I have used Manifesting Experiment 4 a few times and have felt relief and it feels good afterwards, however I have been having second guesses! First of all I just wanted to ask and see if I understand the process correctly and whether I am doing it right or not: Is it absolutely imperative that I write down a statement in 'List-1' and then accompanying feeling or body sensation in 'List-2' and the belief that comes to mind in 'List-3' or is it alright that I write all that I can think of in 'List-1' and then write overall how I feel and what troubling or negative body sensations I feel instead of re-reading each statement in '1' and writing feeling against each one. Also, is it alright to just write what all limiting or blocking beliefs surface in general or should they be specific for each and every statement in '1'. Every time I have one of those sessions after completion I feel as if I have not yet done it fully, even after I feel relief; there is this lurking feeling of incompleteness. And this feeling is now manifesting itself as a resistance to doing more clearing sessions with this process. As an example, I discovered this belief that 'I am unworthy of this relationship', 'I am unworthy of love', 'I dont deserve an easy life' etc. Now up until this point of writing the limiting belief I feel pretty bad, have heavy feeling in my body at times at one occasion I even felt like crying, but as soon as i write down the last statement of belief (I can not think of anything further or nothing is coming from inside) I feel the negativity dissolving on its own. I have used the clearing method only once. I feel relief in the moment, but after sometime I feel as if the clearing was incomplete, as if something is still lurking under surface? How do I know if its just my doubt or if it is really incomplete? I mean what could be more basic belief that 'I dont deserve an easy life'? so why do I feel the discovery of belief is incomplete? how to ascertain if you have reached to absolute root? I am asking in great hope to know the answer as this 'doubt' or whatever is now making me resist the whole process in fear that what if I discover later that what I considered to have been dealt with is in-fact in need of further clean-up. Thanks for reading thus far and for your answers
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No, it's not absolutely imperative to do it the way it is in the experiment. You can make a complete list of everything that is bothering you, stack up all the negative body sensations and then wipe them all out with your chosen clearing method. This is basically what the FasterEFT Super Power Tap is all about. I would probably use Mind Mapping if I was doing a list of everything because it enables you to associate more freely. However, if you are going to do this then you must go back to your "complete list of everything" afterwards and test that you have no negative emotional reaction to any of the statements. If any particular statement causes a reaction within you then you are basically back to the standard ME-4 approach anyway (for that particular statement), if you think about it :) What you are really doing here is creating a List 0 - "List of everything" (instead of a more focused List 1) which you are clearing en masse and then tidying up the stragglers...a perfectly valid approach in itself. All the Manifesting Experiments are just simplified focus-guiding frameworks that attempt to help people who are struggling with "focus control" (because that's what all problems in life really are) and give them a starting point to regaining their self-empowerment. If you feel you can advance beyond what is written then feel free to try your approach out. The information is only based on what I've observed works for me over years of playing around with many different techniques and ideas. There's nothing that's set in stone - the experiments are just snapshots of my own understanding at the time I wrote them.
If you have identified a particular statement that is causing reactions within you and have produced a List 1 then your beliefs should be targeted at that list. If you are just doing your List 0 (list of everything) approach then I suppose you would just list every limiting belief you can think of that gets triggered by List 0 and then clean up your negative body sensations that arise as a result.
I should just remind you here that you'll never clean up your entire life...Law of Attraction won't allow it. So as long as whatever is left is not an obstacle to regular Vortex alignment, it is not something I would be concerned about. I've noticed that quite often, even if I feel I've left something unresolved vibrationally, just the habit of regular Vortex alignment moves me out of vibrational range of it anyway so it just gradually fades out of my life without me doing anything. It's only when the subject gets reactivated (perhaps months later) that I realize that I am now intersecting it vibrationally at a different point on the vibrational scale...the Vortex alignment habit is not allowing you to drift back.
Bashar's belief uncovering questions, which provided much of the inspiration for the ME-4 approach, are pretty reliable for uncovering the "root" of an issue. The questions are listed in their original forms in this answer:
What Bashar recommends is that if you can't see what your issue is then you ponder the questions for a few days to give your Higher/Inner Self some time to demonstrate to you within your life circumstances what the "root" of the problem really is. @Stingray Great answer as usual and i really like the idea of mind mapping. I think it's the missing key for me.
(08 Feb '13, 06:12)
"ponder the questions - demonstrate within life circumstances - get to the roots", yes i like it ;)
(08 Feb '13, 06:16)
ru bis
@Stingray, thank you so much for the insightful answer. SO the key is to find as much relief in the moment through the process and then feel good and if anything is still not brought forward it would become apparent through life and we can then clean them up? Sounds like a good plan. I guess another issue that kind of holds me back and that i find discouraging at times is that we have to do this work continuously and I am just starting out. the staggering pile of work that i see scares me...
(08 Feb '13, 18:32)
@Stingray..... did you ever have this issue, how to deal with it. Also, i sometimes get disheartened by this observation, that I could understand something so well in a moment on someday, but then i tend to regress back to the patterns 'pre-understanding' I would just love to have this understanding stick, any pointers?
(08 Feb '13, 18:34)
@Stingray, I just have a feeling after reading this answer that its going to be one of those answers that you read once and you get something and when you read again you get another nugget from the same words. why does this happen?
(08 Feb '13, 18:36)
@dreamersmiles - "SO the key is to find as much relief in the moment through the process and then feel good and if anything is still not brought forward it would become apparent through life and we can then clean them up" - Perfectly stated :)
(10 Feb '13, 09:19)
@dreamersmiles - "i find discouraging at times is that we have to do this work continuously" - But this is what life is, it's what you projected into this physical reality to do :) It's the constant in-and-out-of-alignment process that is the purpose of life, because it's at that boundary point of in-and-out that joy manifests...and seeking joy is the ultimate driver of everything in your life, wouldn't you say? :) As Abraham say, you can't get it wrong because you'll never get it done
(10 Feb '13, 09:23)
@dreamersmiles - "get another nugget from the same words. why does this happen?" - It happens because you can only perceive what you are a vibrational match to at any moment. So words that may have made little sense when in a bad-feeling state, suddenly become really obvious when one is a good-feeling state. That's why it's really hard to explain these ideas to anyone who is not already ready to hear them...it just sounds like blah, blah, blah to them :)
(10 Feb '13, 09:32)
@dreamersmiles - I just want to add a word about you feeling discouraged by the constant work: It gets easier as you go. Much, much easier. It's like any other mess, I think. Like, if you bought and old house to fix up. You know how you'd have to scrub and search for hidden stinky stuff... and then scrub some more? Then you'd sniff around for more stinky stuff and scrub some more...
(10 Feb '13, 10:27)
... Eventually you'd get to a point where it works for you, and from then on, it's mostly just routine maintenance, with some spring cleaning and a general chuck-out once in a while, as life changes. :) Maybe when you rearrange the furniture you'll find a lil dust. Bah. Much, much easier. Keep at it, you're doing great! :)
(10 Feb '13, 10:28)
@Stingray- I must have missed this. Excellent answer with ideas I could use right now. Thank you:) @Grace- Very good anology you use there which I have found to be true for me.
(28 Jan '14, 13:32)
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@dreamersmiles , if you have a look at Bashar
I promise you will feel so much better about everything
Love , Laughter and Light :-)
"even after I feel relief; there is this lurking feeling of incompleteness". Try to work on that. It's obvious and easy yet often extremely effective. This lurking feeling is an attempt to wanting to control the process. Why? Probably because you are afraid of failing. Do ME4 on this lurking feeling or use a clearing technique on it such as the Sedona Method, EFT etc. Could you let go of this lurking feeling of incompleteness/fear of failing/wanting to control all things in your life?
"I don't deserve an easy life" is not a basic belief. It is a consequence of the belief "I earn things". That automatically means there is a trade of some sort involved which you believe you fall short of. The belief can then be rephrased "I cannot offer enough value to receive an easy life." Cleanse the temple of traders and moneylenders.
@dreamersmiles - I'm a little short on time at the moment. If no-one else produces an answer for you, I'll write something up in a few days
@Starlight, thank you so much for the link, you were right it made me feel good. I am worthy, just because I exist- how lovely, if only I could integrate it fully into my life and remember it always!!!! But at least now I would try to remind myself of it more often. Thanks a lot!!
@Releaser99, a very good suggestion and question. I wanted to do as you suggested earlier, but my fear or resistance to the process was very strong, I am not sure if I am completely ready even to know if I am ready to let it go or not. I intend to examine it and understand it better but I don't know if I am ready for what would present itself to me. Thanks for bring it more to the forefront, its certainly worth examining.
@flowsurfer, thank you for your insight. i guess all of us are taught that you have to earn everything and yes trade is required for 'earning' but i am not dealing with traders in sense of money my issue is with trading of 'value' - intangible. And even though you pointed towards something else, I just realized something, I believe I don't have value and can not offer any value to anyone and hence no one would be benefited in any shape or form by interacting with me. wow! thanks for helping!
@dreamersmiles I say traders in the sense of the ideas of your own mind. You are the temple.
So happy you enjoyed , dont know if you are able ,but I uploaded to my iPhone , so if I get in Doubt mode I can listen straight away there's alot of power in that short 9 mins . Here's a couple of other links I especially liked Stingrays BIG Guy answer http://www.inwardquest.com/questions/65413/is-it-true-that-positive-thoughts-are-100-times-stronger-than-negative-ones ....
Contd....and the feedback I received to my question..... http://www.inwardquest.com/questions/66455/is-it-fair-to-say-that-feeling-good-is-the-key-or-secret-to-switching-on-our-invisible-power
@flowsurfer - "I don't deserve an easy life" is not a basic belief. It is a consequence of the belief "I earn things". I will keep that quote with me the rest of my life. I had never put those two together before. Simple and profound. Thank you. There is nothing to be earned, nothing deserved, it's all simply me. :)