It is said by Stingray here that if an action does not feel like "Hell Yes!", then it is probably "Hell No."

But based on my understanding about aligning with yourself and being in the "Vortex", when you are not aligned with yourself - almost every thing will feel like "Hell No." to you. So, I find this quite contradictory and was wondering whether it is still possible to have certain actions which you feel inspired to take that feels like "Hell Yes!" even when you are outside the Vortex?

For example, if someone is trying to look for a job in maybe an IT related field but all he gets are interviews from the civil engineering field. But he does not has an IT-related degree and only a civil engineering degree, so it may be difficult for him to enter the IT related field. Then, maybe after he thinks that he should not be picky and just go for the civil engineering interviews, he finds it difficult to feel interested because it feels like "Hell No." to him. Each interview makes him more demoralized and sad without any offer, and even if a great IT related job comes along to him right now, he may not feel "Hell Yes!" anymore as compared to the start due to being demoralized (i.e. being outside of the Vortex). Or can the job itself actually help to lift him back into the correct mood or that he can still feel "Hell Yes" even when outside of the Vortex?

asked 05 Nov '14, 11:11

kakaboo's gravatar image


edited 09 May '15, 10:42

IQ%20Moderator's gravatar image

IQ Moderator ♦♦

Personally, I think civil engineering sounds WAY more fun than IT :)

(06 Nov '14, 10:43) Beach Baby
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when you are not aligned with yourself - almost every thing will feel like "Hell No." to you

I don't agree with this statement above.

Your emotional range is fixed so, at any time, things can feel like "Hell, Yeah" to you.

For example, depressed people get into relationships with other depressed people all the time. And it feels totally like "Hell, Yeah" to each of them at the time :)

...and it works fine until one of them starts to feel better and then the clattering fun begins :) ...because the people you choose to become involved with when you are depressed are unlikely to be the ones you would choose when you are ecstatic and joyful.

The underlying issue you appear to be getting at is whether the "Hell, Yeah" action you would take when you are out of the Vortex is going to be the same "Hell, Yeah" action that you would take when you are in the Vortex.

I haven't found that to be the case. I'm trying to think of an exception right now in my own life and I can't think of one.

For example, when you are extremely angry with someone, your "Hell, Yeah" action at that moment might be to knock them out with a punch and, in doing so, you really would feel great at that exact moment knowing you've "won" the fight.

alt text

But when you find yourself Vortex-aligned, fighting with another will never be your "Hell, Yeah" action because you can never knowingly hurt another when you are fully-aligned with Source.

So "Hell, Yeah" actions out of the Vortex (even though they feel like "Hell, Yeah" at the time) morph as you feel better. Bashar acknowledges this in his action-first approach to manifesting..."always choose the next most exciting thing to do".

The quote that @Pink Diamond related in her answer (I've copied it below) deals with a slightly different issue.

If you spend the majority of your time in the "higher" emotions like Optimism, Happiness etc, the inspiration will genuinely feel like inspiration. It will feel like positive nudging in a certain direction because you are interpreting the inspiration through a relatively clear personal vibrational filter.

But if you are lower down on the scale generally, for example in anger, depression, you can interpret those same inspirations as stern warnings or commands.

In this case we're talking about a theoretical situation where, for example, you are driving down a freeway, not in the Vortex, and another vehicle has lost control and is about to smash into yours.

Here, assuming you usually have a decent Source connection (i.e. you've got generally good-feeling habits), there isn't enough time for Source to inspire a more gentle "Hell, Yeah" leading to another better-feeling "Hell, Yeah" and another, and another...until you are Vortex-aligned.

So in this case, you might experience a direct intuitive impulse from Source to turn your vehicle in another direction to avoid the crash but, because you are not aligned in the moment, you might experience the impulse as a "Turn The Steering Wheel Now, You Idiot!" kind of inner scream...because that "kind, gentle" impulse from Source is being interpreted through an out-of-the-Vortex filter.

To clarify further, if you were Vortex-aligned and were in the same oncoming vehicle smash situation, you would receive something like a "Hell, Yeah, I'm going to turn my steering wheel and move into that lane" and you would probably have no idea at all that you've just avoided an accident.

This is because (and it's an important point that I don't think has been mentioned on IQ before)...

Source always guides TO something and never away from something's only human beings that, through out-of-the-Vortex filters, interpret these loving impulses towards good-feeling things instead as "Commandments" to Not do this or that :)


answered 08 Nov '14, 04:00

Stingray's gravatar image


edited 08 Nov '14, 04:47

@Stingray - then if someone just follows the "Hell Yeah" inspired action no matter where he is on the emotional scale or when he is outside of the Vortex, will that bring him up the emotional scale or nearer to the vicinity of the vortex? Basically, is just following the "Hell Yeah" action no matter how you are feeling right now the correct thing to do ?

(08 Nov '14, 10:34) kakaboo

@kakaboo - Yes, that's right. It's equivalent to Following Relief up the emotional scale.

(08 Nov '14, 11:10) Stingray

A "Hell Yeah" inspiration is really just evidence that you have lined up with something. If you're not feeling that sort of rush to act then it's evidence that you have some resistance on that subject present in you.

You can feel knowing/freedom around a subject or doubt/worry/fear around a subject. In other words, you can be in the vortex on some subjects and out on others.

If you're feeling thirsty you will feel inspired to go to the water tap or to the fridge to get yourself a drink. You act effortlessly and instantly, nothing stops you because you KNOW that water will be there for you. You asked and you received, instantly.

If you're not feeling that same desire to just go and get the other things that you want in life now, today, then you need to clear resistance on the subject or get in the vortex consistently and habitually and act from there.

Once you're in the vortex most of the time ALL subjects that are important to you feel like the water because you're vibrating inside the vortex where all those things are. You ask and KNOW you will get what you desire, because you're in the vicinity of those things. You can see them right there, just like you can see the water now, instantly.

In the example you gave regarding jobs, the evidence is showing you that the person in the example is closer to knowing on the subject of civil engineering and closer to doubt (or lower down the scale) on IT.

You have to make IT feel as sure to you as the civil engineering does. That will take a little practice, that's all. There's more momentum and sureness on the civil engineering subject. More than likely because of holding the degree in that subject.


The subject in the example is closer to knowing on the subject of civil engineering because of the manifestations in that area (job interviews). The reluctance to act is evidence of resistance in regards to not wanting to work in that field. We often manifest things that we do not want, unconsciously.


answered 05 Nov '14, 12:17

Yes's gravatar image


edited 05 Nov '14, 12:36

You should probably read this question and answer thread because I think it is related to your question.

Personally, I don't think I have ever felt like "Hell Yes" from a bad feeling place. You know what I am going to say next. You need to get in the vortex first and then take action.

I think that the most important thing of all is how you feel when you are taking action. That is what will determine the outcome.

To clarify in your situation, the fact that this IT related job does not feel like "Hell Yes" is an indication that this is not the right course of action for you at this moment in time. You might decide that you still want to take that action from a bad feeling place. From personal experience, the outcome is usually not one that will bring you the job experience you are after. You might end up reporting to the worse manager ever. (I have been there :-))

Now, if the same action was an inspired action that you felt compelled to take as a result of vortex alignment work, then it would be impossible for this course of action not to have a favorable outcome.


I have just spotted an answer by Stingray that will shed some more light on the subject. I have quoted a snippet from it below:

If you spend the majority of your time in the "higher" emotions like Optimism, Happiness etc, the inspiration will genuinely feel like inspiration. It will feel like positive nudging in a certain direction because you are interpreting the inspiration through a relatively clear personal vibrational filter.

But if you are lower down on the scale generally, for example in anger, depression, you can interpret those same inspirations as stern warnings or commands.


answered 05 Nov '14, 16:08

Pink%20Diamond's gravatar image

Pink Diamond

edited 05 Nov '14, 16:39

Thanks. But that person isn't me, was just trying to think of an example to fill up 1000 characters :p.

And also, - "But if you are lower down on the scale generally, for example in anger, depression, you can interpret those same inspirations as stern warnings or commands."

This is what exactly I was trying to ask - about whether there could actually be exceptions ?

(05 Nov '14, 17:57) kakaboo

All I can say Kakaboo is that I experienced at least 4 major situations in my life where I felt "Hell, yeah", each of which was an inspired action, and each led to dramatic and long-lasting improvement to my life.

When these events took place, I didn't know anything about the vortex and I was mostly a very unhappy and angry man.

All those events gave me something that I had asked for in my manifesting box, and each contributed to strengthening my belief in LOA. Each of those events felt like a miracle, based on the way they unfolded.


answered 05 Nov '14, 11:33

cod2's gravatar image


edited 05 Nov '14, 17:54

I think you can experience a 'Hell Yes' outside the Vortex, because everybody receives a Hell Yes now and then. But, would this Hell Yes outside the Vortex also would have been a Hell Yes inside the Vortex? I think the "what was I thinking' situation applies there. When you are in the higher vibrations and something is a Hell Yes, it would be something that will amplify your current vibration and bring you further. When outside the Vortex and something feels like a Hell Yes, it will also amplify your vibration, but the other way around. I think it all has to do with true feeling, being clear and honest to yourself. Some things could be an answer to a need and it will feel like a Hell Yes, but will it also be a Hell Yes to the Wholeness that you are?


answered 10 Nov '14, 10:42

TimH's gravatar image


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