I don’t believe this question has been addressed in IQ – or if it has been at least not to my satisfaction.

So here is my strictly theoretical dilemma.

One the one hand we are told by sages, seers and prophets down the ages – and channelled entities now – that we should practise regular alignment (the terminology varies), so that we can avoid being hurt.

On the other hand the same sages, seers and prophets down the ages – and channelled entities now – say that we should become unhurtable.

So my question is:

If we genuinely become unhurtable, then it appears that we don’t need to be aligned any more. We can think all kind of critical, angry, jealous, revengeful and violent thoughts all day, but we have nothing to worry about because no matter what consequences of those thoughts law of attraction brings us, we are unhurtable.

Now before you answer, please take care that you don’t conflate different topics and ideas.

You might say “But you can’t think critical, angry, jealous, revengeful and violent thoughts any more once you have done all the vibrational work to become unhurtable”.

And I’d say to you, that’s not the point. The question is more fundamental than that. The question is: Why do all the vibrational work to avoid something that doesn’t matter after all?

asked 20 Aug '15, 13:19

cod2's gravatar image


cod2, genunine unhurtability, is this a cognitive creation that understands the natural law of consequences, does it know responsible action

(23 Aug '15, 18:50) fred

I don't think unhurtability and alignment are contradictory... it's just a bit paradoxical.

Here's a snippet from the answer you linked to...

If you remain in a place of connection regardless of any behavior you observe from another, you are Unhurtable.

Being unhurtable means that you can stay aligned regardless of circumstances. It allows you to live by one of my favorite Bashar quotes...

Circumstances don't matter. Only state of being matters.

So now if we look back at the start of your question...

If we genuinely become unhurtable, then it appears that we don't need to be aligned any more.

It sounds like there's some confusion around what unhurtable means here... if you genuinely become unhurtable, you'll just stay aligned all the time :)

And if you stay aligned all the time, then nothing can hurt you, because only state of being matters.

But in your question, you specifically say...

You might say "But you can't think critical, angry, jealous, revengeful and violent thoughts any more once you have done all the vibrational work to become unhurtable".

And I'd say to you, that's not the point. The question is more fundamental than that. The question is: Why do all the vibrational work to avoid something that doesn't matter after all?

And I'm saying back to you: the critical, angry, jealous, revengeful and violent thoughts IS THE VERY THING that's hurting you. Negative emotion, or anything that keeps you out of alignment, is "hurt" and your unconditional alignment is the idea of being "unhurtable". The physical manifestations that follow from that don't really matter...

But here's the interesting part: Physical manifestations don't matter only if you are unhurtable (they do matter if you are not). So, fundamentally, the idea of becoming unhurtable is a paradox... you can either not be unhurtable and be hurt by things, or become unhurtable after which there would be no point of becoming unhurtable b/c being "hurt" doesn't really matter anymore.

In conclusion, you can choose whichever path you desire, unhurtable or not, but whatever you do, remember that it's all about making the best of it :)

P.S. There's also the idea of unhurtability being only temporary, you can't earn unhurtability like a college degree, you either have it at this time or you don't. But I won't really get into the details of that, for that's a whole other can of worms :)


answered 20 Aug '15, 21:50

WeRadiateBeauty's gravatar image


edited 20 Aug '15, 21:55


you talk about a place of connection. and that is good the only problem is that many are divided in them self that is the cause of their disconnection. a man seeking enlightenment went and asked a sage what is enlightment this sage told him is when your mind is clear with no division then asked another sage and he told him it is when your heart is clear with no division then asked another sage and he said it is when your mind and heart is clear and you see a light that speak and lead you I-

(20 Aug '15, 23:20) white tiger

believe that this is God.then he went to see another and this one told him it is all true except that the spirit that lead you is you the spirit made in the image of God, when the water(mind and heart) become one with the light that lead you with out fear you go above to the kingdom of light where the pure of heart shall see God, I am not a divider, am I?

(20 Aug '15, 23:22) white tiger

Good answer @WeRadiateBeauty. I am beginning to think I should probably stay away from these theoretical questions and paradoxes... because after a while my head starts to hurt :-)

(21 Aug '15, 04:30) cod2

@WeRadiateBeauty Nice answer :). "the critical, angry, jealous, revengeful and violent thoughts IS THE VERY THING that's hurting you" Yes, that's it. It's never what someone says or does that hurts. The only thing that hurts is what one thinks about himself... after observing someone saying or doing something. So literally, hurt is always self-hurt. There is a quote I like from Byron Katie.

(21 Aug '15, 06:54) releaser99

"Hurt feelings or discomfort of any kind cannot be caused by another person. No one outside me can hurt me. That's not a possibility. It's only when I believe a stressful thought that I get hurt. And I'm the one who's hurting me by believing what I think. This is very good news, because it means that I don't have to get someone else to stop hurting me. I'm the one who can stop hurting me. It's within my power."

(21 Aug '15, 06:55) releaser99

And if one wants to have an easy, practical method to understand this point in most daily life situations, one can use @lozenge123's great "bum on the street analogy" :). http://www.inwardquest.com/questions/62584/do-people-try-to-make-you-feel-guilty-for-taking-care-of-yourself-for-enjoying-your-life-how-do-you-handle-that#62673

(21 Aug '15, 06:55) releaser99
showing 2 of 6 show 4 more comments

to answer your question:Why do all the vibrational work to avoid something that doesn't matter after all? the work is to clean your water. ask your self this why do people become angry, jealous,revengeful and violent? and does it make them happy? does it make other people around them happy? then why carry that poison around inside their cup and poison other people water around them? once you get that understanding or have drink enough dirty water in this world and become enough intoxicated and decide to become sober and become thirsty and seek the truth you will come to the understanding of this. it does matter but you cannot change the world from the outside only from the inside and it is true for every one since every one as freewill and make their own choice according to their understanding and desire. does it make you unhurt able? if you are not align and go in extreme to the right and the left to the down and the above you only will come back to the opposite to where you are going and eventually to the same place that you are before you make the decision to go in one extreme way. if you do not believe me on this take a compass and decide of what direction you will follow and follow that direction only, start walking and do not stop and I tell you that eventually you will be in the opposite direction that you where going and will come back to the same place. then will it hurt you? will you be mad of having chase a dream in extreme for nothing since you come back to the same place? if you would have know that in the beginning would you have been going in extreme? you see there is no problem knowing the truth or experiencing anything you want. the only problem is when you are not align and follow your desire being blind to the truth and following a lie eventually you are hurt by it. was the division inside or outside? and who made that choice and that division? I am not a divider, am I? do you seek to become unhurt able is that what you seek? you will probably achieve it for a little while then after a little while you will be really hurt then after a little while you will come back to make another choice.


answered 20 Aug '15, 21:20

white%20tiger's gravatar image

white tiger

edited 20 Aug '15, 21:33

Interior knowledge renders invincible, renders unhurtable if only daily life didn't dress it's barriers, interior knowledge doorway to the whole, universal knowledge.

And what is alignment but perfect harmony and equilibrium, constant poetry in motion.


answered 21 Aug '15, 02:11

jaz's gravatar image


edited 21 Aug '15, 02:13

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