Stingray and many others claim this "If you can imagine it, you can manifest it" rule Theoretically, YES I Agree... but is there any evidence on things considered to be MIRACLOUS? Like changing your genetics so much, that your bones & muscles shape change, incl. facial structure? Losing weight is bit different, you don't necessarily need to consciously know about the LOA. Stories are nice and empowering, but a real pic, video would be even more, and I really don't see why NOT to share stuff like this, which could GREATLY help others. PS: Wow why does this have to be at least 1000 chars, sry for this but im just going to repeat this sentence over and over to get my 1000 chars. PS: Wow why does this have to be at least 1000 chars, sry for this but im just going to repeat this sentence over and over to get my 1000 chars. PS: Wow why does this have to be at least 1000 chars, sry for this but im just going to repeat this sentence over and over to get my 1000 chars. PS: Wow why does this have to be at least 1000 chars, sry for this but im just going to repeat this sentence over and over to get my 1000 chars. |
The question has been closed for the following reason "Vague question / Question does not contain enough detail" by Barry Allen 22 Jun '13, 16:05

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@petike1, I'm closing your question for abuse of the 1,000 character minimum limit. I suggest you re-ask your question with appropriate detail.