Hi all, the question I would like to pose here is that can a 10k/mth or more income or a passive income be manifested? Because right now I do find it quite difficult to believe so, because I know that there are only a few ways to achieve these, one being a buisness owner (be it internet, traditional, etc) and the other one being investments in real estate/stocks/etc

So the 2nd question is, if I strongly believe that there is another way other than the above listed ways to earn this type of income, will I really be able to manifest it?

And the last question is, as most of us who have been following the news know that US is actually greatly in debt..and employees are being taxed. so if these employees, let's say earn 2k/mth, can they really manifest in a way such that their income exceeds 10k/mth?

I do not know whether you all get what I am trying to ask because I do not really know how to put my intention across, but I do hope to hear from most of you. Kudos!

asked 05 Mar '10, 20:14

kakaboo's gravatar image


Before you ask the Universe to give you 10,000 per month in passive income, ask yourself the following:

  1. What does 10,000 per month mean to you? For most people, life will change if you have that much money each month. You don't really want the money. What you really want is what you think the money will give you. What do you think the money would give you?

  2. How can I get what I really want, in a way that is compatible with me? Do I really need to get something for nothing, or am I willing to provide a product or service to other people to get it?

  3. Can I get what I want without the 10,000? If the answer is no, that's OK. But the Universe has a way of providing things in a manner that you least expect.

With that, here are the answers to your questions:

Do you really believe in earning more than 10k/month or something called financial freedom?

Of course; people achieve this all the time, in various ways, and you can too. But there is no such thing as a risk-free life. So you should examine your attitudes toward money. Do your current thoughts, attitudes and beliefs about money keep you from having more of it?

If I strongly believe that there is another way other than the above listed ways to earn this type of income, will I really be able to manifest it?

Yes. But most people, in order to believe fully that something will work to achieve the requisite income, must also believe that their method is realistic. If you are not too attached to the outcome, you will find that the universe can produce things in seemingly miraculous ways.

If employees earn 2k/mth, can they really manifest in a way such that their income exceeds 10k/mth?

Yes, but their job may not be where all of the extra income comes from. There may be other sources.


answered 05 Mar '10, 21:38

Vesuvius's gravatar image


edited 05 Mar '10, 21:45

"Yes. But most people, in order to believe fully that something will work to achieve the requisite income, must also believe that their method is realistic. If you are not too attached to the outcome, you will find that the universe can produce things in seemingly miraculous ways. " The thing is, if a person all along only believes there are ways A, B and C to earn this type of income, how can they believe there is a plan D if they dont even know what is plan D?

(06 Mar '10, 07:54) kakaboo

Your current reality is a sum total of your beliefs to date and when you begin to change your beliefs, your reality will change on a par. If you believe you can earn $10,000 a month then you will, if you believe you can't, then you won't. It is not merely changing your thoughts as pointed out in 'The Secret' but rather it is about changing the deeply ingrained beliefs within, Which then causes your vibration to change and you attract different thoughts. An Aha moment for me was realizing that I was not changing the thoughts because the thoughts cannot be changed as such since they reside somewhere else and we merely attract them. The key is to release the thoughts as they come if they are not beneficial to your experience, and only hold on to those that are going to raise your vibration.


answered 05 Mar '10, 20:32

Michaela's gravatar image


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