There are two special gurus in my life. The daily Abraham quote and the first question I am drawn to on IQ.

This morning Abraham said:

Your joy factor will remain constant as you are continually refining your ideas of what you want, and that's why it is so important for you to get everybody else out of the equation. They've got their own game going on; they don't understand your game. Give them a break; stop asking them what they think. Start paying attention to how you feel. Joy will be yours immediately, and everything else that you have ever thought would make you happy, will start flowing, seemingly effortlessly, into your experience.

And Snow, posed a question Snow Asked. I will say right now that I don't have an answer to Snow's dilemma, but his question strikes a chord within me. I have been told similar things most of my life. Rather than possibly hijack his valid and worthwhile question, I thought it best to begin a new post.

So, now, I am drawing on my inner resources and the Group Mind of Inward Quest to answer the question that I am asking Me. Come along for the ride if you like. I warn you, it just MAY be a slippery slope!

Where is the Joy in my life? I know that I attract/create situations. I realize that I have allowed (I am trying to put this in the past) situations to build to the point that I take a hard action that disturbs me and others in my environment. This does not lead to my Joy.

When my inaction leads to inappropriate action that disturbs my Joy and thereby the joy of participants in my world, I am not happy. And Source does not care. I do not believe that Source has much interest in whether there is Joy in my world or not.

Source loves energy! If my energy is disruptive, Source loves it and gives me more disruption. Source has great power, in fact Source is the only power. I feel myself heading into darkness right now. I can't fight Darkness, to try will increase Darkness.

Look for the Light, Bill. Use the Force, Luke. Explore the contrast of this perfect balance of the World. Must it be that the greater the contrast, the greater the energy? Is the effortless drawing of manifestations boring? Is boredom a lack of contrast?

Somehow, enjoyable contrast hybridizes Source and physical.

I used to play video games. In these games I explored various environments. There were tools, weapons, traps to avoid and monsters to defeat. Rules to be followed. These rules were rarely defined in advance, I had to learn by trial (I lived) and error (I died, and reincarnated to a previous point, but with the memory of what happened and the ability to choose a new strategy). Hmm a "life metaphor?"

Strategies to successfully interact with the environment. And as I progressed in expertise, the game got harder. The more successful I was, the harder the game became.

Let me rephrase, the more I struggled to win, the greater struggles were presented to me.

Sound like my life? You bet!

But wait a minute. There was a better way to "win" the video game. GOD MODE!!! I could put myself in "God Mode!" I no longer had to obey the rules of the game, the physical environment. I walk through walls! I do not fall into traps. Monsters cannot hurt me. I float EFFORTLESSLY through the game.

The game now has NO CONTRAST! BORING!!!! Could this be what Source experiences? So Source animates a physical body, us, to be able to experience physical contrast?

So where, oh where is the joy? Is there more energy, more challenge, more contrast in defeating the Boss Monster, or floating down a river watching the world go by? Do I want, do I yearn to fight the Boss Monster? Hey, as long as I have my BFG (Big F**king Gun), I'll take on that SOB in whatever battle he wants!

"Effortless"? Not for long, not for me.

Would I be happy, Joyful, if everything was "effortless"? Remember Abraham's quote above,

"Joy will be yours immediately, and everything else that you have ever thought would make you happy, will start flowing, seemingly effortlessly, into your experience."

"flowing, seemingly effortlessly into your experience." Does "effortless" and "exploring contrast" fit in the same world? I think it must, but HOW?

What would it be like to log into IQ and find that there was no-one seeking answers to their problems?** All was effortless? Would we be attracted to IQ?

Can we, do we even really want "effortless"? If we really did, I think that we would already have it.

As always "To be continued".......

asked 08 May '13, 09:37

Dollar%20Bill's gravatar image

Dollar Bill

edited 08 May '13, 09:52

I wonder too, cause when I'm excited or enthusiastic to do something it does not feel effortless, however yes-fun.

(09 May '13, 07:20) clearheart

When there is a struggle, you can either deal with it or understand nature of it which will lead you to understanding there is no struggle.

And just as well I could of answered the question you asked, or understand the nature of the question and be reminded once again, there are no answers necessary. lol

(10 May '13, 03:30) CalonLan

@wade casaldi - I had not seen your question before, but find it interesting.

(10 May '13, 07:37) Dollar Bill
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I equate effortlessness with fun. When you perceive something as fun then the effort required to do it is not important. I helped a friend who was going to tile a room in his basement. He had a busted knee at the time and had a hard time doing a very physical part of the project. I said no problem , It was a dirty ,sweaty, muscle burning job .. but you know what I had fun so that effort was ..negated... So when contrast shows up say to yourself "lets have fun with this"


answered 09 May '13, 02:36

ursixx's gravatar image


I really like this answer. Difficult tasks can either be engaging and a fun time if you are positive about them, or a trial and drag if you approach them like a chore. Thanks for sharing. ^_^

(10 May '13, 02:34) Snow

Excellent answer! "Fun" is being connected. When you are connected to Source, whatever you do is fun. The important thing is to stop and do something else when it is no longer fun (or it becomes 'struggle'), or find a way to make it fun.

FI I like working on my vintage cars. But when I find myself pushing, i.e., saying, "I have GOT to finish this. Get this damn bolt to go in this hole..." I do something else.

(10 May '13, 07:44) Dollar Bill

When I have GOT to get it to work I usually think "Yea I can get this done,seen worse,got the tools,get it done".and if I need to show it a little love with my 10 kilo sledge hammer ! ;)

(10 May '13, 11:26) ursixx
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A really excellent and thought-provoking question, Dollar Bill.

Could this be what Source experiences? So Source animates a physical body, us, to be able to experience physical contrast? So where, oh where is the joy? Is there more energy, more challenge, more contrast in defeating the Boss Monster, or floating down a river watching the world go by? Do I want, do I yearn to fight the Boss Monster? Hey, as long as I have my BFG (Big F**king Gun), I'll take on that SOB in whatever battle he wants!

I would say, absolutely, a life of contrast and struggle is by turns both dramatic, exhilarating, and its own way. It can also involve a lot of stress and negative emotions. Goes with the territory. I seem to remember Abraham saying something to the effect of, "Earth is where the action is." I.e., souls incarnate here so they can experience the limitation and struggle that this world offers.

I am reminded of so many movies where the "Hero" or protagonist is put (or puts himself) through absolute hell during the story. He experiences a whole litany of awful negative experiences. He is put through his "darkest moment." Just like in Empire Strikes Back, where (spoiler alert!) Luke gets his hand cut off and then finds out his most hated arch-enemy is his own father. Talk about a double-whammy. But later in the plot of that grand tale, these distressing experiences give rise to moments that allow our hearts to soar, and experience feelings of absolute triumph and exhilaration. We experience one so we can have the other.

Right now there is a popular (and brilliant) show on TV (and series of books) called "Game of Thrones" which focuses even more on the dark, on the struggle, on the negative. Yet it is very entertaining...enjoyable and stressful at the same time. There's a reason why the show is so popular.

The horror movie genre is also immensely popular. It allows people to experience overwhelmingly negative emotions...horror...terror...fear...etc.. Tens of millions of people absolutely love experiencing this!

I once had a little debate with a friend of mine. He explained that he liked evil women better than "good girls" because they were more fun and exciting. He also told me that he'd prefer to go to hell rather than heaven because, "that's where all the interesting people were." To each his own, I guess.

These are all absolutely valid choices.

But wait a minute. There was a better way to "win" the video game. GOD MODE!!! I could put myself in "God Mode!" I no longer had to obey the rules of the game, the physical environment. I walk through walls! I do not fall into traps. Monsters cannot hurt me. I float EFFORTLESSLY through the game.

This, too, is a valid choice.

It reminds me of a Bashar clip I heard recently. Someone asked him if he creates art on his homeworld. He said yes, he was creating a piece of art at that very moment. It was a giant sphere made out of an ultra-thin, extremely hard material that was aligned with the structures of other dimensions. Within this crystalline structure were compartments, 27 of which were filled with artistically-created energy fields representing the fluctuating energy of the 27 different planetary races that Bashar was currently simultaneously making first contact with through telepathy!

This seems like a good example of "God mode." It doesn't need "the dark" or "the struggle" to be enjoyed. Yet it seems like it would also be pretty fun and pretty cool. You could spend your entire existence just going on vacation. Seeing a wide range of amazing places, and interacting with fun, amazing, and interesting beings.

The end of the movie The Neverending Story is about how I imagine "God mode" to be. The main character, Bastian, is granted unlimited wishes to create whatever fantasy he wants:

Most of my life, I enjoyed the struggle of light and dark, the contrasts. I had a good run with it, but lately I've been starting to tire of it. About the same time I found Inward Quest.

God mode seems like it could be pretty fun. I'd like to try it for a while. If one gets bored with it, I suppose the struggle will still be there for those who desire to return to it.


answered 08 May '13, 18:46

lozenge123's gravatar image


edited 09 May '13, 00:45

I have not watched "Thrones" and no offence, probably will not. Sounds like the hero has to overcome obstacles at great effort and finally, incrementally, all of the small wins becomes one big win. Blecch! A big reward at the end of a difficult journey.

The Count of Monte Christo takes 20 years to dig his way to freedom with a spoon. Doesn't work for me. In another realty, someone comes along and says, "Hey, new king has taken over, he likes you, here are some new clothes, come to the party!"

(10 May '13, 07:51) Dollar Bill

But when he is so busy digging, and finding ways to get the dirt hidden, he CAN NOT LISTEN. And furthermore, Source is saying, "He is having a good time digging, don't want to interrupt him by telling him his cell dor is open and nobody is guarding him.

(10 May '13, 07:53) Dollar Bill

In the "Hero Struggle" mode I think that "24" is one of the best examples of this. In a 24 hour period, the story is done in one hour segments, the Hero, Jack Bauer, knows a terrorist is about to destroy Los Angeles. During that period of time, he shoots a terrorist in the knee (to get answers), his daughter and wife are kidnapped and a terrorist is about to rape his daughter - his wife offers herself if he will leave the daughter alone, later his beloved wife is killed, by Jack's partner

(10 May '13, 08:20) Dollar Bill

Who is a double agent for the bad guys. Jack appears to kill a terrorist's child, to get answers. He is caught by terrorists who threaten to kill him if his boss does not do whatever they want. something, he tells his boss to let them kill him and not do what they want. He escapes, he fights and wins, fights and wins, fights and wins, thinks he has won, but a plot twist and he must fight again, finally he saves LA. The cost to him is beyond belief. He is a mountain of strength.

(10 May '13, 08:25) Dollar Bill

At the end of the last segment he goes out to his car, breaks down and sobs. But he won. He WON?

Yea! A great reward? Are you kidding me? This is insane! Do you want this? Does his struggle make us feel our struggles are pale by comparison? By-freaking-"comparison?"

Just writing this makes me feel dirty. I am going to take a shower and meditate. But let me say, Jack Bauer chose this life.

You can have Joy, or you can have Suffering Struggle. I want joy/fun.


(10 May '13, 08:31) Dollar Bill

@Dollar Bill - "I have not watched "Thrones" and no offence, probably will not." - Believe me, no offense taken. It's not a show I recommend to people, for the reasons that both you and I state. It is probably the last "struggle-based" fiction that I follow...and only because I started the books before I got into this metaphysical stuff, fell in love with some of the characters, and want to see how it all plays out. :) I haven't seen 24, but it sounds like a similar deal.

(10 May '13, 11:35) lozenge123
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effortlessness as in 'Illusions'
the mind construct almost
instantly there to know
why have fear of flow


answered 08 May '13, 17:33

fred's gravatar image


"why have fear of flow?" Good question, "Why?'

(10 May '13, 07:54) Dollar Bill

Man if you'd had the life I've had, you'd welcome effortless completely, 90% struggling and lack, 8% neutral, 2% joy. "God Mode"? Lol, yeah right, I've tried to hook into that mode, it doesn't work in my life computer.


answered 09 May '13, 12:34

zotac's gravatar image



This is going to be an infuriating thing to hear, I know this because I'm still annoyed by being told this now and I believe it to be true. If you're in your situation it's because ultimately you decided to be there, consciously or not.

I [still] regularly reject this idea, but in moments of clarity I know at least for me it is true. You create an experience that makes you stronger, that makes you unique. For you to survive this long under your circumstances you must be considerably more ~

(10 May '13, 02:24) Snow

than the average person. The strong will always have harder experiences, and when they persevere (you will) they are greater for the journey.

I know how much this sounds like cliche and how useless words can be when you feel lost and frustrated with where you are. I can only say this because I am in a (considerably softer and easier version) of the same experience as you.

Where my life is less bumpy than yours only shows where you're stronger than I and able to make it through. Feel better. =)

(10 May '13, 02:26) Snow

@Zotac - please see my above comment on the Count of Monte Christo. There is some part of you that feels it is necessary to struggle, when you lay down at night tired, it is hard to know there are easier ways to succeed. So, where do you begin? Find beauty. Focus on Beauty.

(10 May '13, 07:59) Dollar Bill

For me there are some stupid metaphors out there. Two frogs fell in a jug of milk. One gave up and sank. The other struggled and struggled and made a chunk of butter that he could sit on.

In my world, a frog took a breath of air and easily floated. Someone came by and said, "Oops a frog in the milk. I'll take him out."

Each frog chose his destiny. So do each of us.

(10 May '13, 08:03) Dollar Bill
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I do want it to be effortless yes....

If you ask a man who has nothing, or a man who is homeless, I'm sure he would want it to be effortless.

I want most things in my life to come to me effortlessly, I don't really care about going through the 'tough' journey or whatever, it just means nothing to me at this point in my Life.


answered 09 May '13, 12:35

Evolutionary%20High's gravatar image

Evolutionary High

Yeah, I've been homeless and lived in the woods for 8 months. Tell me all about how you "love" and "appreciate" and see the "Divine" in everything. I don't care about the "life" lessons anymore either. God, the Master Manipulator, Who has a chance on this planet?

(09 May '13, 12:57) zotac

Zotac, I've been "homeless" for 6 years now. However only on very few occasions have I ever had to sleep in a car or in the truck or not at least on an indoor floor. The only reason I've made it as far as I have is because others have always been around to help me, and I have looked for and accepted that help.

Also if you've been living in the woods for that long you must be extremely good at survival skills. If we hit a zombie apocalypse I'm calling you to join my team, we'll survive in style.

(09 May '13, 22:34) Snow

Oop. 4 years*. Numbers are hard. As is keeping track of the days. =P And for whatever reason I'm able to edit my other comments and not this one. -_- This website seems to be haunted some times. ;)

Anyway: Not everyone could even survive for a single day on the streets, truly on the streets. I'm an example of that, which is why I rely on others for help and support.

Be proud of your strength for enduring your hardships, it's not something all can say, not everyone could walk in your shoes.

(10 May '13, 02:32) Snow

@Zotac, @Snow you chose the life of a homeless. Period. Be proud of it or not, you chose that life. And somewhere you chose another path.

(10 May '13, 08:09) Dollar Bill

If my other comment wasn't an indication, I am aware and believe I'm responsible for my decisions and where I am. I just don't always like to admit it. ^_^ But I am taking it as a growing experience that will remind me to never forget to continue growing when times AREN'T so bumpy. This being said, my difficulties really haven't been all that hard, so it's easy for me to keep a positive spin on things. For others with a harsher experience it may be a lot more difficult to come to terms with.

(10 May '13, 14:53) Snow

@Snow, @Dollar Bill - Isn't it interesting how people who have gone through "tough" circumstances either choose to resent it, or wear it like a badge of honor? People like Oprah, Jim Carey, and Chris Gardner don't seem to mind talking about how "horrible" their lives used to be in the past, because the contrast seems to give them a sense of pride and joy for having "triumphed" over those circumstances. While others will continue to hold a grudge "against life" till the end of their days.

(10 May '13, 15:24) lozenge123
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