If we're attracting the same old things in different quantities, that's not so miraculous. It's just amplifying the same good in our lives. We do a pretty good job of feeling good, but some of us are looking for more than a vibrational tune-up. Here's the question.


 Are we attracting the same old things in different quantities?
 Secondly, by what process do we achieve a significant vibrational
 change, not just a change in magnitude of what's present in our lives?

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I think I'm asking for a process to change the scope of my manifestations. I know how to feel good, appreciate what I have, and get in The Vortex. Maybe we're just too reactionary as human beings to generate this new paradigm quickly.

Here are some examples
You can dissagree, but my assumption is that many of us are just improving our vibration and the magnitude of our blessings, but it's really all the same stuff, in better proportions.

Same old things, just a higher-vibration
This more money better job manifestation is very dissapointing. Say you've attracted more money, and a better job. Financially, your situation could be the same, and it's likely your job is mearly somewhere else with a little more money. Maybe this is fine, feel free to disagree, but it seems like these results are the product of a higher-vibration, not a different vibration. It's just amplifying the same things we have already.

More-of-less, if that makes sense
Some of us want more-of-less? There's no such thing, but imagine transforming our lives to, where we live like monks or travelers. First, this may require a vibration that is not only monk-like, but capable of attracting the circumstances that would allow this to occur responsibly. Secondly, some us, would just sell our stuff and leave.

Same old things, just a higher-vibration
We don't know the vibrational frequency of being a multi-millionare or a monk. We're shifting our tainted vibrations a little to the left or right, hoping for results. Fortunately, these results are profound enough to make us co-creators of our destiny, which makes things a little better.

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My Goal
I want to formally change industries, with no malice or attraction towards corporate. Solving problems in my household without detachment or self-entitlement issues from anyone, would be a dream come true.

A maintainable situation as an entrepreneur would be good, but am trying to attract a modest position in a non-profit or a University, to get my foot in the door. This is my life.

asked 07 Sep '12, 16:02

AlicianFields's gravatar image


edited 07 Sep '12, 16:09

This is a real good question I am surprised more haven't answered it yet! I hope to see more answers soon...

(12 Sep '12, 11:33) Wade Casaldi

Thank you for best answer Alician. I really wish more had answered this. It is a good question and good observation, too.

It makes me wonder if it is possible to jump tracks to higher and higher castes of manifesting. Maybe a new question for here?

(14 Sep '12, 20:49) Wade Casaldi
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This is a very interesting observation! Yes, as I look at this there is only so much STUFF on this earth. From the poor to the wealthy to the very wealthy we do all seem to attract the same things just in different qualities.

So while I may try to attract an apartment, some wealthy guy tries to attract a mansion. While I may attract a basic but nice car to take me from point one to point two, someone wealthy is attracting a car more like a Rolls Royce to get from point One to Point two.

Now we could go to the super wealthy and say, "Okay but he is attracting his own jet airplane!" It is still attracting personal transportation, not much different than the boy attracting his own bicycle.

When we look at things this way it seems very limited like we are stuck in our own level of manifesting. Sort of like driving on a six lane highway and each lane goes to some place else and there is no way to cross lanes we are just stuck in the lane we happened to be born in I guess.

Maybe there is something to this foreign idea I have heard about a caste system, here in America it is commonly believed we are all equal. Most average people would agree but I wonder if the wealthy agree that we are equal or they think because it is in their blood that we are not equal. When I think of the highway lanes symbolism it sure seems we are not all equal, some are driving in the fast lane and some in the slow lane. Some are driving on smooth road and some in construction areas, others are driving on gravel with pot holes, that doesn't seem like we are all created equal by that.

It is a very interesting observation though worth pondering can we switch lanes little by little or are we stuck to what we are born into and we can only create within that limited frame wire of choice.

Perfect example here: an Aborigine native wants a canoe. He manifests a canoe. He couldn't even think of manifesting a jet airplane! He is stuck in his lane, just as we all are stuck in our own lanes, I suppose. That doesn't sound too hopeful about our futures, unfortunately.

But it seems we have to travel the road we turned onto at birth. Make the best of the choices we have for manifesting.

Wow it seems your discovery will be a let down to many but at the same time it gives a realistic representation of what we should really be striving to manifest. Is this above my level of livelihood to manifest? If so what can I manifest that I would settle for that would make me happy anyway?


answered 08 Sep '12, 00:19

Wade%20Casaldi's gravatar image

Wade Casaldi

edited 08 Sep '12, 16:32


You explained it better. Our caste system is ignored in America...I'm gonna write something about it. I want something different than the post-yuppie lifestyle!

(14 Sep '12, 16:19) AlicianFields

We access anything by being a vibrational match to it. We create our reality with our beliefs. If we want to change our reality, we must change our beliefs. That means we remove the emotional charge that is attached to a thought. Look for what you want and ignore what you don't want.

The reason we don't usually jump to realities that are not linear, is because we don't believe we can. If we adjust our beliefs little by little, eventually we end up where we want with a smooth, linear transition. One that our phyisical left brain will accept. However, if our beliefs allow us, we can jump to where we want without the smooth, linear transition. We see this every once in awhile, usually in the entertainment industry, since they are in the public eye. We don't hear of the people who do it in private, that doesn't mean they don't do it. Some people have been called looney and even locked up for it, so people don't usually brag about it.

Richard Bartlett has some very abnormal experiences of reality that he shares in The Matrix Energetics Experience Kit and Matrix Energetics: The Science and Art of Transformation.

Everything that is/was/will be has already happened and we experience it linearly through our left brain. Brain scientist Jill Bolte discovers how the brain does this by experiecing a stroke.

So it's not that you can't make huge leaps in reality, it's that you don't believe you can. If you want to have the belief

My Goal I want to formally change industries, with no malice or attraction towards corporate. Solving problems in my household without detachment or self-entitlement issues from anyone, would be a dream come true.

A maintainable situation as an entrepreneur would be good, but am trying to attract a modest position in a non-profit or a University, to get my foot in the door. This is my life.

Then turn those into affirmations, "I am a successful _. I have wonderful work for wonderful pay. I do a wonderful job in a wonderful way!" and, "My household runs smoothly each does their part. My home full of love is a joy to my heart!" Do Two Hands Touching with your affirmation.

So it looks like this, Do THT, then say, "I am a successful _. I have wonderful work for wonderful pay. I do a wonderful job in a wonderful way!" Then do THT, completely letting go of the statement. Then say, "My household runs smoothly each does their part. My home full of love is a joy to my heart!" Then do THT again, fully letting go of the statement. Do this every day as long as you need to. You can change these or make your own affirmations, or use some from Florence Scovel Shinn on the link above.

The only limits in your reality, are the ones you believe.

The examples you gave in your question are by popular belief, necesities of life. The bare necessities are food, shelter, clothing. There is a wide range of things that satisfy those from lacking them to experiencing them in luxurious abundance, and everything in between. Once someone feels secure in these necessities, they can expand their imagination out to include new things. You don't have know what the vibration is of what you want. You raise you vibration and expect good things. In anticipation, expectation state, "I wonder what good thing will happen today!" or ask, "What good thing will happen today?" Then watch like a cat watching a mouse hole for good things and opportunities to pop up.


answered 08 Sep '12, 09:40

Fairy%20Princess's gravatar image

Fairy Princess

edited 08 Sep '12, 12:04


Thanks. I'm still trying to achieve sustainable positive thought. Affirmation seems like the best way to break a plateau.

(14 Sep '12, 15:43) AlicianFields

@AlicianFields Two Hands Touching works better than the affirmations, but enhances the affirmations.

(22 Sep '12, 14:41) Fairy Princess

I'll work on that, thanks Fairy Princess.

(22 Sep '12, 17:01) AlicianFields
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