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Pick one that resonates with you, write it on the wheel, and fill in the blank. You can use the same sentence starter again and again or choose o new one for each segment of the wheel.

  1. I know that.............
  2. I believe Abraham when they say.............
  3. I appreciate knowing.............
  4. I'm ready for.............
  5. I'm looking forward to.............
  6. I'm understanding more about............. every day.
  7. There is no rush to.............
  8. These things have already manifested for me:.............
  9. I know that more.......... is lining up for me.
  10. I'm ready to feel.........
  11. These are beliefs that served me in the past, but.............
  12. I have old patterns of thoughts, now I.............
  13. Now what I'm aware of my limiting belief,.............
  14. I've known for a while that this belief hasn't been serving me, so.............
  15. My new awareness helps me to see.............
  16. I am allowing.............
  17. I want to feel the ease of.............
  18. I'm eager to see.............
  19. I'm eager to feel.............
  20. I like knowing.............
  21. I am learning.............
  22. I am aware of.............
  23. I love knowing.............
  24. I am enjoying.............
  25. It will be fun to see.............
  26. It will be fun to feel.............
  27. It's good to know that.............
  28. I love feeling.............
  29. I feel good about.............
  30. I already know.............
  31. I understand that.............
  32. I am at ease with.............
  33. I like my feeling of ease about.............
  34. This is right on track because.............

Please feel free to add your own sentence starters that work for you.

asked 31 Jul '13, 06:10

releaser99's gravatar image


edited 31 Jul '13, 06:12


@releaser99 - Thanks for posting's very helpful.

(31 Jul '13, 07:55) lozenge123

@releaser99 - This is wonderful. I have had only a few minutes a day during the last week or so to visit IQ, and have been logging in as often as I can to search for reminders and inspiration for my Focus Blocks: I have been drawing a blank on them every morning, suddenly stumped.

This is wonderful synchronicity; another IQ mind meld. You have been peeking in my head again! ;)

(31 Jul '13, 13:27) Grace

@Releaser99- Very useful, thanks :)

(31 Jul '13, 17:24) Satori

I'm laminating this list - thanks Releaser.

(01 Aug '13, 08:44) Catherine
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I'll add the following information here since it might also be useful to someone looking for this kind of information...

When I first started out using Focus Wheels systematically (which eventually morphed into the method called Focus Blocks), I remember finding the following book useful for giving me ideas for coming up with belief-changing statements.

Mind-lines: Lines For Changing Minds

Just as an additional tip for generating statements...whenever you get stuck just make a more general statement until you feel "locked in" to the Focus Wheel/Block and then you can start getting more specific again to really solidify the belief at a new level.

There is an example of this idea in action here: Focus Blocks - Do the statements have to be written in a positive way?

Quoting from it...

When you are outside the Vortex and you are struggling to come up with another statement, try focusing on more general statements.

e.g. if writing the statement "I feel Joe is not that bad" is too much of a leap for you, back off into generality with statements like "I have noticed there have been times when Joe has not been that bad" or "There do appear to be people who seem to like Joe so I guess he must have some nice qualities". See what I mean?

However, backing off into generality loses power so it is better to then start getting as specific again as you can with future statements until your emotions tell you that you've become too specific again...through you dipping into feeling bad again regarding the statements.

So it's a kind of child's see-saw moving back and forth between specificness and generality.


answered 31 Jul '13, 06:31

Stingray's gravatar image


Thank you, @Stingray. I needed this just now. :)

(31 Jul '13, 13:30) Grace

@Grace - You're welcome. That Joe guy upsets a lot of people :)

(31 Jul '13, 15:11) Stingray

@Stingray - I guess he's not all that bad, now that I think on it... He does tell some funny jokes in the office... Brought coffee in the other day...

(31 Jul '13, 15:23) Grace

@Stingray- Nice helpful answer, thanks. Just to add ( I'm sure you've read it) I found the book The Astonishing Power Of Emotions by Abraham Hicks very useful as well. It contains many examples of Focus Block type statements on loads of different issues.

(31 Jul '13, 17:21) Satori

@Satori - Ah yes, completely forgot about that one. Thanks for mentioning it :) It's a great pre-prepared library of vibrational ladders. Abraham have said that the idea of that book is that, if you read it in order from start to finish, it will automatically move you up the vibrational scale on many commonly "resistance-filled" subjects. I've often thought about creating some way of having common libraries of Focus Blocks that people could read when they need a quick "lift" on a certain...

(01 Aug '13, 03:17) Stingray

@Satori - ...resistance-filled topic. Just haven't got around to working out the details of how it would work yet :) And I don't know how useful one person's Focus Blocks statements would be for another person. Would be an interesting experiment to try sometime.

(01 Aug '13, 03:18) Stingray

@Stingray What a great idea! "I don't know how useful one person's Focus Blocks statements would be for another person" Maybe it would be useful for many people when keeping the FB statements very general like Abraham do when they uplift others. I've noticed that horoscope writers do this all the time. That's why for example one can read today's horoscope of Hitler and feel uplifted. Here are some generally negative and generally positive statements of Abe that should fit to almost...

(01 Aug '13, 04:30) releaser99

...every problem Btw here is today's horoscope of Hitler. Now if I were him today, I would most likely feel uplifted :) "You are keenly aware of what you need both physically and spiritually. Changes in lifestyle may be in order. Possibly you've been hitting it a bit too hard and need some down time. If so, take some time off to reenergize. A day away from decision making may do you a world of good."

(01 Aug '13, 04:30) releaser99

@Stingray-"Abraham have said that the idea of that book is that, if you read it in order from start to finish, it will automatically move you up the vibrational scale on many commonly "resistance-filled" subjects". Very interesting. I didn't know this:)

"I've often thought about creating some way of having common libraries of Focus Blocks that people could read when they need a quick "lift" on a certain resistance-filled topic"......

(01 Aug '13, 05:13) Satori

@Stingray- Excellent idea! I think in a way your already doing this though. Your IQ answers already have this effect on myself, and others I'm sure:)

(01 Aug '13, 05:14) Satori

@releaser99 - "Maybe it would be useful for many people when keeping the FB statements very general like Abraham do when they uplift others" - Yes, I can see that working pretty well...building a library of General Focus Block/Wheel statements for a particular topic since they would probably be applicable to everyone. Someone could just probably scan from the list and copy and paste something that resonates with them straight into their own Focus Block/Wheel. The Specific aspect...

(02 Aug '13, 09:51) Stingray

@releaser99 - ...would probably still have to be created by an individual as it would probably need to be customized by them for their own particular situation.

Elaborating further, this "library of statements" idea seems ideally suited for the Abraham Grid approach:

Specific Negative in the grid comes about automatically because it is you "complaining" about your issue.

General Negative would be library statements for that topic.

(02 Aug '13, 09:55) Stingray

General Positive would be library statements for that topic.

Specific Positive would be what the Universe automatically fills in as vibrational matches, or any specific statements by you that easily come to mind.

Thoughts? :)

(02 Aug '13, 09:57) Stingray

@Stingray Yes, I think that's exactly how it should work. I have some FB topics with "canned" sentences only from Abe seminars. Works pretty well :). I just read those general statements and compare them to my initial specifically negative statement(s) again and again until I feel a "combustion point" as you call it. And often specifically positive's pop into my head afterwards. These general statements can be applied to almost every problem with just a slight change :).

(02 Aug '13, 12:48) releaser99

@releaser99 - Okay, I'll get the ball rolling shortly with a few IQ posts featuring sets of "library statements" on a few subjects split into General Negative and General Positive.

(05 Aug '13, 03:20) Stingray

@releaser99 - Just an update. I've been experimenting with splitting statements into General Negative and General Positive and I've come to the conclusion that it is going to cause problems for people in adding/updating the posts when deciding how to artificially separate statements into the two categories. So I'm going to stick with one long list for each subject and instead am going to provide instructions for (emotionally) iterating through the statements to find the most resonate one.

(12 Aug '13, 10:07) Stingray

@releaser99 - Should be up and running with this "experiment" shortly, possibly even today if I have time :)

(12 Aug '13, 10:08) Stingray

@Stingray " going to cause problems for people in adding/updating the posts when deciding how to artificially separate statements into the two categories." OK, I haven't thought of that one. But I see that it could be confusing since sometimes there is an overlap between "general negative's" and "general positive's" depending on one's emotional setpoint. I'm curious to know how this experiment goes :).

(12 Aug '13, 12:00) releaser99

@releaser99 - "there is an overlap between "general negative's" and "general positive's" depending on one's emotional setpoint" - Yes, that's exactly the issue. I think there's a bit of a danger in people getting side-tracked in discussing what goes where rather than just using (and sharing) the statements to feel better in the moment :) So probably better to leave the final classification up to the end-user of the statements.

(12 Aug '13, 12:50) Stingray

Hello @Stingray and @releaser99. Did the list ever get posted? I would like to see it. :-).

(19 Dec '14, 16:04) Kriegerd
(21 Dec '14, 08:24) releaser99
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