This question is marked "community wiki".

This is a selection of some of the best questions and answers from Inward Quest for 2009 - 2010, as chosen by the members of Inward Quest.

I would like to offer my sincere thanks to all those who helped make this selection possible.

All the best,

This thread is Community Wiki so no-one will gain reputation points from taking part

asked 16 Dec '10, 13:00

Simon%20Templeton's gravatar image

Simon Templeton ♦♦

closed 30 Dec '11, 11:49

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

Thanks Simon. Actually I've not been inspired to answer many of the more recent questions, so looking at some of the older questions and those I may have missed is a good idea.

(18 Dec '10, 06:54) Eddie

Hi Simon. If you cold, and If need be, Please consider keeping the "nominations" window open longer, perhaps till the end of January and restrict the Questions/Answers to Dec31/2010 and before. I think everyone, right now, is too distracted with Christmas and New Year to put forth the required effort to re-visit the older "favorite" questions. (I am speaking for myself with regards to this comment)

(31 Dec '10, 17:55) The Traveller

Hi Simon. I just discovered your comment on David Ike's blog about this site. If my comments for this question ( ) are in any way inappropriate (it was not meant to be) Please delete those comments. I do believe that David Ike, himself would probably not be concerned in any way by information of this nature as he is often the first to say "Question everything".

(31 Dec '10, 18:28) The Traveller

Hi Traveller, I haven't made any comments on David Icke's blog. Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else? On your other point, I think I would prefer to lock this thread "on time" rather than disappoint those who might add out-of-date-range questions/answers.

(01 Jan '11, 00:13) Simon Templeton ♦♦
showing 2 of 4 show 2 more comments

The question has been closed for the following reason "No longer relevant" by Barry Allen 30 Dec '11, 11:49

Is it necessary to practice a religion to be considered a spiritual person?

Another great answer from The Traveller that I still chuckle at today from time to time. I love the way the story ends with the physicist profiting from the closed-mindedness of the two opposing factions. So relevant to today's world in so many ways :)

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answered 16 Dec '10, 13:26

Stingray's gravatar image


Fabulous. I didn't notice this posting until now. Thanks for highlighting a fantastic answer!

(16 Dec '10, 17:11) Pat W

What is happening when manifesting is taking its time?

I like this question and this answer by Tania K very much, as oftentimes, I get impatient or discouraged when I don't see signs of manifestation after a while. This puts things in perspective. I felt it to be a very reassuring, calming answer, and I think many who are on this same journey would find it useful too.

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answered 17 Dec '10, 01:24

Pat%20W's gravatar image

Pat W

They say that “Old Habits Die Hard…” Can we make it easy instead? How?

I think this was one of The Traveller's first answers (it's about the "tree of consciousness") and I thought it was a remarkably insightful analogy of the relationship between thoughts and experiences

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answered 16 Dec '10, 13:21

Stingray's gravatar image


Great suggestion, it shifted my vibe even higher. Very thankful!

(17 Dec '10, 04:11) figure8shape

Wow! I'm feeling self-conscious about this recognition. Perhaps I can add some explanation as to how those answers came about. Those answers were the result of accumulated understanding from experimentation over many years. I was bursting with the desire to share them, but didn't find the right outlet to do so. So everything I could put down came out in those early answers. I was afraid to share these ideas because I felt possessive of them. I was afraid that somebody would steal them and publish their own material.

(28 Dec '10, 19:35) The Traveller

Them someone asked Simon this exact question (on who owns the information on the forum). His answer was a huge factor in allowing me to share everything I had learned without holding back. And I was pleasantly surprised to see that there were many others that trusted their own accumulated experience and knowledge even if it is “incorrect” by a different yardstick of measure.

(28 Dec '10, 19:35) The Traveller
showing 2 of 3 show 1 more comments

What does detachment truly mean in law of attraction?

I like this answer about whether it is even necessary to detach ourselves from what we want to manifest for it to manifest. Reading it made me suddenly conscious that, hey, what I want is already created. I don't need to try so hard to "create" it anymore. All I need to do now is start feeling good and getting out of the way. It was extremely useful and enlightening for me.

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answered 16 Dec '10, 17:22

Pat%20W's gravatar image

Pat W

One of my favourite questions would have to be this one by Traveller - ( Not because mine was the accepted answer ), but because it really did get me to become aware that that's exactly what I was doing and needed to keep on doing to open my mind and expand my own awareness to those beliefs that are still limiting me - which is what capitulates us toward real growth. Thanks again Traveller :)

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answered 17 Dec '10, 01:38

Michaela's gravatar image


A lot of spiritual texts talk about the power of Presence or the Now moment, so I think this question of Stingray's is worth a mention - Without a doubt Traveller's answer to this one was definitely one of the best for me in 2010.

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answered 18 Dec '10, 02:15

Michaela's gravatar image


Am I responsible for the Gulf Oil Spill, from a Law of Attraction perspective?

I think this is such a great question because it really highlights that if the Law of Attraction operates as claimed in creating your reality then you must have a vibrational part to play in everything that happens, no matter what it is

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answered 16 Dec '10, 15:42

Stingray's gravatar image


I'd like to submit the question, What is the truth that can give us real freedom and happiness? I think pondering this question and realizing these answers can be very beneficial to someone on an inward quest.

Thank you

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answered 17 Dec '10, 10:09

Brian's gravatar image


edited 17 Dec '10, 10:26

Barry%20Allen's gravatar image

Barry Allen ♦♦

This posting was made by Brian, even though the system is crediting it to me

(17 Dec '10, 10:35) Barry Allen ♦♦

Thanks for listing this one anyway :-)

(18 Dec '10, 06:55) Eddie

Why is Christmas so popular?

I'm going to mention this answer concerning the metaphysical cycles which underlie all life, which was written :) It's not because I really am that conceited that I need to highlight my own answer but because, before I came across Law of Attraction ideas, I spent a decade or more of my life intensively piecing all this together from various sources. The analysis of life's natural cycles was (and in many ways, still is) quite an obsession of mine :)

The ideas presented in this answer work extremely well if you apply them to analyze any cyclic activity in your life. So I thought it would be valuable to highlight them again in this "best of" thread

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answered 17 Dec '10, 12:02

Stingray's gravatar image


How can we forget all the Manifesting Experiments contributed by Stingray, which were also made into community wiki threads, thus unselfishly giving up all the recognition that was entitled to him?

So I nominate Stingray's LOA "HOW TO" posts as the most life changing contributions for 2010 in this forum.

Manifesting Experiment Guide


Then again, I also feel that everyone’s contributions and participation here make up what this forum is all about.

Without the rest it will be like trying to organize a get-together where nobody shows up.

So Thank YOU Everyone and, yes, Thank You Stingray for your Magnificent and unselfish contributions!

This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 28 Dec '10, 19:20

The%20Traveller's gravatar image

The Traveller

edited 30 Dec '10, 21:52

I revised the previous link.

(30 Dec '10, 21:52) The Traveller
This answer is marked "community wiki".

answered 24 Dec '10, 06:45

Pranay's gravatar image


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