'll be reading it a few times today.

I see the concept of the Multi-verse/parallel universe that we discussed previously has we remerged. It's taking some time for me to digest this idea, however I feel it will help me as my life has begun to progress in a new exciting direction in the past 6 months.

How do you accept beliefs that really are a stretch or reach from what you currently believe?


answered 12 Oct '11, 17:24

Chris%202's gravatar image

Chris 2

You have to make those beliefs familiar to you so they just become your normal habitual thought patterns. You do it by practicing the new belief until it becomes habitual or, more elegantly in my view, taking your existing beliefs and gradually shift their vibrational setpoint towards the frequency of your target beliefs using, for example, methods like Focus Wheels/Blocks or whatever other method you prefer

(13 Oct '11, 03:29) Stingray
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