I have recently been trying out a technique recommended by the Ninth Density Plaedian Collective (channelled by Wendy Kennedy, Higher Frequencies). The technique is designed to bring you greater awareness of where you are vibrating and also enable you to course correct before you drift too far off course.

You set a timer to go off once an hour and when it sounds you "check in with yourself" by observing what you are thinking about and asking yourself questions - where am I vibrating at this moment? Do I like where I am vibrating at this moment? Will I like what comes back to me if I continue to vibrate like this? How am I mentally? How am I emotionally? How am I physically? How is where I am vibrating serving me?

They suggest you do this for a week to ten days and say that it will vastly improve your ability to control your set point, giving your much greatly clarity about your frequency. You will see patterns that you weren't aware of and notice where you are misaligned. Once you know where you are misaligned you can then decide to pulse a new frequency - what does joy feel like mentally, what does joy feel like emotionally and physically and then you can decide to pulse that frequency.

I am now on my third day of doing this exercise and already can see that whilst I am quite good at the mental level, have much work to do on the emotional level - there is definitely a problem with tension at the physical level. I hadn't noticed it before but I am physically tense quite a lot of the day .... HELP! I'm trying to relax physically but just wondered if anyone out there could give me any advice, techniques for getting some energy into these contracted areas in my body. I think this would really help me.

asked 08 Nov '12, 04:07

Catherine's gravatar image


edited 09 Nov '12, 08:56

I'm reading "What's Your Body Telling You" by Steve Sisgold. The process is quite the same. I've been doing this for a week now and the effect is tremendous. :)

(08 Nov '12, 09:35) Angelfire 1

@Angelfire 1 sounds interesting:). thank you for the tip.

(08 Nov '12, 11:20) releaser99

Angelfire 1 the book is on its way to me from Amazon - thanks very much for the recommendation.

(08 Nov '12, 14:48) Catherine

here is an interesting video of the author Steve Sisgold http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKhlS2xrZMc

(08 Nov '12, 17:41) releaser99

@releaser99 Very interesting - can't wait to read the book. Thank you.

(09 Nov '12, 06:21) Catherine

Catherine & releaser99 You're welcome :)

(09 Nov '12, 08:45) Angelfire 1
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Hi Catherine,

This is actually a good thing. It sounds like this exercise has increased your Present Moment Awareness. And now your becoming aware of tension in your body that you were previously unaware of. You could have been carrying this tension or as Michael Brown calls them (emotional charges) for many years.

It sounds like your resisting it. What about doing the opposite and welcoming it. @Stingray gave me great advice a few months ago for pressure headaches I was experiencing:

you are pulling in a lot of energy but it is not flowing freely for some reason. Have you tried just "stepping into" the pain and letting it expand? i.e. just trying to unblock that energy as much as possible...normally people do the opposite and try to "fight" the pain, and block the energy flow even more. Stingray

This relaxing into the pain was very effective for me. Maybe the same approach will work for you:)


answered 08 Nov '12, 06:43

Satori's gravatar image


edited 08 Nov '12, 06:59


@satori this is very true. if you resist the feeling it will persist even more. just allow it to be and to expand if it wants to. acceptance is key.

(08 Nov '12, 07:02) releaser99

@Satori Thank you for responding Satori - I did think of that link to your question and in fact when that came up it rang bells for me. I know I am resisting - I was reminded of childbirth - just diving into the contractions rather than resisting them - welcoming it sounds like a great idea and the thing you mentioned the other day about dropping the story and sort of saying to yourself it is only a sensation in the body - no big deal. I can do this!

(08 Nov '12, 14:52) Catherine

@Catherine- Your welcome Catherine. It's human nature to resist pain, tension and negative emotion etc. Just takes a bit of unlearning. Your right BTW. You can do this:)

(10 Nov '12, 04:36) Satori
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

@catherine thank you for sharing this technique. i think it can be quite useful.

regarding your question:

you say you have work to do on an emotional and on a physical level. what i realized is that the body and mind are connected. so if you change the body, you will change the mind and vice versa.

personally i like to work on the body primarily because then often i don't have to ask a ton of questions to find out what my core issues are on a mental level.

i would recommend the mindfulness body scan.


you can do a 15min long body scan to raise your overall awareness once a day. afterwards it is also possible to do a quick scan within seconds and let go of the tension.

if you have strong tension that you can't let go try Faster EFT and tap away the tension and the feelings in the body.


answered 08 Nov '12, 06:55

releaser99's gravatar image


edited 08 Nov '12, 06:58


@releaser99- Body scans are excellent:)

(08 Nov '12, 08:54) Satori

@releaser99 - I've never heard of a body scan before. Sounds wonderful - I'm looking forward to trying it. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

(08 Nov '12, 12:35) Grace

@grace you are welcome :)

(08 Nov '12, 12:44) releaser99

@releaser99 I had never heard of this but it look really interesting - I need to study it but maybe not analyse it too much as that is a problem for me. With Faster EFT (I haven't tried that for a while) do you just focus in on the feeling in the body that you are trying to clear? Thanks for your answer releaser99.

(08 Nov '12, 14:55) Catherine

@Catherine you are welcome. yes this is exactly how you do it. if you feel tension, pain or any kind of sensations in your body you just tap to it. notice the feeling and rate how strong it is from 1 to 10. if it is less than a 10, try to make it a 10 as much as you can. do whatever it takes to make it a 10. this step is crucial. you have to allow it and even demand more as much as you can. then focus on the feeling and begin to tap. say "i let go of this tension in my chest/arm/leg/whatever".

(08 Nov '12, 17:40) releaser99

@releaser99 Thank you for this.

(09 Nov '12, 06:23) Catherine

@releaser99 - I've tried this meditation, it felt soo good, I didn't want to come out of it. :) I just lay there, grinning at the ceiling til I got interupted lol! Thanks again!

(11 Nov '12, 15:18) Grace

@grace you are welcome. glad it resonates with you :)

(11 Nov '12, 19:08) releaser99
showing 2 of 8 show 6 more comments

I had cleared so much stuff that I didn't know what to clear, but knew something needed clearing. So I wrote a script to Clear your way up the emotional guidance scale. I did three parts per day. Each part contains the EZ Deletion Sequence for a negative line in the Emotional Guidance Scale, except the the first one because it's so many, followed by a corresponding set of possitive affirmations. You can do as many per day as you want and have time for until you complete the whole list. There are 16 sets. When I got done, I felt amazing! I asked someone at work, and they noticed a change in me also, in the past week and half.

Here is the script: Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body fear, powerlessness." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of fear, powerlessness." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of fear, powerlessness." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of fear, powerlessness." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of fear, powerlessness." Do THT.

Say, "I am full of Love." Do THT

Say, "I express Love." Do THT

Here is the next set.

Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body grief, depression, despair." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of grief, depression, despair." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of grief, depression, despair." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of grief, depression, despair." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of grief, depression, despair." Do THT.

Say, "I am full of Joy." Do THT

Say, "I express love, Joy." Do THT

You can do one set per day or more. Here is the next set

Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Insecurity, Guilt, Unworthiness." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Insecurity, Guilt, Unworthiness." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Insecurity, Guilt, Unworthiness." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Insecurity, Guilt, Unworthiness." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Insecurity, Guilt, Unworthiness." Do THT.

Say, "I am full of Knowledge." Do THT

Say, "I express Knowledge." Do THT

Here is the next set

Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Jealousy." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Jealousy." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Jealousy." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Jealousy." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Jealousy." Do THT.

Say, "I am full of Appreciation." Do THT

Say, "I express Appreciation." Do THT

Here is the next set

Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Hatred, Rage." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Hatred, Rage." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Hatred, Rage." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Hatred, Rage." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Hatred, Rage." Do THT.

Say, "I am full of Passion." Do THT

Say, "I express Passion." Do THT

Here is the next set

Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Revenge." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Revenge." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Revenge." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Revenge." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Revenge." Do THT.

Say, "I am full of Happiness." Do THT

Say, "I express Happiness." Do THT

Here is the next set

Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Anger." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Anger." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Anger." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Anger." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Anger." Do THT.

Say, "I am full of Freedom." Do THT

Say, "I express Freedom." Do THT

Here is the next set

Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Discouragement." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Discouragement." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Discouragement." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Discouragement." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Discouragement." Do THT.

Say, "I am full of Hopefulness." Do THT

Say, "I express Hopefulness." Do THT

Here is the next set

Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Blame." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Blame." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Blame." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Blame." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Blame." Do THT.

Say, "I am full of Empowerment." Do THT

Say, "I express Empowerment." Do THT

Here is the next set

Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Worry." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Worry." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Worry." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Worry." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Worry." Do THT.

Say, "I am full of Possitive expectation." Do THT

Say, "I express Possitive expectation." Do THT

Here is the next set

Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Doubt." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Doubt." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Doubt." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Doubt." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Doubt." Do THT.

Say, "I am full of Belief." Do THT

Say, "I express Belief." Do THT

Here is the next set

Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Disappointment." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Disappointment." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Disappointment." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Disappointment." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Disappointment." Do THT.

Say, "I am full of Eagerness." Do THT

Say, "I express Eagerness." Do THT

Here is the next set

Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Overwhelment." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Overwhelment." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Overwhelment." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Overwhelment." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Overwhelment." Do THT.

Say, "I am full of Joy." Do THT

Say, "I express Joy." Do THT

Here is the next set

Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Frustration, Irritation, Impatience." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Frustration, Irritation, Impatience." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Frustration, Irritation, Impatience." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Frustration, Irritation, Impatience." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Frustration, Irritation, Impatience." Do THT.

Say, "I am full of Enthusiasm." Do THT

Say, "I express Enthusiasm." Do THT

Here is the next set

Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Pessimism." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Pessimism." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Pessimism." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Pessimism." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Pessimism." Do THT.

Say, "I am full of Optimism." Do THT

Say, "I express Optimism." Do THT

Here is the next set

Do THT. Say, "Delete all the ways I feel and hold in my body Boredom." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the physical and psychological causes and affects of Boredom." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the mental and emotional causes and affects of Boredom." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the psychic/epmathic and spiritual causes and affects of Boredom." Do THT.

Say, "Delete all the unknown and remaining causes and affects of Boredom." Do THT.

Say, "I am full of Contentment." Do THT

Say, "I express Contentment." Do THT


answered 09 Nov '12, 10:04

Fairy%20Princess's gravatar image

Fairy Princess

@Fairy Princess Wow - thank you very much for this. I have done a couple of sets today but would you recommend just one set each day?

(10 Nov '12, 06:03) Catherine

I recommend doing as many as you want and have time for in a day. If you can get through the whole thing in a day, then you will be done that much faster. I am glad you are doing it. I would love to hear how you feel after the whole thing.

(10 Nov '12, 07:30) Fairy Princess

The best ways that I have found to relax the whole being of You are Deep Breathing and Yoga Nidra. Thank You


answered 09 Nov '12, 15:54

Brian's gravatar image


@Brian Thank you - I have never heard of Yoga Nidra. There are a few books on Amazon - just wondered if you could recommend one for a complete beginner. By the way, I had a look at your website - I like the way you have done it - you must be really pleased with it.

(10 Nov '12, 06:05) Catherine

Hi Catherine, Thanks. Books are good, rather experience and enjoy. Yoga Nidra by Richard Miller has an audio practice cd included. Peace

(10 Nov '12, 12:11) Brian

@Brian Good point Brian - thanks for the recommendation.

(10 Nov '12, 13:33) Catherine
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

Please go ahead and try this. Your whole body is asleep,. and ur mind is completely awake.

pleas follow these guidelines.....

)use headphones ,

) make sure right is in right ear, left in left,,,

)never more that 3 x a day,, don't use 2diffrnet ones in any one day ,...}

) breath deep in nose,, out your mouth,,,

)don't lie down unless u r told to,,,

)if u have seizures,, don't do ,, or do at your own risk,,,

)don't do if tired,,


)if u get done with these,, and u feel tired every time,, drink a lot of cold water,., walk around,,

)and if it gets too intense,, start counting back form 10 and when u get to 3 or 4 start moving fingers n toes,, 2 start moving bid slooooowly ,, one open your eyes,,

) use your heart and soul to guide u once in trance free flows,AND IF U WNAT TO DO SOMTHING UIN THIS MEDITATION ( heal urself mannifets) SET UR INTENT AFTER U FREEFLOW,,

) relax

) have fun

This is one medditation to help open up psychicly and to contact higer self. This is the very first step in many. When you feel like ur body is asleep and ur mind is awake. Your ready for teh next step. Remeber breath in ur nose and out ur mouth,,,,deeeeeeeep breaths.





answered 08 Nov '12, 19:26

TReb%20Bor%20yit-NE's gravatar image

TReb Bor yit-NE

edited 11 Nov '12, 14:49

@TReb Bor yit-NE Frustratingly I got interrupted at the bubble stage but then went back and re-did the bubble and continued - even with that it was really really powerful and my body did relax - yay. I saw loads of fantastic colours. Thank you very much Treb. I'll master the ten state and then go on to the second one. Are there any more after that?

(09 Nov '12, 06:30) Catherine

@Catherine yes, there are more, and even full systems that I learned from. each of these stages help grow in states, up to and past the 21 state, which is where i met Treb. they are not public because beginners do not realize how strong they really are, and they want to jump to it. I suggest doing like u said, master the techniques. and then after u revive no more added benefits from it, move to the next step. When u r ready please let me know.

(11 Nov '12, 14:49) TReb Bor yit-NE
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