Hi. The Manifesting Experiment 1 sounds great to me...it's so simple. But still I have one question about it. Every book, every article I read recommended that you do visualize what you want - the more you do, the sooner it will come. With visualization you practically focus on what you want or should i say like you already have it..But with this method it's just the opposite - you can't think about what you want to manifest after you close the box. In my opinion it's better to visualize the wish as it's already manifested. So I'd like to hear your opinion about that. All the best. |
Sure, you can put in as much effort as you like. I'm sure lots of people put in vast amounts of effort and get good results and then write books and articles telling others how to do the same. Nothing wrong with that. Depends what your belief system is prepared to accept. If you come from a "no pain, no gain" action-oriented background then someone saying that all anyone really has to do is "let go" just isn't going to resonate, and so it won't work...so people with that background will have to put in the effort that those authors tell them. And if you believe, as you said in your question, that it's better to visualize what you want as already manifested then that's what you will have to do also to satisfy that pre-existing belief. But just because lots of people believe something doesn't make it true for everyone. For me, that's all just too much unnecessary hard work :) The thing to realize is that visualization doesn't actually create what you want because what you want is automatically created in the moment you wanted it. You couldn't stop it happening even if you tried. It's a natural process so even those that haven't read all those books and articles can still create their lives just fine, just by finding ways to be happy...and nothing else :) Visualization is actually an optional step that just enables you to enjoy the creation process more. If you don't enjoy the visualizations then there's little point to doing them. See What should we imagine, visualize or believe? for a fuller explanation of the reality-creation process. Stingray, You wrote in your post above: "Sure, you can put in as much effort as you like. I'm sure lots of people put in vast amounts of effort and get good results and then write books and articles telling others how to do the same. Nothing wrong with that. Depends what your belief system is prepared to accept." Yet, in your original "Manifesting Experiemnt 1" post you wrote: "Every time you think about your request again, you are are effectively stopping work on the request and taking it out of the box again." So, which is correct? They can't both be your view at the same time.
(03 Jul '13, 06:10)
@bf2 - "They can't both be your view at the same time" - Yes they can because you are not creating with those processes - you are just aligning. So anything beyond the initial launching of the desire (which happens naturally) is just a focusing game you are playing with yourself ("a permission slip"). You can choose whatever rules for the game you want that fit your belief system e.g. there are variations of ME1 on IQ that allow you to think about your request.
(04 Jul '13, 06:04)
@bf2 - For further information, see 'Repetitive thoughts' vs. 'Forgetting about it': what works best? and Why do we choose to use manifestation techniques as opposed to getting in the vortex?
(04 Jul '13, 06:18)
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Timmyy, The power is in the logic... Accepting the innate power of simple logic seems to be difficult for many people... most people find that they have to find a different way to relate to the emotional content of their reasoning, to be really effective and get good results. My clients tend to say: "I'm giving myself the right to feel, need, ___ ." As the above answer quite correctly states: visualization doesn't actually create what you want... It helps to talk with a counselor or confiding friend about how you feel. |

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